Ahmedpur Road Bahawalpur
Tele. No. 062-9255311 Fax No. 062-9255313
Re-tender in sealed cover, free from cutting, eraser and overwriting, accompanied by earnest money of requisite amount in shape of deposit at call in favour of Executive Officer, Bahawalpur Cantonment based on MES Schedule of rates 2014 (as amended up to date) are invited from the approved contractors of the Bahawalpur Cantonment Board those who have deposited renewal fee for the year 2017-18 and having valid registration with Pakistan Engineering Council for the following original works to be executed during the current fiscal year 2017-18. Pre-qualification shall be carried out before finalization of tendering process.
The tender will be received on 05th October, 2017 till 12:30 PM and will be opened on the same day after 30 minutes in the presence of contractors or their authorized representatives who may happen to be present at that time.
Ser / Description of work / Est. CostRs. in (M) / Earnest Money
Rs in (M) / Tender Documentation
Fee Rs. in (M)
1 / Construction of CB Girls Public High School & College at Muhammad Bin Qasim Road Model Town-A / 49.00 / 0.98 / 0.0015
2 / Construction of CB Flats at Muhammad Bin Qasim Road Model Town-A (Phase-I) / 32.722 / 0.654 / 0.0015
1) Interested firms / persons for construction works are required to submit their documents by 28th September, 2017 for their registration with Cantt Board Bahawalpur for approval as contractor if they are not already registered with Cantt Board Bahawalpur.
2) The contractor can get the tender documents by 04rd October, 2017 till 10:00 AM from the Cantt Board office Bahawalpur Cantt.
3) Priority shall be given to the firms / contractors who are / have executed construction works of building / Education Institutions / Hospitals.
4) Authentic proof of strong financial position such as Bank Statement for one year including receipts from ongoing or completed projects of similar nature.
5) The contractor must have any ONE ongoing BUILDING PROJECT of similar nature and complexity with contract value.
6) Tender documents will be issued on application; immediately after publication of this notice, during working hours.
7) No tender will be issued without producing the call deposit / bid bond in favour of the undersigned equal to the earnest money.
8) Tender without earnest money will not be entertained.
9) The Cantonment Board reserves the rights to demand the analysis of quoted rates to check their reasonability and work ability.
10) The successful contractor shall enter into a prescribed agreement with the Cantt Board Bahawalpur within 07 days of issuance of acceptance letter falling which the earnest money shall be forfeited towards Cantt Fund.
11) Work order will be issued after the approval of estimates / plans / drawings from competent authority.
12) In case of non-submission of tender documents for the subject project the 2nd date of opening of tender will be 06th October, 2017.
(Zafar Mahmood)
Cantonment Executive Officer
Bahawalpur Cantonment