Welcome to
Eighth Grade Science
South Carolina Science Academy, Inc.
Teacher: BradrickMcClam, M.Ed.
School phone: (803) 227-6422
The following information will help you to succeed in science this year. It will be a fun and exciting journey if you follow the rules and open your mind to the material at hand. Eighth grade science is an integrated science course, with a focus on Earth Science. Major topics of study this year include:
Safety and Chemistry
Force and Motion
EMS and the Universe
Atmosphere, Plate Tectonics and Topographic Maps
STEM Projects
Science is more than just a discipline; it is a way of knowing, thinking and using that knowledge to explain the world around us. Some of you may think that you don’t like science, or that it is too hard for you. Others already know that science is one of their favorite classes. I believe that everyone learns by doing. The lessons and activities in my classroom are created to provide you with multiple opportunities for learning in a hands-on, minds-on design.
Projects are assigned throughout the year, giving you the opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned in a creative way. Typically, you can expect to complete one major project per semester. Most projects are to be completed at home, but occasionally class time may be given.
During the first week of school you are expected to bring the following items: A three ring binder with dividers. Please write in black or blue ink. Please keep notebooks organized (with the inclusion of warm-up assignments). Notebook checks will occur throughout the year and will count as a Homework grade.
You will be assigned homework in science. Not completing homework will result in lunch detention until it is completed.
Classroom Rules
- Enter classroom quietly and begin Warm-Up Assignment. Once you enter the classroom do not exit without a pass from the teacher.
- No talking to anyone about anything at anytime without permission.
- Treat the teacher, your classmates and yourself with courtesy and respect.
- No gum, candy or beverages in class.
- Follow all directions and school rules.
Expectations (Students are expected to)
- Enter classroom quietly, sit in assigned seats and begin warm-up assignment.
- Follow all directions the first time given.
- Treat everyone with courtesy and respect.
- Keep hands, feet and appropriate comments to themselves
- Take responsibility for themselves, their work and their behaviors
- Come to class prepared everyday with all needed materials
- Complete all personal grooming in the restroom, before coming to class.