Derry and Strabane Small Project Support 2015-2016

A Guide to Small Project Support Scheme for

Policing and Community Safety Projects


The Department of Justice Community Safety Strategy for Northern Ireland 2012-2017 ‘Creating Safer, Shared and Confident Communities’ defines community safety as an approach to preventing, reducing and responding to crime which

  • Provides local solutions to local problems
  • Focuses on wider social issues, including anti-social behaviour, fear of crime, quality of life issues and social and economic factors
  • Is delivered through a partnership approach, involving the statutory, voluntary and private sectors as well as community groups and individual citizens, and
  • Offers holistic and problem orientated solutions.

Policing and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs) are statutory bodies established under the Justice Act Northern Ireland 2011. They replaced Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) and District Policing Partnerships (DPPs) on 1 April 2012.

The aim of PCSPs is to help make our communities safer by focusing on the policing and community safety issues that matter most in each of the new council areas. These new Partnerships will work in a more joined up way to benefit local communities. The Partnership is funded by the Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB) through the Joint Committee.

To help make our communities safer PCSPs will

  • Consult and engage with the local community on the issues of concern in relation to policing and community safety. The Policing Committee has a responsibility to provide views to the relevant PSNI district/area commander and the Policing Board on policing matters.
  • Identify and prioritise the particular issues of concern and prepare plans for how these can be tackled.
  • Monitor – a Policing Committee comprising the political and independent members will monitor the performance of the police and work to gain the co-operation of the public with the police in preventing crime.
  • Deliver a reduction in crime and enhance community safety in their district, directly through their own actions, through the work of their delivery groups or through support for the work of others.

Anti-Social Behaviour Definition

NI Direct Government Service’s definition of anti-social behaviour includes a range of behaviours, for example, noisy neighbours, people being drunk or rowdy in public places, rubbish or litter lying around, vandalism, graffiti or other damage to property and nuisance behaviour, which can have a negative effect on quality of life issues. It can contribute to an environment where crime can take hold.

Fear of Crime Definition

The Fear of Crime, that is fear of becoming a victim of crime, is real and often disproportionate. It can have a serious and paralysing effect on people within our communities. It is especially the vulnerable who are affected i.e. older people, disabled people and, increasingly young people.

The main responsibility and function of the Derry and Strabane PCSP is:

To reduce anti-social behaviour, fear of crime and improve community safety especially among the most vulnerable through working in partnership with the community and statutory bodies or by supporting the work of others.

The PCSP will consider funding projects that incorporate either tackling anti-social behaviour, fear of crime and/or early stage intervention.

Aim of Funding

  • Funding is available for projects delivered by local groups, organisations and partnerships wishing to undertake intervention for community safety projects or initiatives to tackle anti-

social behaviour, and reduce the fear of crime in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.

  • All projects should have a direct impact on the reduction of recorded incidents of anti-social behaviour and improve the general safety of the community and/or address vulnerable groups.
  • Projects should target disengaged or hard to reach young people who may not be attending school on a regular basis or who do not engage in mainstream youth provision. They should examine the link between intervention and the reduction of crime and anti-social behaviour.
  • Preference may be given to projects that impact upon the reduction of recorded incidents of anti-social behaviour through partnership work that can be identified through statistical information.
  • Preference will be given to applications that aim to deliver a partnership led approach, working with other statutory agencies, including the PSNI, community and/or voluntary organisations.
  • All projects must be within the Derry City and Strabane District Council area and delivered during the period 1 December 2015to 29 February 2016.


The Derry and Strabane PCSP has an allocation of £40,000 from the Joint Committee to allocate to these initiatives during 2015-16. The maximum award per programme iscapped at £5,000. Derry and StrabanePCSP is not obliged to accept any or all applications and reserves the right to fund successful applications in part or in full.

Projects submitted should contribute to the reduction of anti-social behaviour, fear of crime and/or address early interventions in locations and areas that are statistically proven to be problematic in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area. They should focus on intervention measures that engage children, young people, vulnerable groups and those at risk of becoming victims through a wide range of educational, interactive, intergenerational and/or developmental programmes. They should aim to improve the general safety of the community by addressing issues associated with:

Drugs and Alcohol

  • To advise children and young people of the negative impacts (health, employment, educational, societal) of drugs and alcohol abuse.
  • Make children and young people aware of the dangers/hidden harms and what is acceptable behaviour from adults. It should advise them of individuals/support groups that they can contact.

Healthy Relationships

  • To develop awareness of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in relationships.
  • To encourage young people and vulnerable individualsto be aware of early warning signs in relation to alcohol/drug abuse, violent relationships and unacceptable behaviour.

Personal self-esteem and confidence

  • Explore and develop levels of self-esteem and confidence in children and young people.
  • Inform children and young people of the right to feel safe at all times.
  • Encourage children and young people to seek support when needed and advise of their rights.
  • Empower children and young people to identify their own personal support network.

Impact of anti-social behaviour/fear of crime

  • Educate children and young people about the negative impact that anti-social behaviour can have on our residents and communities and raise awareness in relation to the consequences of becoming involved in ASB in terms of their education, travel/emigration opportunities and future employment.
  • Educate children and young people about the direct negative impact that anti-social behaviour, graffiti, litter etc can have on their community.
  • Explore the issue of fear of crime in the community and why it is highest amongst vulnerable and elderly members of the community.
  • Encourage children and young people to identify ways to reduce the fear of crime within their community.

Youth Engagement

  • Incorporate work that will provide developmental opportunities that encourage positive behavioural/attitudinal change.
  • Target disengaged or hard to reach young people who may no longer be attending school on a regular basis or who are not engaging in mainstream youth provision.

Youth Diversionary Programmes

  • Educate young people about the negative impact and cost of anti-social behaviour on various aspects of their life and their community (individual, family, neighbourhood, society).
  • Encourage young people to identify ways to reduce anti-social behaviour and/or fear of crime within their community.

Key Requirements

Applications must satisfy the following mandatory requirements. Applications that fail to clearly satisfy these mandatory requirements will not progress to the next stage of the assessment process.

Mandatory Requirements

  • Anti-Social Behaviour Programmes shall target intervention measures for young people and vulnerable adults aged between 10 to 25 years of age.
  • Fear of Crime Programmes shall target intervention measures that contribute to the reduction of the Fear of Crime and must engage those that are vulnerable and/or at risk of becoming victims of Fear of Crime.
  • Early Stage Intervention Programmes shall target children, young people and vulnerable individuals that are hard to reach and most at risk of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour.
  • All programmes should engage those that are hard to reach and most at risk of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour and/or fear of crime.
  • All programmes should focus in locations/areas, days and times recording high/increasing levels of anti-social behaviour and fear of crime.
  • All programmes must provide current evidence of need and a rationale for what is being proposed.
  • Intervention programmes shall incorporate developmental opportunities that encourage behaviour/attitudinal change.
  • Applications must include a clear number of measurable outputs/performances indicators.
  • Project promoters must submit quarterly progress and financial reports to the Derry and Strabane PCSP.
  • Project promoters will carry out a post project evaluation on the initiative.

Please Note: funding provided through this round of support is for projects with a completion date no later than 29 February 2016.


Section A – Contact Details

In this section please provide full contact details.

Section B – Evidence of Need for the Project

In this section you must identify children, young people and/or vulnerable groups, locations, days and times where diversionary and/or early intervention measures would result in reducing anti-social behaviour. Preference will be given to projects that demonstrate partnership work to include work with PSNI supported by current statistical evidence of the issue as well as information in the form of survey findings, local anti-social behaviour audits, PSNI statistics, relevant strategies etc.

Section C – Brief Description of Project

(This section should be no more than 500 words and must have aims and objectives clearly outlined in bullet point form)

This should include the background of the project and a brief description of what the project will entail. For example, details of what the project will consist of, who will be involved, participant

numbers, age groups and where it will take place. This should include the aims, objectives, inputs and expected outputs as well as how the project will impact on the wider community. Please provide other relevant information that you feel will support your application. Significant evidence should be demonstrated that anti-social behaviour and fear of crime exists, and/or whether early intervention is required within specific targeted groups, locations, days and times.

Section D – Project Costs, Match Funding and Partnerships

In this section you must provide full details of project cost clearly identifying any other funding and partnerships involved in the delivery of the project i.e. Community, Police Service Northern Ireland (PSNI), Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE), Housing Associations, Derry City and Strabane District Council (DCSDC), Schools, Youth Services, and Media.

Cost of Project

  • Breakdown of costs

Each item of cost should be clearly broken down and listed with an overall total for project cost provided.

  • Total Amount Applied for from the Derry and Strabane Policing and Community Partnership (PCSP)

Clearly state the total amount of money required from the Derry and Strabane PCSP. Please note that this must not exceed £5,000.

  • Match Funding

Please provide and list full details of 20% match funding secured from own organisation and/or partners within the project. This may be in the form of ‘in cash’ or ‘in kind’ contributions. Evidence of a match funding letter(s)must be provided in writing and submitted if the application scores above the awarding threshold.

  • Partners

Please provide details of organisation(s) that are formal or informal partners involved in the project.

  • Arrangement for Financial Control and Accountability

Give details of how the funding allocation will be managed (dedicated bank account details, invoices, who will be in charge of managing funds etc) and who will be held accountable. A copy of internal financial procedures must be provided along with details of a dedicated bank account specific to the projectif the application scores above the awarding threshold.

Section E – Monitoring and Evaluation

In this section clearly outline the processes you will apply to monitor, evaluate and measure the effectiveness of the project. Projects must complete the implementation plan and project budget profile outlining full details of how the project and expenditure will progress.

Section F – Checklist

A letter will be issued to applicants scoring above the award threshold to submit each document listed in section F within a specified timeframe. The issue of a letter of offer will be conditional on the PCSP receiving all requested documentation within the specified timeframe. Failure to do so within the specified timeframe will result in the applicant not receiving a letter of offer.

Conditions of Support

  • Applications will only be accepted from constituted groups/bodies operating in the Derry City and Strabane DistrictCouncil area.
  • 20% Match funding must be secured and provided in writingif the application scores above the awarding threshold.
  • Details of one dedicated bank account must be provided and used solely for the project.
  • Projects must be completed by 29 February 2016.




Section A

Project Co-ordinator:

Organisation Name:

Project Name:

Project Address:

Post Code: Email:

Telephone No (Work): Mobile No:

Council Ward:

(You must define the Council Ward(s) where the beneficiaries of your project come from)

Geographical area covered by the Project:

Project Start Date: Project End Date:

Total Project Cost (inc Match Funding):

Total Amount Requested from PCSP:

Section B – EVIDENCE OF NEED FOR THE PROJECT – (35% of marks)

You must identify vulnerable groups and areas where issue(s) exist and provide current evidence of the problem (Preference will be given to projects that demonstrate partnership work(to include PSNI) andare supported by statistical information. This can be in the form of survey findings, community reports, PSNI statistics, strategies etc.) – see example of websites in guidance notes.

Section C – PROJECT DESCRIPTION – (30% of marks)

Please provide a brief description of the proposed project including information on the background of the project with clear aims, objectives, inputs and expected outcomes.

BACKGROUND- (No more than 500 words)
AIMS (i.e. Who, What, Where, When and How) – to be completed in bullet point form
(Please include age groups and numbers to be targeted where applicable)
OBJECTIVE (i.e. This should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound) – to be completed in bullet point form
(Please include age group and total numbers to be achieved)
INPUTS (i.e. People, travel, equipment, vehicles, supplies, services, facilities)
(Please include inputs that will be directly provided by the organisation)-to be completed in bullet point form
OUTPUTS (i.e. What do you hope to achieve at the end of the project?) – to be completed in bullet point form

Section D – PROJECT COST – (20% of marks)

Full Breakdown of total Project Costs (including 20% match funding contributions)Year 2015/16






Total Amount of Project Costs£

Full Breakdown of Project Costs requested from PCSPYear 2015/16






Total Amount Applied forfrom PCSP £


Please provide clear details of no less than 20% Match Funding ‘in cash’ or ‘in kind’ contributions and/or any financial contributions from other funding sources.

Organisation/Body Year 2015/16






Total Match Funding Secured£


Are there any other organisations involved in the project that are formal or informal partners? Please provide details of capacity they are involved i.e. providing non-financial support, advice and/or service provision.

Can this programme or elements of it continue after PCSP funding has finished?


Please provide details of how the funding will be managed (bank account details, invoices, who will be in charge of managing funds etc.) and who will be held accountable. It is a condition that any project allocated funding from the Derry and Strabane Policing and Community Safety Partnership must provide invoicesbilled to project promoter that are equal to or exceeding the total amount of the offer. Should a project fail to spend the full allocation the remaining monies will be re-allocated or returned to the Joint Committee.

Project Dedicated Bank Details
(Please note that the use of one bank account is only permitted for transactions relating to this project, failure to do so can result in expenditure not being reimbursed by PCSP)
Bank Name:
Account Name:
Account Number:
Sort Code:
VAT Number:
Charity Number:
Office Financial Procedures - No more than 200 words
(Including cheque authorisation, recording of payments, cancelled cheques, designated signatories, payment examination, and cost code systems etc.). Successful applicants will be requested to submit a copy of the office financial procedures.

Section E – MONITORING AND EVALUATION – (15% of marks)

Please give clear accurate details of the processes you intend to apply to monitor and measure the effectiveness of your project.

Monitor (i.e. please indicate milestones in bullet point formthat you intend to achieve throughout the programme and the process you intend to use to record evidence)
Evaluation - no more than 200 words
(i.e. how will you measure the effectiveness/benefits of your project and its beneficiaries)