Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of Skellingthorpe Parish Council held on Wednesday 7th October 2015 at 6.30 pm at Skellingthorpe Village Office, Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln
Present: Cllrs Goldson (Chair of meeting) Scott, Jackman , Snedden, Cheeseman,
Pepper, Richardson, Pannell, Samms. Bennett. Clerks: L. Skinner, M. Rouston
1.Apologies for absence and reasons given. Cllrs Hauton Cllr Shaw other commitments
Cllr Scarborough did not attend
2. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests.
There were no declarations of interest at this point.
3. To Inspect the Parish Council Insignia
4 Approve Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 29th September as a true record of that meeting
Proposed to be a true record by Cllr Cheeseman Seconded by Cllr Jackman
5. The Hub
Before discussions took place on the agenda items for the Hub. Cllr Goldson advised the Council on good news from the Railway Path Partnership Sustrans, regarding the area of land adjacent to the Sustrans track, that the Council may take over a Lease for 7 years (renewable if required) at a peppercorn rent, to enable the Council to complete the work they wished to do on this land with regard to sympathetic maintenance of the land. Cllr Cheeseman showed the Council a map of the area, and advised there is nothing onerous in the lease, but would be using a Solicitor to check it. There may be some fencing needed around footpath 15 and a sign on an area that states it is not a Public Footpath. Cllr Samms advised there were some details on a Footpath notice regarding a contact number to keep the area Ecologically sound. Sustrans are keen to use professionals and happy for Hill Holt Wood to complete the work required as they will deal with this sympathetically. There were discussions on perhaps using any wood taken out to be used to enhance the area such as possibly a bench making it the area a positive place to visit.
a) To seek authority to engage a new Solicitor
Due to having to come away from Wilkin Chapman solicitors, Cllr Goldson had rung a few local Solicitors regarding using them, but to no avail due to lack of experience with Parish/Local Government experience. A few suggestion’s on Solicitors were given. Langleys being favourable as local. It was put to a vote to seek authority
The motion was proposed by Cllr Jackman and Seconded by Cllr Cheeseman. All in favour by show of hands
Clerks to book an appointment with Langleys
b) to seek authority to pay full and final legal fees to former solicitor
It was agreed we had to pay final bill to former solicitors Proposed by Cllr Scott Seconded Cllr Cheeseman 9 in Favour 1 abstention Carried on majority vote. Clerk to pay Final Bill
c) To set an Interim Budget of £5,000 for legal and associated costs in the Hub project
Cllr Goldson had emailed LALC on this situation for advice. Budget needed to be set. Costs need to be ascertained before engaging anyone. Proposed Cllr Pannell Seconded Cllr Snedden 9 in Favour 1 abstention. Carried on a majority vote.
d) To set an interim budget of £5,000 to engage with architects to progress The Hub
Cllr Cheeseman went through costs, and spoke about the meeting with Malcom Smith from Navenby PC on their building of the The Venue. To save costs from asking an architect at the onset, but to take the approach to ask “are you willing to come to speak to us, and give us a rough idea on costs” to take this approach with around 4 different firms. This idea worked for Navenby PC. Proposed to set the budget at £5,000 by Cllr Pannell Seconded by Cllr Scott 9 in favour with 1 abstention carried on a majority vote.
6. Footpath 15
Complaints had been received on the condition of this Footpath. Highways in the past rejected any work to be done on the footpath. It was resolved to write again to LCC Highways and a copy to be sent to Cllr Shore. Cllr Pannell advised to send photos with the letter Clerks to write once photos taken
7. Dog Fouling
Dog fouling was becoming bad again, especially on Footpath 15. Discussions took place how to elevate the problem. Blitz the area again with Dog Fouling notices and an article in the Chat asking people to be vigilant, and report any incidents to the PCSO’s for Skellingthorpe, and if possible take photo’s. Clerks to Notify Chat
8. Pavilion Refurbishment
There will be more painting on the Pavilion on Saturday 10th October, all welcome to come along. Due to WiFi problems it is not possible to site a camera around the Bowls Club area to monitor the Pavilion. It was discussed putting equipment in the Pavilion roof area, which was decided to be possible. Big Security lights to be installed. The obsolete security fencing had been sold at a cost of £1,500 this will be used to offset further security costs in cameras and lighting. To go out to tender again from the 3 original companies approached, due to the installation now in the Pavilion. Tenders to be back by the 22nd October 2015 Clerk to write to 3 Companies
9. Burial Charges Increases
Cllr Scott advised it was time to review the Burial Costs, and it would seem they had not been increased since 2014. It was discussed between a 3 to 5% increase on the charges. The list of the various charges were discussed and agreed upon. The charges to be applicable from 1st November. Cllr Scott proposed the new charges to be implemented. Cllr Snedden seconded 9 in favour 1 Abstention. Carried on a majority vote Clerks to set up new charges and advise Undertakers and update website
11. To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960. Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.
Proposed Cllr Cheeseman seconded by Cllr Jackman and unanimously approved on a show of hands that council move into closed session. The members of public present left at this point.
There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 7.25pm
Chairman...... Date......