Year 6/ Autumn 2 Medium Term Plan

Term / Autumn 2
Week / Week 1
06/11/17 / Week 2
13/11/17 / Week 3
20/11/17 / Week 4
27/11/17 / Week 5
04/12/17 / Week 6
11/12/17 / Week 7
Themed Week / Charity Week
(Children in Need) / Assessment
Events / Parent Workshop: charity presentation and fundraising event
Whole School Visit: Tate Modern
Whole School Visit: Tate Modern / Literacy and language unit 3
Reading fiction / Literacy and language unit 3
Writing fiction / Literacy and language unit 3
Reading and writing non fiction / Literacy and language unit 4 reading fiction / Literacy and language unit 4
Writing fiction
Grammar & Punctuation / Active and passive voice. / Statements, commands and exclamations. / Noun, Verb, Adverbial and Prepositional phrases. / Semi colons and colons / Word classes (inc. pronouns, determiners) / Synonyms and antonyms
Maths / Fractions, percentages and decimals / Geometry / Measurements / Ratio / Statistics
Art & Design
(Making river models) / Fairground planning and design
Use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose, aimed at particular individuals or groups / Fairground planning and design
Select from and use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks [for example, cutting, shaping, joining and finishing], accurately / Construction of Fairground
Understand and use mechanical systems in their products [for example, gears, pulleys, cams, levers and linkages] / Construction of Fairground
Understand and use electrical systems in their products [for example, series circuits incorporating switches, bulbs, buzzers and motors] / Evaluation of fairground
(Musical Instrument: guitar) / Performance directions on the guitar- To understand how expression can be used to enhance a performance. / Performance directions- To recognise a range of performance directions when listening to a range of repertoire. / Performance directions- To apply performance directions whilst playing basic chordal progressions. / Performance directions- To create performance directions for a simple melody to be performed on the guitar. / Performance directions- To perform a simple melody as a group using performance directions under exam conditions.
PSHE / Am I normal?
I understand that there are different perceptions about what normal means
I can empathise with people who are living with disabilities / Understanding Disability
I understand how having a disability could affect someone’s life
I am aware of my attitude towards people with disabilities / Power Struggles
I can explain some of the ways a person or a group can have power over another
I know how it can feel to be excluded or treated badly by being different in some way / Why Bully?
I know some of the reasons why people use bullying behaviours
I can tell you a range of strategies in managing my feelings and problem solving in bullying situations / Celebrating Difference
I can give examples of people with disabilities who lead amazing lives
I appreciate people for who they are / Celebrating Difference
I can explain ways in which difference can be a source of celebration and conflict.
I can show empathy with people in either situation
(What qualities are important to present day religious leaders?) / What similarities and differences do religions share? / What qualities are important to present day religious leaders? / What is a children’s hospice, and how does it help people with ideas about death? / What happened on the first Easter Sunday? / How do different religions and world views create celebrations? / How is Art important in Christianity?
Computing / Graphic Modelling
Use google sketch-up to create 3D images of models. / Graphic Modelling
Use google sketch-up to create 3D images of models. / Graphic Modelling
Use google sketch up to design and label your own school. / Graphic Modelling
Use google sketch up to design and label your own school. / Graphic Modelling
Use google sketch up to design and label your own school.
(electricity) / To explain what is necessary in order to create a working circuit. / To identify symbols that represent a component in a circuit and use them in scientific diagrams. / To associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit. / To be able to compareandgivereasonsforvariationsinhowcomponentsfunction,includingthebrightnessofbulbs,theloudnessofbuzzersandtheon/offpositionofswitches. / To explore and compare series and parallel circuit arrangements. / To design and create circuits which replicate common/useful devices (e.g. traffic lights, burglar alarms etc).
PE / Apparatus
Passing and catching / Apparatus
Passing and catching / Apparatus
Shooting / Apparatus
Defending / Apparatus
Positioning / Apparatus
Passing and moving / Apparatus