Title: University academic scholarship policy
Scholarship Overview
- The University Academic Scholarship is applied on a semester by semester basis.
- Cumulative GPA (Weighted)
- ACT Score (those without college credit) * does not apply to Concurrent students
- The University Academic Scholarship does not require an application for the scholarship monies to be applied to the student account.
- All academic scholarships apply to tuition only and not fees
Entrance Requirements
- High school GPA is calculated for those students who have NOT attended a college or university. Those who have earned credit from a college or university will have their college GPA calculated for scholarship eligibility and will not be permitted to use high school GPA information except for concurrent students.
- All financial aid grants must be applied to a student’s account before SCU scholarships are awarded. Scholarships awarded in any given semester may not exceed the total of actual tuition, fees and room and board expenses, less financial aid grants.
- All financial aid grants must be applied to a student’s account before SCU scholarships are awarded. Scholarships awarded in any given semester may not exceed the total of actual tuition, less financial aid grants.
- In order to initially qualify for the scholarship (New Students), the university considers cumulative GPA from the transferring institution (High School or College). For college GPA’s the university considers all transfer credits and transferring institutions in order to calculate the cumulative GPA.
Continuing Requirements
- Student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.5.
- Eligible students must have completed a minimum of 27 credit hours for the previous academic year.
- All financial aid grants must be applied to a student’s account before SCU scholarships are awarded. Scholarships awarded in any given semester may not exceed the total of actual tuition, fees and room and board expenses, less financial aid grants.
- All financial aid grants must be applied to a student’s account before SCU scholarships are awarded. Scholarships awarded in any given semester may not exceed the total of actual tuition, less financial aid grants.
- Scholarship recipients must be in good standing with the University. Students on probation (academic, disciplinary or chapel) will not be eligible for institutional scholarships. Also, when evaluating scholarship eligibility, the university does not round up the student GPA and the approximate GPA is used for evaluation purposes.
- Institutional aids are not applied to repeat classes.
Annual Application of Scholarship Funds
- The Academic Scholarship is applied as the first scholarship awarded on account for eligible students after all federal grants, state aid, and external scholarships have been applied.
- The scholarship is applied to the account using the calculated GPA for the previous semester at Southwestern Christian University.
Academic Levels / Cumulative Weighted GPA / ACT Score / 30 Credit Hours
Year / 15 Credit Hours
Level 1 / 3.5-3.70 / 23-24 / $1500 / $750
Level 2 / 3.71-3.80 / 25-26 / $2500 / $1250
Level 3 / 3.81-3.90 / 27-28 / $3500 / $1750
Level 4 / 3.91-4.0 / 29-30 / $4500 / $2250
Level 5 / Valedictorian / $5000 / $2500
Level 6 / National Merit Scholar / 31+ / Full Tuition / Full Tuition
The new University Academic Scholarship Policy will apply to students beginning Fall 2017
and will not be retroactive. This policy supersedes any previous policies or agreements, either written or verbal.
Drafted on:Approved 12/14/16Policy Revised: