(I - V course)

______/ ______educ. years


The plan of lectures on medical biology and genetics

for the students of I course of stomatology faculty

N / Theme
1 / The essence of life. The levels of organization of living organisms.
2 / Gene. Genome. Chromosomal mutations
3 / Reproduction-Universal feature of creatures.Evolution of reproductive forms.
4 / The subject, objectives, stage of development and methods of studying of genetics.
5 / Structure of gene and its working mechanisms.
6 / Biology and genetics of sex

Total hours 24

The plan of practical training medical biology and genetics

for the students of I course of stomatology faculty

N / Themes
1 / The structure of the microscope and microscopic methods.
2 / Microscopic strongeratenolol and animal cell.
3 / Organelles of cells: morphological and functional organization and significance
4 / The structure of chromosomes.The concept of Karyotype.
5 / The division of a cell:Meiosis.Mitosis.Amitosis.
6 / The structure of germ cells. The gametogenesis in humans. Fertilization
7 / SEMINAR :"Molecular aspects of cell biology."
8-9 / Types of inheritance: mono -, di - and polygyridae crossing.
10 / Independent combination of nonallelic genes.
11 / Coupling of genes and crossing over. Maps of chromosomes.
12 / The inheritance of sex-linked.
13 / SEMINAR :"Genetic events at the cellular level."
14 / Methods of studying of the variability of quantitative signs.
15 / The main methods of studying human heredity.
16 / The human karyotype and methods of studying.
17 / Analysis of photo-karyogram of the human karyotype with chromosome diseases.
18 / Sex chromatin and its designation methods.
19 / Regularities of individual development of animals.
20 / The main regularities of Post-embryonic development.
21 / Characteristics of the main types of the human race.Genetic and sexual polymorphism in structure of human skulls.
22 / SEMINAR :"Genetic events at the molecular level"

The plan of lectures on medical biology and genetics

for the students of I course of stomatology faculty



N / Theme
1 / Population genetics.Human as the object of genetic studies.
2 / Biology of Ontogenesis.The critical period, anomalies and developmental disabilities.
3 / Damaging factors of environment (mutagenic,carcinogenic and teratogenic factors).
4 / Regeneration, transplantation and explantation.
5 / Biological bases of parasitism
6 / Bases theoretical and applied ecology.

The plan of practical training medical biology and genetics

for the students of I course of stomatology faculty



N / Themes
1 / Protozoa are parasites of man: Sarkodie.
2 / Protozoa are parasites of man:Flagellates.
3 / Protozoa are parasites of man:The sporozoa and ciliates
4 / SEMINAR :"Molecular and genetic diseases of human."
5 / Flatworms are parasites of man. Class Flukes
6 / Flatworms are parasites of man. Class of tapeworms
7 / Roundworms are parasites of man. The class actually roundworms
8 / Transmission routes of helminthiasis to human and laboratory diagnostics.
9 / Annelid worms:Leeches.Morphological structure and the importance medicine.
10 / SEMINAR :"Old age-as a phase of ontogenesis."
11 / Biomedical importance of arthropods,Spiders:Aranea,Scorpines,Acari
12 / Biomedical importance of arthropods,Insects:Blattoidea Anoplura,Aphaniptera
13 / Biomedical importance of arthropods,Insects:Muscidae,Culicidae,Psychocdidae
14 / SEMINAR:"Animal organisms as the owner of the parasitic pathogens of human diseases.
15 / Farming and epidemiological importance of chordata.Cephalochordata and Fishes
16 / Farming and epidemiological importance of chordata.Amphibian and Reptile
17 / Farming and epidemiological importance of chordata.Birds
18 / Farming and epidemiological importance of chordata.Mammals
19 / SEMINAR:"The origin of the people"
20 / Comparative anatomy leather cover and skeleton chordates.
21 / Comparative anatomy digestive, urinary and genital systems of Animals..
22 / Comparative anatomy of the respiratory, blood-vessels and nerves system of animals
23 / SEMINAR:"Biological aspects of human ecology."

Total hours 90


The plan of lectures on Human Anatomy

for the students of I course of stomatology faculty

N / Themes
1 / Introduction to discipline of “Human anatomy”. The aim, missions and methods of investigation. Brief history of Human anatomy. The development of Human anatomy in Azerbaijan
2 / The brief information about the Human embryogenesis. The tissues, organs and systems. The general anatomy of skeleton. The structure, shape and color of bones. The physical and chemical features of bones. The periosteum and bone marrow. The development of bones. The growth of bones
3 / The functional anatomy of joints. The types of joints. The classification of joints. The structure, main and accessory elements of simple synovial joint. The development and anatomy of joints.
4 / The skull. The development, growth, age and individual features of skull. The functional anatomy of temporomandibular joint
5 / The functional anatomy of the muscles. A muscle as an organ, its structure, classification and development. The force and work of muscle. The functional anatomy, topography and development of head and neck muscles. The role of muscles in formation of masticatory apparatus
6 / The general information about the splanchnology. The functional anatomy and development of the internal organs. The functional anatomy of the digestive organs
7 / The development and anomalies of the face. The differentiation of the pharyngeal apparatus. The development of oral cavity organs. The teeth: structure, shapes and eruption times. The occlusion (bite). The anomalies of theet and occlusion
8 / The functional anatomy, structure, development and anomalies of respiratory organs,its structure, development and anomalies
9 / The functional anatomy of the urinary organs,
10 / The functional anatomy of genital and endocrine organs
11 / The development and general anatomy of nervous system. The structure, topography and functions of spinal cord. The meninges of spinal cord and brain. The formation and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid
12 / The parts of brain. The structure of brain hemispheres. The brainstem. The cyto- and myeloarchitectonics of cerebral cortex. The dynamic localization of functions in the cerebral cortex.
13 / The functional anatomy of cerebral white and gray matters. The classification of conducting tracts. The associative, comissural and projection conducting tracts
14 / The general review of sensory organs. I.P.Pavlov's theory about the analyzer. The receptors and their classification. The functional anatomy of vision and vestibulocochlear organs. The olfactory and taste organs. The skin sensation. The ontogenetical development of sensory organs. The peripheral nervous system. The cranial nerves
15 / The general review of cardiovascular system. The development of vascular system. The blood circuits. The structure and branching types of vessels. The anastomoses. The concept about the microcirculation. The collateral blood circulation. The vascular plexuses, networks and venous sinuses
16 / The heart: development, structure, topography, functional anatomy. The innervation and blood supply of the heart.
17 / Functional anatomy of the veins and arteries of the head and neck.Blood supply and innervation of the mouth and face.blood supply and innervation of the teeth.
18 / The functional anatomy of arteries and veins of the trunk and extremities. The venous anastomoses
19 / The anatomy of lymphatic system. The structural elements of lymphatic system. The lymphatic ducts, their topography. The lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels of head, neck, thorax and extremities
11 / The anatomy of autonomic nervous system. The centers of autonomic nervous system. The peculiarities of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic plexuses of abdominal and pelvic cavities

Total hours 40

The plan of practical training on Human Anatomy

for the students of I course of stomatology faculty



N / Themes
1 / The organization of educational process in the Department of Human Anatomy. The Anatomical Nomenclature. The axes and surface of the human body. The structure of simple vertebra. The cervical, thoracic, lumbar vertebrae. The sacral and coccygeal bones
2 / The intervertebral joints. The atlantooccipital joint. The vertebral column
3 / The ribs and sternum. The joints of ribs with vertebrae and sternum. The thoracic cage
4 / The bones of upper extremities
5 / The joints of pectoral girdle. The shoulder joint. The elbow joint. The joints of bones of forearm and hand
6 / The bones of lower extremities
7 / The joints of the pelvic girdle. The hip joint. The knee joint. The joints of ankle and foot
8 / The general review of skull. The frontal, sphenoid, occipital and parietal bones
9 / The temporal bone: structure and canals
10 / The ethmoid bone and ossicles in the face.
11 / The maxilla, mandible and small facial bones. Their sexual, individual and age features
12 / The topography of skull. The topography of external and internal bases of cranium
13 / The orbits. The nasal cavity. The pterygopalatine fossa
14 / The joints of skull bones. The temporomandibular joint, its features and movements
15 / Quiz on osteosyndesmology
16 / The review of muscular system. The muscles of head: muscles of facial expression, their features. The masticatory muscles and fasciae. The functional anatomy of masticatory muscles
17 / The muscles of neck. The topography of neck.
18 / The muscles and fasciae of thorax, their topography.
19 / The muscles and fasciae of abdomen. The inguinal canal.
20 / The dorsal muscles and fasciae
21 / The muscles and topography of upper extremities
22 / The muscles and topography of lower extremities
23 / Quiz on muscular system
24 / The information about the internal organs. The organs of oral cavity
25 / The deciduous (milk) and permanent teeth, their structure, formule and eruption time.
26 / The distinguished features of teeth. The occlusion (bite) and its anomalies
27 / The pharynx and esophagus. The stomach. The small and large intestines
28 / The liver, pancreas and spleen.
29 / The peritoneum and its topography
30 / The organs of respiratory system. The larynx, trachea and bronchi
31 / The lungs and pleura. The mediastinum. The topography of lungs and pleura
32 / The urinary organs. The structure and topography of kidneys. The ureters. The urinary bladder. The urethra
33 / The male and female genital organs
34 / The endocrine glands
35 / Quiz on internal organs

The plan of practical training on Human Anatomy

for the students of I course of stomatology faculty



N / Themes
1 / The structure and meninges of spinal cord. The formation of spinal nerves
2 / The brain: parts and meninges. The topography of cranial nerves in the basal surface of brain
3 / The endbrain, its derivates. The structure of cerebral hemispheres. The olfactory brain, lateral ventricles, corpus callosum. The basal (subcortical) nuclei
4 / The diencephalon. III ventricle
5 / The midbrain and cerebral aqueduct. The isthmus rhombencephali
6 / The metencephalon. The pons. The cerebellum. The medulla oblongata. IV ventricle, the rhomboid fossa
7 / Creation of preparation from the central nervous system.
8 / Quiz on central nervous system
9 / The information about the sensory organs. The organ of vision. The optic nerve. The optic tract
10 / The auxillary apparatus of eye. The oculomotor, trochlear and abducent nerves
11 / The vestibulocochlear organ. The vestibulocochlear nerve. The conducting tracts of earing and equlibrium analyzers
12 / The olfactory organ. The taste organ. The olfactory, facial and glossopharyngeal nerves. The olfactory and taste analyzers
13 / The skin. The skin derivates. The trigeminal nerve
14 / The vagus, accessory and hypoglossal nerves
15 / The structure, topography, blood supply and innervation of the heart
16 / Sensory organs, cranial nervesand dissect the heart.
17 / Quiz on sensory organs, 12 pairs of cranial nerves.and heart
18 / The aortic arch and its branches.
19 / Arteries and lymph nodes of head. The blood supply of teeth
20 / Venous ways of a stream from a face and skulls.
21 / Vessels and lymph nodes of neck.
22 / Vessels and lymph nodes of upper extremities.
23 / The cervical and brachial plexuses,
24 / Vessels and lymph nodes of chest.The intercostal nerves.
25 / The superior vena cava and its formation
26 / The parietal and visceral branches of abdominal aorta
27 / Vessels and lymph nodes of pelvis
28 / Vessels and lymph nodes of lower extremities.
29 / The inferior vena cava. The portal vein. Their formation and branches
30 / The lumbar plexus
31 / The sacral plexus
32 / The lymphatic system
33 / The autonomic nervous system
34 / Creation preparation vascular, lymphatic, peripheral and autonomic nervous system.
35 / Quiz on vascular, lymphatic, peripheral and autonomic nervous system

Total hours 140


The plan of lectures on special histology

for the students of I course of stomatology faculty

№ / Topics
1 / Sensory organs. Conception about analyzers. Main analyzers. Olfactory organ and olfactory analyzer. Vision organ and analyzer. Histophysiologies of retina. Reception of vision. Sensoepithelial sensory organs: organs of hearing and equilibrium. Taste organ and analyzer. Histophysiologies of tactile senses. Renewal and repair features of receptor cells. Age changes.
2 / Features of humoral regulation. Histophysiologies of secretion. Endocrine, paracrine and autocrine secretion. Endocrine system: general morpho-functional features, development. Pineal gland. Hypothalamus. Pituitary gland. Thyroid. Parathyroid. Adrenals. Diffuse endocrine system. Age features.
3 / Cardiovascular system: general morpho-functional plan. Relations between hemodynamic condition and structure of vascular wall. Heart. Arteries. Microcirculation network. Capillaries. Venous network. Anastomoses. Neuro-humoral regulation of cardiovascular system functioning. Age changes. Regeneration features.
4 / Embryonic and postembryonic hematopoiesis: characteristics. Organs of hematopoiesis. Immunity, immune defense reactions. Immunocytes: classification, morpho-functional features. Immunoglobulins and plasma cells. Macrophageal system. Functional relations between hemotopoetic and immune organs, T- and B-zones. Age changes. Regeneration and involution features. Conception about thymico-lymphatic status.
5 / Integument: development, structural parts, functions. Skin. Skin appendixes: hairs, nails, sebaceous and sweat glands. Innervation, vascularization, age features. Respiratory system: development, structural parts, morpho-functional features. Respiratory portion. Air-blood barrier. Innervation, vascularization, age features.
6 / Digestive system: sources of development, general morpho-functional plan. General morpho-functional features of alimentary canal. Organs of oral cavity. Lymphoepithelial ring. Esophagus. Stomach. Intestines. Histophysiology of digestion in intestines. Liver: development, structure, functions, blood supply. Pancreas. Conception about “gastro-pancreatic system”.
7 / Urinary system: development, general morpho-functional features, sources of development. Hormonal regulation, regenerative features, age changes. Histophysiology of urine formation. Male and female reproductive systems: development, general morpho-functional features, generative and endocrine functions. Factors of sexual differentiation. Innervation, vascularization, age features.

Total hours 30

The plan of practical training on special histology

for the students of I course stomatology faculty

№ / Topics
1. / Spinal cord. Sensory ganglia. Cerebellum. Cerebral hemispheres.
2. / Organ of sense. Organ of vision. Olfactory organ. Organs of hearing and equilibrium. Taste organ.
3. / Endocrine sistem.
4. / Arteries. Microcirculation meshwork. Veins. Heart.
5 / Hematopoiesis
6. / Bone marrow. Thymus. Lymph node. Spleen.
7. / I Slide examination
8. / Skin. Skin appendixes. Trachea. Lungs.
9. / Lips. Tongue. Salivary glands Development and structure of teeth Esophagus. Stomach.
10. / Small and large intestines. Appendix. Liver. Pancreas.
11. / II Slide examination
12. / Kidneys. Ureters. Urinary bladder
13. / Testes. Epididymis. Prostate gland.
14 / Ovaries. Uterus. Mammary gland. Placenta.
15. / III Slide examination.

Total hours 76


The plan of practical training on Latinlanguage

for the students of stomatology faculty

№ / Themes
1 / Introduction. Latin alphabet.
Fonetics. Short and long vowels. Stress.
2 / Verbs.
Active and passive voices of verbs
3 / Nouns.
The first declination of nouns
4 / The second declination of nouns, masculine gender.
The second declination of nouns, neuter gender
5 / Adjectives.
The first and second declination of adjectives
6 / The third declination of nouns.
The masculine gender of the third declination
7 / The feminine gender of the third declination.
The neuter gender of the third declination
8 / II group of adjectives.
8 weeks total studies
9 / Degrees of comparison of adjectives.
Prepositions. Conjunctions.
10 / Adverbs. Pronouns. Numerals.
Fourth and fifth declinations of nouns
11 / Coordination of nouns with adjectives.
Chemical nomenclature. Exercises
12 / Recipe. Structure of recipes.
Abbreviations and expressions
13 / Recipes. Exercises
Recipes. Exercises
14 / Recipes. Exercises.
Clinical terminologies
15 / Exercises on clinical terminologies.
15 weeks total studies

Total hours 72


The plan of lectues on “Normal Physiology”

for the students of I course of stomatology faculty (spring term)

N / Themes
1. / Physiology is science about the dynamics of whole organism.History of physiology development. Methods of investigations in physiology.
General peculiarities of living organisms. Excitability. Excitation. Inhibition. General physiological principles of organism structure: correlation, regulation, reflex reaction, self organization, self regulation, functional system.
2. / Morphophysiological properties of muscles. Types of muscle contraction. Summation of muscle contractions. Mechanism of tetanic muscle contraction. Motor unit. Muscular tone. Modern idea about mechanism of muscle contraction. Muscle work and strength. Muscle fatigue. Morphophysiological properties of smooth muscles. Nerve-muscle junction.
3. / Receptors, their classification. Morphophysiological peculiarities of nerves.Peculiarities of transmission of excitation in nerve fibers. Classification of nerve fibers. Components of nerve trunk action potential. Nerve indefatigability. Parabiosis. Coordination of reflex processes. Convergence and occlusion. Irradiation of excitation in central nervous system. Reciprocal innervation. Principle of dominant. Methods of research of the CNS activity.
4. / Physiology of spinal cord. Spinal shock. Medulla oblongata and mesencephalon. Decerebrate rigidity. Physiology of reticular formation. Diencephalon. Specific and non-specific nuclei. Functions of hypothalamus. Limbic system. Subcortical nuclei. Physiology of cerebellum.
Morphological properties of vegetative nervous system. Differences between sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, their synergism and relative antagonism. Effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.
5. / Physiology of blood. Blood volume, hematocrit, pH of blood, osmotic pressure. Functional systems regulating the constancy of homeostatic parameters of blood etc. Defense functions of blood.
6. / Significance of blood circulation for organism. Valvular apparatus. Phases of cardiac cycle. Stroke volume of the heart and cardiac output. Physiological properties of cardiac muscle. Neurohumoral regulation of heart activity. Role of reflexogenic zones and cerebral cortex in regulation of heart activity.
7. / External manifestations of heart activity, methods of research. Electrocardiography. Heart sounds. Phonocadiography.
Basic principles of hemodynamics.Rate of blood flow and its determination. Measure of arterial pressure in human and animal. Arterial pulse and its main parameters. Vasomotor centers. Neurohumoral regulation of vasomotor center. Role of reflexogenic zones and cerebral cortex in regulation of vascular tone. Limph circulation and its regulation mechanisms.

The plan of lectures on “Normal Physiology”for the students