Selected Videos on Sustainable Design
Audubon House
A videotape of the documentary: "Building Green, the Story of Audubon House", can be ordered through the National Audubon Society's Facilities Department. The 28-minute version and a 16-minute version are available.
Audubon House Video
National Audubon Society
700 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
Blue Vinyl
With humor, chutzpah and a piece of vinyl siding firmly in hand, Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Judith Helfand and co-director and award-winning cinematographer Daniel B. Gold set out in search of the truth about polyvinyl chloride (PVC), America's most popular plastic. From Long Island to Louisiana to Italy, they unearth the facts about PVC and its effects on human health and the environment.
Ecological design: inventing the future
Illuminates the emergence of ecological design in the 20th century. Features the ideas and prototypes of pioneering designers who have trail-blazed the development of sustainable architecture, cities, energy systems, transport and industry. Beginning in the 1920's with the work of R. Buckminster Fuller, moving through the 1960's and the Counter Culture and ending on the doorstep of the 21st century, this program follows the evolution of ecological design from the visions of a few independent thinkers to the powerful movement it is becoming.
Green Plans
Hosted by CNN's Jack Hamann, GREENPLANS presents a hopeful look at how two countries have moved beyond the usual environmental conflicts to develop widely supported national plans for sustainable development. Competing interests in the Netherlands and New Zealand were brought together to hammer out a comprehensive national environmental policy - or Green Plan - aimed at creating both a sustainable environment and economy within one generation's time. GREENPLANS travels to these two countries to profile how this new approach works, and also looks at efforts underway here in the U.S. and in other countries to adopt Green Plans. Among those featured is Huey Johnson, founder of the Resource Renewal Institute. Published by University of Nebraska Press, a 233-page book is also available, providing a more detailed look at the plans developed by Netherlands, New Zealand, and in several other countries.
• Pennsylvania’s First Green Building - Department of Environmental Protection’s Southcentral Regional Office Building
• Lesson’s Learned: The First Years - Department of Environmental Protection’s Cambria Office Building
• Furnishing High Performance Green Buildings
• Office Recycling - A Model Program
• Better Places to Learn - making the case for building high performance green schools
• Making the Case – business owners make the case for green buildings
Powers of ten: a film dealing with the relative size of things in the universe and the effect of adding another zero
Dealing with scale, proportion and dimension, the film moves in real time over a course of 40 powers of ten, from the cosmic distances of the universe to the heart of the atom. Takes the viewer from earth to the outer galaxies, showing the increase in time and distance in increments of ten. Then, returning to Earth, proceeds from the human scale into the world of cells, DNA molecules, and the nucleus of a carbon atom.
Saviors of the Forest
This is not your typical rainforest film. Tired of filming TV commercials, two well-intentioned Los Angeles "camera guys" decide to do their part for the environment by exposing the villains responsible for destroying the rainforests. So, they innocently pack up their video cameras and head to South America looking for the bad guys.
Along the way they meet a range of paradoxical characters including poor people who cut down forests to survive, environmentalists trying to import an "ecological" sawmill, timber companies campaigning for reforestation, and Hollywood producers who use rainforest plywood to build their sets. They even find themselves paying someone to cut down a tree so they can get needed footage. Through their humorous adventures and irreverent style, the filmmakers illuminate a serious subject in an entertaining way: that it is often a complicated set of circumstances driving rainforest destruction.
• Sustainable Architecture
• Sustainable Environments
• Resourceful Materials and Methods for Building Construction
• Sustainable Landscape: Ecological Design Principles
“Explore sustainable planning and design, see practical and economical applications of resourceful technology, learn appropriate landscaping principles to add beauty, function, economy. Four titles included on two DVD disks (or individual VHS videos as listed on web site). Total programming time is 127 minutes.”
San Luis Video Publishing
Phone: (805) 528-8322
Fax: (805) 528-7227
The Natural Step
Karl-Henrik Robèrt: An Overview of the Natural Step Framework (video). Robèrt introduces The Natural Step's approach to Bank of America and responds to questions from the audience. 78 minutes.
Building Sustainability with The Natural Step: University of Texas, Houston's Journey
The Straw Bale Solution
“Narrated by Bill and Athena Steen, co-authors of The Straw Bale House book, The Straw Bale Solution features interviews with architects, engineers, and owner-builders. Learn about weather and code implications, and experience the barn-raising, community-building aspects of straw-bale homes. Then follow the Steen’s south of the border as they work with Save The Children in Sonora, Mexico, empowering local townspeople to create comfortable homes from straw bales - an abundant agricultural "waste product" of the region.” Other straw bale videos include the following and many more resources on their web site...
• Building with Straw, Vol. 1: A Straw Bale Workshop
• Building with Straw, Vol. 2: A Straw Bale Home Tour
• Building with Straw, Vol. 3: Straw Bale Code Testing
Trade Secrets: A Bill Moyers’ Report
TRADE SECRETS: A MOYERS REPORT is an investigation of the history of the chemical revolution and the companies that drove it – and how companies worked to withhold vital information about the risks from workers, the government, and the public. Journalist Bill Moyers and producer Sherry Jones rely on an archive of documents the public was never meant to see –- documents that reveal the industry's early knowledge that some chemicals could pose dangers to human health that were not disclosed at the time.
Your House, Your Health
Your House, Your Health: A non-toxic building guide featuring John Bower. Copyright 1992, all rights reserved, The Healthy House Institute. ISBN 0-9637156-1-5, 27.5 minutes, color VHS video, $19.95. Can be ordered directly from The Healthy House Institute. (Include $3.00 shipping for a single copy. May also be ordered through bookstores.
SEDE - videos- 1 -1 May 2004