Publisher / Program / Grade Level(s)McGraw-Hill School Education / FLEX Literacy / 4–8
Program Summary:
FLEX Literacy(Program 4) includes: Elementary System (ELEM), Secondary System (SEC), Student Interactive Reader (SIR), Print Experience Teacher Edition (PTE), Project Experience Guides (PG), Implementation Guide (IG), Differentiated Instruction Resources (DIR), Tradebook Library (TBL), online Student Digital Experience (DX), FLEXWorks online teacher tool (FW), online Professional Learning Environment (PLE), Assessment Resources (AR), Secondary Program Guide (SPG), online Digital Sampler (DS), online Teacher Edition (TE).
FLEX Literacy(Program 4) is recommended for adoption because the program includes content as specified in the CA CCSS for ELA, meets all identified subset of standards in Criterion 1 fully, and meetsall the Criteria in Category 1 with strengths in Categories 2–5. Edits and corrections required as a condition of adoption are listed on the last page of this document under the “Edits and Corrections” section.
Criteria Category 1: ELA/ELD Content/Alignment with Standards
The program supportsteaching to the subset of CA CCSS for ELA identified in Appendix 12-B: Matrix 1, and covers all of the evaluation criteria in Category 1.
- Criterion #1: Some exemplars of standards: Grade 1, RL.1.3: ELEM PTE Vol A: pp. 6–10; Grade 2, RL.2.7: DX>Band C>Lesson 83, Model 3:To determine and describe the content of an image; Grade 3, RI.3.4: ELEM PTE Vol A: pp. 86, 88, 91, 94, 96; Grade 4, W.4.7: ELEM PG Voting Day: pp. 20–34; Grade 5, RF.5.4c: DX>Band F>Lessons 241, 246, 251, 256, 261>Fluency: Cold Reads; Grade 6, W.6.3c: SEC PG Time Capsule: pp. 24–25; Grade 7, SL.7.5: SEC PG Get in Touch: pp. 32–33. Grade 8: RI.8.1, DX>Band G>Lesson 288: Model 4: To answer inferential questions with text evidence.
- Criterion #8: DX>Band G>Lesson 267>Model 2: To determine the author’s purpose; ELEM Vol C PTE: pp. 181–186.
- Criterion #14: DX>Band A>Lesson 30>Sound Combinations/Word Parts 1: Silent E; FW>Resources>Project Experience>Resources>CCSS Literacy e-Handbook.
- Criterion #19: FW>Resources>Project Experience>Resources>Elementary and Secondary Quick Look documents.
- Criterion #20: SEC PG Health Expo: p. 21; ELEM PG Good Eating:p. 33.
Criteria Category 2: Program Organization
The organization and features of the instructional materialssupport instruction and learning of the Standards.
- Criterion #1:ELEM and SECPTE, VolA, B, C; TBL; PG.
- Criterion #3: ELEM PTE, Vol A, B, C, pp. vi–3; DS; AR, pp. 139–185.
- Criterion #6: ELEMPG: Exploration Journal, pp. 6–7, and I Am A Rock, pp. 6–7; SEC PG: Artist At Work, pp. 6–7.
- Criterion #14: ELEM and SEC PTE, Vol A, B, C, pp. iii–v; ELEM PTE, p. 4; SIR, Vol B, pp. 196–204; SEC PTE, VolC, pp. 292–311.
Criteria Category 3:Assessment
The instructional materials provide teachers with assistance in using assessments for planning instruction, implementing strategies for meeting the instructional needs of students, and measuring the effectiveness of instruction through progress monitoring.
- Criterion #1: SEC PTE, Vol C, pp. 122, 138, 250; ELEM PG Capstone, pp. 1–48.
- Criterion #3: PLE Entrance and Exit Criteria Module, IG, p. 34.
- Criterion #5: AR, p. viii, SEC PTE, Vol C, pp. 210–211.
- Criterion #9: AR, pp. iv, v, vi, vii, PLE Entrance and Exit Criteria Module.
Criteria Category 4: Universal Access
Program materials ensure universal and equitable access to high-quality curriculum and instruction for students so they can meet or exceed the expectations as described in the CA CCSS for ELA, and provide teachers with the necessary content and pedagogical tools to teach students the CA CCSS for ELA.
- Criterion #2: All grade levels, TE, Resources>General Resources>Professional Development>Research: Meeting the Needs of Students in Special Education, pp. 5–13, which include: Three Tiers of Instruction, RTI Models, and Best Practices.
- Criterion #4: All grade levels, DIR, pp. 418–422.
- Criterion #5: All grade levels, PLE>Accessibility Module.
- Criterion #6: All grade levels, TE>Resources>General Resources>Professional Development>FLEX Author’s Videos>Preparing Students for Success by Dr. Ron Martella; Implementation Guide, p. 84, Viewing Reports, Resources>Project Experience>Resources> Using Project Experience, Writing Exemplars.
Criteria Category 5: Instructional Planning and Teacher Support
The instructional materials contain a clear road mapfor teachers to follow when planning instruction and are designed to help teachers provide effective standards-based instruction and ensure opportunities for students to learn the essential skills and knowledge specified for in the CA CCSS for ELA.
- Criterion #6: FW>Resources>Professional Development Videos; ELEM PTE, Vol C, pp. 140–147; DIR, pp. 361–386.
- Criteria #17: SEC PG “Write the News,” p. 32; FW, Project Experience, Pre-project lessons, lesson 2 “Active Listening & Participation” SEC PTE, Vol C, pp. 150–151, 153.
- Criteria #20: DIR, Individualized Instruction, pp.1–360, and Critical Thinking, pp. 1–60; ELEM and SEC PGs, pp. 12–13, 38–42; SEC PTE, Vol C, pp. 4–11.
- Criteria #26: IG, pp. 50–84; FW>Resources>General Resources>Professional Development>elnservice modules>videos, and FW Tutorials; FW>Resources>Print Experience>Elementary ePresentations, “Long Road to Freedom.”
Edits and Corrections:
The following edits and corrections must be made as a condition of adoption.
- Digital Experience, Band J, Lesson 414, Monitor 6 title: “nonfition” should be “nonfiction”.
- Project Experience, ELEM PG “Moving to Mars”, p.41: (title reads) “Informative Assessment Writing Guide”;however, checklist is “Narrative Writing Guide” checklist.
- SEC PG Technology Wish List, p. 24, “Writing Connection”: “chose” should be “choose”.
- ELEM PG “Plan a Playground”: On back cover, “Technology Focus: BLOG” should be “Technology Focus: Slide Presentation”.
California Department of Education
August 17, 2015