What are the hours?
9:00-4:00. We offer pre-care from 7:30-9:00 and post care 4:00-6:00 for an additional fee.
Between 9:00am and 4:00pm children will be in structured activities and may also be offsite. There will be no supervision before 7:30am, so please do not have your child arrive before then. A late fee of $1 a minute is charged to parents who pick up after 6pm. If your child will not be attending please let a Camp Director know ahead of time. Please call or email by 8:30am.
How does Drop off and Pick Up work?
Parents will drop off and pick up their children at the Childcare entrance and sign in or out.
It is important that an adult walks in with the child in case staff need to share any important information and vice versa. (Children will not be allowed to walk in unsupervised.) It is important that you make a connection with the staff member at the beginning and end of the day. Please make sure you or whoever is picking up your child has a photo ID as we will be referencing authorized pick up lists for the safety of your child.
Is transportation provided?
No. Camp is at the Burbank YMCA where you will be dropping off and picking up your child onsite.
What should my child bring?
Bathing suit, Towel, Flip Flops and Plastic bag (for wet bathing suit)
The children will be swimming daily and may go to the splash park as well, so it is important that they always have their bathing suit with them. All children are highly encouraged to swim.
Sneakers and comfortable clothes
The children will be participating in a number of activities, including art, science experiments and sports. They should have the appropriate clothes for these activities. If they wear flip flops to the program they must also bring a pair of closed shoes or sneakers. Please label all children’s items, including socks and underwear.
An extra change of clothes
There are some long days at the summer program. We want to make sure that if your child’s clothes get wet or dirty (they could get stuck in the rain or fall in the mud) that they have something clean and dry to change into.
The children will be out in the sun while they are in our care, and we want to ensure that their skin is protected. Many parents apply in the morning and staff will remind children to reapply sunscreen approximately every 2 hours. Please label your child’s sunscreen.
Bug Spray
We will be doing archery a few times a week and going outside as much as possible so it is highly recommended to spray children in the morning and/or pack some to reapply. Please label your child’s bug spray.
Water bottle
We will be encouraging the children to drink water throughout the day, so please pack a water bottle if you have one. Don’t forget to put their name on it!
We recommend a back pack to keep all of your child’s belongings contained.
Please pack a nut free lunch and two snacks.
What should my child leave at home?
Cell phone, iPod, electronics, games, toys, and money. If a child is found with any of these items a parent will be called. The YMCA is not responsible if any of these items are lost or stolen.
Does my child have to swim?
All children swim on their designated swim days unless a parent notifies us in writing about a special circumstance. Learning to swim is very important for safety, exercise and self confidence. Swimming is part of our schedule just as all of our other activities. Please remember to put your child’s name in all clothing, including undergarments!
What should my child bring for food?
Parents are responsible for sending their child with a nut free lunch and two snacks
We ask that you provide healthy items that keep their energy up all day long. Soda and other high sugar drinks are not allowed. We are also not able to refrigerate or heat up any food.
Nuts products (for example peanut butter, walnuts, coconut) are NOT ALLOWED. We have some severe allergies to these foods and we want to ensure that all of the children are safe.
***Please label all children’s items, including socks and underwear.***