Position Description
Date: July 2014
Job Title / : / Kaiwhakarite – Cultural AdvisorDepartment / : / Forensic Prison Team
Location / : / Mason Clinic
Reporting To / : / Forensic Prison Team Manager
Direct Reports / : / Nil
Functional Relationships with / : / Internal
Forensic Prison Team
Kaumatua, Kaiwhakarite & Taurawhiri (Cultural Advisors)
Taumata o Meihana (Maori Governance Advisory Group)
Kaupapa Maori Services – Te Papakainga o Tane Whakapiripiri
Forensic Community Team
Court Liaison Team
Inpatient Unit Managers/Responsible Clinicians
Whitiki Maurea – WDHB Maori MH & Addictions Service
Northern Regional Prisons:
- Auckland Prison
- Mt Eden Correctional Facility
- Women’s Regional Correctional Facility
- Northland Regional Correctional Facility
- New Auckland Men’s Prison at Wiri
Community Iwi and Maori MH Providers
Purpose / : /
- To provide tikanga Maori cultural assessments to support an appropriate treatment pathway for Maori service users on the forensic caseload.
- To identify and facilitate cultural interventions including advanced therapeutic wananga to Maori service users on the caseload.
- To provide in-service tikanga-Maori cultural competency training to the Forensic Prison Team and protocol facilitation.
- To provide cover for the Kaiwhakarite –Community Cultural Advisor.
- To maintain collegial and collaborative relationships with the Kaupapa Maori Service.
- To provide tikanga Maori cultural assessments to support an appropriate treatment pathway for Maori service users on the forensic caseload.
- Written cultural assessment updates/notes or a Whare Tapa Wha document is provided for all Maori service users on the prison team caseload.
- Collaborates with clinicians about the initial mental health assessment interview and value in joint assessment to identify a Maori service user’s pathway through the Service.
- Advice and support is given to the FPT treating team on the appropriate cultural care required for a Maori service user.
- Implement or facilitate appropriate Maori cultural interventions required in support of the forensic treating team care plan.
- Provide to the Taumata – Kaupapa Maori Service any preferred pathways for Maori service users on the prison caseload.
- To identify and facilitate cultural interventions including advanced therapeutic wananga to Maori service users on the forensic caseload.
- Work as an effective team member in a multi-disciplinary environment identifying and facilitating Maori cultural specific interventions and protocols.
- Facilitated culturally based educational programmes/wananga in prisons for Maori service users on the caseload to increase their knowledge of Maori concepts of wellbeing and recovery.
- Participate in team planning meetings and provide in-service tikanga-Maori cultural competency training to the Forensic Prison Team and protocol facilitation.
- Contribute in team planning, clinical reviews, HARAT meetings and service development initiatives that impact on service delivery and learning.
- To provide cover for the Kaiwhakarite – Forensic Community Team.
- Assist the Community Forensic Team with cultural input when Kaiwhakarite – Community Cultural Advisor is on leave.
- To maintain collegial and collaborative relationships with the Kaupapa Maori Service.
- Participate in the Taumata Hui, providing information on possible pathways for and treatment of Maori service users on the forensic caseload.
- Participate in Kaupapa Maori Services, staff hui, support tikanga Maori protocol and procedures at Mason Clinic.
- Statutory & Treaty of Waitangi obligations
- Ensures the professional and political integrity of WDHB by carrying out all functions in compliance of the Treaty of Waitangi and by demonstrating a serious commitment to keeping the treaty alive.
- Shows sensitivity to cultural complexity in the workforce and patient population
- To recognise Individual Responsibility for Workplace Health and Safetyunder the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
- Company health and safety policies are read and understood and relevant procedures applied to their own work activities
- Workplace hazards are identified and reported, including self management of hazards where appropriate
- Can identify health and safety representative for area
Our Purpose, Values and Standards
At the heart of Waitemata DHB is our promise of ‘better care for everyone’. This promise statement is the articulation of our three-fold purpose to:- promote wellness,
- prevent, cure and ameliorate ill health and
- relieve the suffering of those entrusted to our care.
Our standards and behaviours serve as a reminder to us all about how we are with our patients and with each other.
Note: This job description forms part of an individual’s contract of employment with WDHB and must be attached to that contract.
Minimum / PreferredFormal TertiaryQualification/s / Evidence of completed a tertiary qualification /
- Health, Mental Health, Social Work, Psychology Certificate or Bachelor degree
Tikanga MaoriKnowledge & Involvement /
- Involvement in Maori community development
- Knowledge of Maori community networks
- Understanding of Maori social and health issues
- Fluency in Te Reo Maori
- Involved in Iwi, Hapu, Whanau Marae and Community Development
- Experience in Maori Mental Health
Behaviour / One years work experience in community or social setting /
- Excellent communication skills
- Ability to interface with both across all forensic services
- Proven ability to facilitate meetings that are solution orientated
- Able to work autonomously, be versatile and adaptable
- Provide written reports, complete clinical notes and cultural assessments
- Computer literate
Driver’s License / Essential
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