7th April 2016
Annual Report for Chedgrave Parish Council
There have been a number of changes to the Parish Council in the last twelve months with John Godfrey resigning and Derrick Johnson and Clive Boyd standing down, Richard Wood, Cheryl Frost and Chralie Frosdick have joined us.
Adrian Gunson resigned as County Councillor and was replaced by Barry Stone in the May election last year. The sudden death of Derek Blake resulted in an election, with Jans Larner taking his post.
Our website and the Chet News continue to provide both Parish Council and community information and have the latest news. Minutes of meetings are posted monthly on the website, the parish noticeboard and in the library. Derrick Johnson has continued to administer the website despite standing down, for which we are very grateful.
The finances of the Parish Council remain in good order and our precept has reduced this year.
Chedgrave Common is now a registered charity under the management of the Parish Council. It is a County Wildlife Site and we now have horses grazing on The Common during certain months for conservation purposes.
Due to the continuing degradation of the play equipment at Grebe Drive Play area we have applied for grants for replacing equipment and improving the facility. Some pieces of equipment have been removed as they were unsafe and a grant has been successful for a “viper” but we need to find more funding to fully develop a scheme.
The Pits Play area has seen the swings replaced, partly by a community effort and then completed by a specialist contractor. The fence has also been removed as it was rotting and continually being vandalised. We are very grateful to the volunteers that gave their time and local businesses that pledged monies to make this happen. This area of the village is also a scheme that we need to further with the banks to the sides being remodelled and re-planted, the car park and play equipment being upgraded. This will also require grant funding so will not happen overnight.
The Lych Gate was granted planning permission last year and we have already raised some money towards the construction costs. We are now in the process of obtaining additional grant funding so that we can construct this memorial to the fallen of Chedgrave as soon as possible.
Both Picnic in the Pits last year and the Easter Egg Hunt this year had to be cancelled due to weather. The Easter Egg Hunt is to be re-arranged as soon as possible and our picnic this year will be tied in with the Queen’s birthday celebrations.
We now have a plan for improvements to White Horse Plain to ensure the wellbeing of the Jubilee Oak. This work is currently being quoted for and we hope to have this work done as soon as possible, subject to funding.
The Christmas lights at the shops were replaced and we had a full display over Christmas along with trees organised by LDBA. The hanging baskets at the shops and bus shelter will be provided by the Parish Council once again this year and we will be asking the local businesses to keep them watered.
Funding was obtained last year for our own “SAM” sign which is a speed activated monitor. It makes people aware of what speed they are doing to encourage them to slow down in our village and provides us with data as to speed and volume of traffic. This sign is moved on a monthly basis to different locations.
The Deed of Trust for Loddon and Chedgrave Playing Field has finally been signed by both Loddon and Chedgrave parish councils. The registration of the land in the names of both parishes still needs to be finalised.
The allotments off Hardley Road saw their official opening ceremony last year, opened by Dennis Tabor. They have now been set up for a couple of years and are becoming established. The allotment holders have formed their own society and obtained Lottery funding for a borehole and therefore a water supply which will make growing much easier. There are still some plots available which we are keen to get filled.
The permissive footpath around land off Big Back Lane which adjoins Beauchamp Road has been in operation for over a year now and is a success with many people using it respectfully.
Beauchamp Road will soon see a planning application for twelve local needs affordable homes for Saffron Housing Trust. This is a scheme that has been in the pipeline for the last four years but is now coming to fruition to provide local people with homes at an affordable rent.
The path along the bank of The Chet on The Wherryman’s Way from Pits Lane to The Common is currently being re-constructed as part of the crest raising works. The recent closure of the Wherryman’s Way where it runs alongside Hardley Floods causes us a great deal of concern. We are currently awaiting further information from Norfolk County Council, the Broads Authority and The Environment Agency as to the state of the banks of The Chet at this location and the effect of tidal flow, as this will determine if and what can be done and at what cost. We fear that if nothing is done, The Chet will become unnavigable and the boatyards and the Wherrymans Way as we know them will be lost forever. We will continue to pursue all parties involved to prevent this from happening.
I hope my report was informative and trust that you will all support the Parish Council to ensure that Chedgrave remains a great place to live and continues to fulfil your aspirations for the future.
Jacqueline Bircham BSc MRICS
Chairman to Chedgrave Parish Council