Swinton and Pendlebury Neighbourhood Management Report
(January 2011)
This report provides an update of some partnership work underway in Swinton and Pendlebury. Please contact Marie Shields, Neighbourhood Manager, or Chris Tucker, Community Development Officer on 0161 607 1961 should you wish to discuss any items in more detail, ways to get involved or support for your group.
1. Local Partnership Delivery Group
This task group meets on a monthly basis and focuses upon crime prevention, community safety and the quality of the local environment. Recent priorities of the group have been
- To address anti social behaviour at Bain Street and Kingsley Road. Installation of the Community Committee funded CCTV at the Valley to take place imminently.
- Distribution of 900 Smarterwater property security kits have been taken up by residents of the Valley and further areas are planned for delivery.
- Police Beat meetings continue to take place across the area.
- New alleygating scheme at Buttermere Avenue.
- Clean up and improvements to Piggy Bridge.
- Community Payback projects at Clifton Youth Centre and St Thomas’ Church.
2. Neighbourhood Partnership Board.
This Board monitors progress of the Swinton Business Plan and assists Community Committee in addressing issues of concern. The board is attended by senior officers from Salford Council, Health Services, Urban Vision, SALIX Homes, City West Housing and local Councillors. Recent meetings have focused upon;
- Opportunities to access money management advice and opportunities to participate in a local credit union. These have been highlighted by residents who have met with the Working Neighbourhood Team.
- Forthcoming changes to the NHS and Swinton Health Improvement Team.
- The Building Schools for the Future proposal to merge Swinton and Moorside High and feedback raised through recent community consultations.
3. Children and Young People
Partnership work in ongoing to engage young people in positive activities.
Recent activities have been;
- Group of young people are delivering musical drama performance on a roadshow basis at community venues and sheltered accommodation. These have been extremely successful and future venues are being considered for future events. Some of the group will take part in activities at the Lowry and free tickets are available for residents.
- Detached youth workers continue to meet young people during evenings. Some of these are now taking part in a football training programme with Salford Community Leisure.
- Activities continue at the Deans and Clifton youth centres and at the Valley Community Centre.
- New weekly bike repair workshop at the Valley established.
- A group of 15 young people aged 14 years + have recently met with local Councillors and agencies to discuss issues that they are concerned about such as crime and safety. This group is keen to continue to meet as a youth community committee to ensure that the voice of young people is heard and hopefully assist in planning activities/services for younger people.
4. Environmental Task Group
The group focuses upon the quality of the local environment and highways improvement projects. Highways priorities have recently been identified;
- Moorside Road dropped crossings.
- Repair of damage at Barton Road/East Lancs junction.
- Resurfacing of Bingham Street.
Costings will be provided for these schemes to be funded through the Devolved Highways fund and will be presented to Community Committee for approval on the 8th of February.
5. Swinton Lions
The Swinton Lions project was officially launched on the 12th of January 2011 and was a very successful event. This project is dedicated to the legacy of Swinton Lions and will work with local people who have a memory of the club when it was located in the area. Local people will capture these memories will be captured through films and memory boxes that will be used by schools, museums and community groups for many years.
Over 70 people attended the launch that was officially opened by the Editor In Chief of the Independent newspaper Simon Kelner (a keen Lions supporter!). Attendees included past and current players, The Supporters Trust, Swinton High School, Councillors, Salford Mayor and other partners who are overseeing the project. Thank you to Councillor Fergurson who kindly offered to say a few words at the opening.
6. Breakfast Clubs
Holiday breakfast clubs will continue during 2011 at the Valley and Clifton for young people and parents. These will commence during the February half term. Activities include;
- Swinton Health Improvement Team provide healthy breakfasts for young people and advise on the importance of a balanced diet and relaxation.
- Greater Manchester Police assist with the sessions as a means of getting to know younger residents.
- Salford Community Leisure and Play Team will be on hand to provided fun activities at the clubs.
Swinton Neighbourhood Team are confirming future dates therefore please contact us for more information, publicity to follow.
7. In Bloom
Several local Primary Schools are participating in a Winter/Spring In Bloom project to plant trees in open spaces with the Neighbourhood Team.
8. Working Neighbourhood Team
The Working Neighbourhood team is continuing to meet residents at the Valley and the Poets areas to offer support that people feel is important to them. At the Poets, weekly services and activities are now established at the community house and there is interest to develop a new gardening club. At the Valley the team are continuing to make contact with residents.
9. Refugee Week
Refugee Week will be celebrated during June 2011 and ideas are welcomed for activities that community groups would like to carry out during the week.