Looking for a school policy? Try our website and click on the “Polices” tab at the top of the page.
Thank you for a great year
It has been a wonderful year and I would like to say a huge thank you to all the children, staff, families and friends who have worked so hard and given so much support for the work and play of the school. We say goodbye with sadness to our Year 6 children and also to Mrs Bugby and Mr Morrison, and wish them the very best for the future. I hope you all have a great summer (and that the sun stays out for us all) and look forward to seeing everyone in September.
Mrs Armstrong / Diary Dates
See “Term Dates” on the School Information page of the website for all holiday dates up to July 2017.
Tuesday 6th September: Back to school
Holiday cricket with qualified coaches at
Whitby Cricket Club
Wed – Fri August 3rd – 5th
10:00am – 3:00pm
Cost £10 per day – all ages welcome
Contact Mike Stones
01947 604451
Friends of Lythe School (FoLS)
Annual General Meeting
An advance on the traditional "PTA", the Friends of Lythe School (FoLS) organise an annual programme of events to enhance the social life of the school while helping to raise funds to support the work of the pupils and staff.
All parents and carers are eligible to become members and we are delighted to welcome new faces, however much or little time you are able to give. Please come and join us for our AGM on
Wednesday 14th September 2:00pm in Seashells
Summer Fair Thanks
Thank you to all for an absolutely marvellous summer fair. We are still working out how much money has been raised, but everyone was extremely generous and we are grateful for all your support.
Thank you to FoLS for all their hard work and to all the other grown-ups and children who helped make it such a success. Special thanks to thos children who organised and ran their own stalls with such professionalism and commitment – well done to Iris, Bel, Lily, Amy-Leigh, Katie, Sarah, Mia and Molly.
Uniform for Next Term
We would like to be more rigorous about school uniform next term, and ask for your support in applying our new Uniform Policy. The full policy is available on our website, but the “Uniform Choices" section is over the page for quick reference.
We look forward to seeing everyone looking smart and ready to go in September.
The long summer holiday is an ideal time to try and eradicated headlice before the start of the new term – please be vigilant and take action if required.
112th Barnby Show
Held at East Barnby
Saturday 27th August 2016
Attractions include produce, pony sports, side shows, vintage machinery, dog show, tombola, voucher raffle, bar.
From 12:00 noon
Our successful before-and after-school club will continue to run in September – please ring Mrs Welfore in the new term to book a place.
Lythe School Nursery
Places are available for September 2016 for children aged three and above in our beautiful purpose-built facilities.
Funded places can now be claimed in both mornings and afternoons.
Paid-for childcare with our experienced Early Years team is also available from 8:00am to 5:15pm
Please ring the school office for details on 893373, or visit our website at
Uniform Choices
There is plenty of choice within our uniform code for children to celebrate their individuality, and uniform can be chosen from:
-Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (items with the school logo may be purchased from the school office if desired).
-Black or grey school trousers, skirt or pinafore. Skirts and trousers should allow the wearer to sit comfortably on the floor.
-Pale blue or white polo top or shirt / blouse with collar (long or short sleeves)
-Smart black flat footwear (not trainers or gym shoes) which will protect children’s feet in the classroom, allow running in the playground, and which will not damage the fabric of the building.
-Black, grey or white socks or tights
-Royal blue fleece and hat with the school logo may be purchased from the school office if desired.
In summer, uniform may be varied with:
-Black or grey school short trousers – these should allow the wearer to sit comfortably on the floor
-Blue and white checked school dress / shirt (long or short sleeves)
-Sensible, plain sandals which will protect children’s feet in the classroom, allow running in the playground and which will not damage the fabric of the building.
Other uniform requirements
-All uniform must be clearly named.
-For safety reasons, jewellery should not be worn in school, apart from a watch (removed for P.E.) and, if your child’s ears are pierced, only ONE pair of small gold/silver studs may be worn (removed for P.E.)
-No nail varnish or make-up.
-Long hair should be securely tied back. Hair accessories should be discreet and, ideally, in school colours. No extreme hair styles.
-Outdoor clothing, including hats and other headwear, should not be worn in the classroom.
-If a child comes to school in wellingtons or other heavy outdoor footwear, they should bring suitable indoor shoes as described above.
PE Kit
PE kit may be chosen from:
-White or pale blue t-shirt or polo shirt – this should be plain or with the school logo (polo shirts with the school logo are available from the school office if desired)
-Navy blue PE shorts
-Black gym shoes for indoor / outdoor use
-Trainers for outdoor use if desired
-Royal blue hooded sweatshirt for outdoor use (items with school logo available from the office if desired)
-Navy blue, black or grey track suit bottoms for outdoor use
Other PE Kit requirements
- PE kit should be clean, in good repair, and clearly labelled.
- Football strips should only be worn at after-school football clubs.