America: The Last Best Hope

Chapter 13—The American Dynamo

1. The 1890 book of photos called How the Other Half Lives catalogues the deplorable conditions in which

A Native Americans lived

B Southern blacks lived

C city slum dwellers lived

D the rural poor lived

2. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle describe the terrible conditions in

A city slums

B coal mines

C meat packing plants

D factories

3. The publishing of The Jungle led to passage of the

A Pure Food and Drug Act

B Sherman Anti-Trust Act

C National Declamation Bill

D Federal Reserve Act

4. Progressives supported all of the following reforms except

A direct elections of Senators

B a federal income tax

C referendum

D elimination of tariffs

5. Progressives supported all of the following reforms except

A women voting rights

B equal rights for blacks

C direct primaries to select Presidents

D recall and initiatives

6. The Federal Reserve Act reformed and regulated the nations

A meat packing industry

B banking system

C national park system

D federal budget process

7. The Spanish-American War became known as

A “A Superb Little War”

B “A Fraudulent Little War”

C “A Dirty Little War”

D “A Splendid Little War”

8. Prior to becoming President, Teddy Roosevelt was governor of

A Pennsylvania

B Virginia

C Massachusetts

D New York

9. The motto of the “Yellow Press” was

A “give ‘em what they want”

B “politics first”

C “nothing but the truth”

D “if it bleeds, it leads”

10. American desire to fight Spain was due to reports of Spanish atrocities in

A Cuba

B Puerto Rico

C Mexico

D Argentina

11. The United States declared war on Spain after

A Spain deported American citizens in Havana

B Poncho Villa raided American towns

C the USS Maine exploded in Havana

D Spain seized American property

12. The “Rough Riders” was the nickname given to regiment led by

A John J. Pershing

B Teddy Roosevelt

C Joseph Pulitzer

D William Howard Taft

13. The “Rough Riders” became famous for their battle at

A San Juan Hill

B Mani-Mani

C Puerto Rico

D Manila

14. The “Buffalo Soldiers” fighting in the Spanish-American War had first gained fame as

A formers slaves who fought Indians on the frontier

B Italian immigrants who fought Indians on the frontier

C Irish immigrants who fought Indians on the frontier

D white southerners who fought Indians on the frontier

15. Following the Spanish-American War, the United States took direct control of all of the following locations except

A Philippines

B Cuba

C Guam

D Puerto Rico

16. In the same period as the Spanish-American War, the United States also took the opportunity to annex the

A Midway Islands

B MarshallIslands

C Hawaiian Islands

D Solomon Islands

17. The United States faced a violent insurrection after they took control of

A Puerto Rico

B Guam

C Hawaii

D Philippines

18. The United States “Open Door Policy” was an attempt to allow free access to the markets of

A India

B Japan

C China

D Indochina

19. The “Boxer Rebellion” was a reaction to European imperialism in

A Indochina

B China

C Japan

D India

20. Which European country’s soldiers became known as the “Huns” after their emperor told them to fight with “all the ferocity of the Huns of old?”

A Britain

B Germany

C Russia

D Austria

21. In Up From Slavery, Booker T. Washington said African Americans could best help themselves through

A marches, protests, and boycotts

B demands for civil rights

C education and training

D use of the legal system

22. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded on the principle that African Americans should demand civil rights though use of

A civil disobedience

B legal action in federal courts

C boycotts

D protest marches and demonstrations

23. The Wright Brothers gained famed with their historic 1903 invention of the first

A airplane

B Model T automobile

C Zeppelin

D Blimp

24. The 1912 split in the Republican Party led to the election of which Democrat in 1912?

A Grover Cleveland

B William JenningsBryan

C Franklin D. Roosevelt

D Woodrow Wilson

25. The immediate cause of World War I was the

A assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria

B murder of Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his family

C Vladimir Lenin’s communist takeover in Russia

D German invasion of France

26. The Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914 protected the rights of

A farmers

B immigrants

C labor

D business