
Princess Program 2012

We are happy to announce the fourth year of this program for girls ages 5 through 12! MissWashtenawCounty’s Princess Program has been developed to bring into our organization a group of younger girls who may one day be part of our Teen & MissWashtenawCounty program.

The Princess Program is a fund raising endeavor to increase scholarship dollars paid to the young women who compete in our program. The Princess Program enables young girls, ages 5-12, to be mentored by one of our contestants competing for the title of MissWashtenawCounty… an organization that represents the best of the best across our County. The contestants that compete in this program must study hard, live a healthy lifestyle, have an appreciation for the arts, develop their talents, and be community minded and service oriented.

This year the princesses will also get to meet and spend some time with Miss Washtenaw County 2012Lauren Brown. The Princess Program is open to any young girl age 5-12 years of age in Michigan.

Every young lady who participates in the Miss Washtenaw County Scholarship Program becomes the best she can be… a winner in life! We want that for your child, too!

Every Princess Receives:

  • A Princess Crown
  • An Official Princess T-Shirt
  • Two complimentary tickets to MissWashtenawCounty’s Outstanding Teen Pageant (one for princess one for chaperone, for 2:30-4:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 27 at Chelsea High School.)
  • An on stage introduction and opportunity to be in a production dance number in evening wear on stage Saturday, October 27 at Miss Washtenaw Pageant at Chelsea High School.

A complete schedule will be emailed to you after we receive your application and check.

Miss Washtenaw County Princess Program

Clothing Requirements

The Princess is required to wear a white or pink party dress in the evening gown production number. It must be all white or all pink (a small amount of colored trim is allowable). White shoes and anklet socks are suitable for younger girls. Clear shoes or “age appropriate’ sandals are okay for the older girls. Please choose clothing carefully, keeping in mind the age of your child.

No make-up may be used for the younger girls and age appropriate for the older girls. This is not a competition, so we suggest a natural look.

The princess’s will also perform a production number on stage Friday featuring just the Princesses. After the princess is given her crown, please label the elastic on the crown with her name.

Clothing needed:

White or PinkParty dress

White shoes/sandals


Princess Program Application

Deadline: October 1, 2012

Entry Fee: $100.00

Princess Name: ______

Parent’s Name: ______

Daytime Phone: ______

Cell Phone: ______


Address: ______

City: ______Zip______

T-Shirt Child Size: ______or Youth Size______

School Picture Enclosed______

Payment, non-refundable, accepted only by check or money order: Payable to:

Miss Washtenaw CountyScholarship Pageant

In Care of Molly Coy, Princess Program

1492 Colony Dr.

Saline, MI48176

Questions: please contact Molly Coy

at 734-786-0243 or by cell 313-820-388, or at

I give permission to Miss Washtenaw County Scholarship Program representatives to use photograph featuring ______(Princess Name) for Miss Washtenaw County Princess Program promotions. ______(Legal Guardian)

Date: ______