English 28
/ Fall 2016East Los Angeles College
Intermediate Reading and Composition (UC:CSU) (3.00 units)
Course Description
Course Objectives
To successfully complete this course, students will be able to
· Write a college level expository essay (one that “explains”) of 600 to 1200 words (2-4 pages typed) logically organized, thoroughly and intelligently developed and nearly free of grammar and usage errors.· Read critically college level texts, determining main ideas, choosing significant details and making appropriate inferences and analyses. In other words, to be able to fully comprehend what you read.
· Critically apply what you have read to an essay question, correctly quoting and paraphrasing reading material in a summary analysis and interpretation discussion.
· Form a clear, complete, compelling personal response to a variety of issues using a variety of developmental modes, as appropriate.
· Recognize and effectively use simple, compound, and compound-complex sentences, as well as other basic academic writing conventions
· Write in-class essays under timed conditions.
English 28 will help students meet the following Student Learning Outcomes:
CLO 1 - Grammar & Mechanics Students will apply advanced knowledge of persistent and complex grammar/mechanics (such as fragments, run-ons and parallel structure) to edit an extended essay.
CLO 2 - Reading Students will compose an analytical essay that critiques the thesis or central theme of a text based on a close reading of the work's rhetorical and/or literary techniques.
CLO 3 - Composition Students will compose an essay with an effective introduction and a strong positional thesis that is supported by body paragraphs that include textual evidence, and finish with a conclusion that not only summarizes main points but reflects the larger topic raised in the introduction.
Course Materials
1. Notebook paper, pens, pencils, and so forth.
2. Two green books (You can purchase them at the bookstore.)
3. An LACCD.EDU email account (You can have emails forwarded to your personal account.)
4. Internet access (Course assignments and updates will be found on class blog) www.thespacebetweenusblog.wordpress.com
Required Course Readings:
Rules for Writers, East LA College Edition by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers
Life of Pi by Yann Martel
ISBN (13 digits): 978-0156027328
*Both books are at the bookstore. However, you may find them on your own. Digital books are welcome.
**I will provide all other readings either online via class blog or printouts.
Course Requirements
Essay 1: Literacy Narrative (2-4 pages): 20 points
Essay 2: “How Do We Learn?” (3-4 pages): 25 points
Essay 3: “What Are Our Obstacles to Learning?” (3-4 pages): 25 points
Essay 4: “How Do We Build Resilience?” (4-5 pages): 30 points
In-class Midterm: 25 points
In-class Final: 25 points- Wed 12/14 from 9:30 AM- 11:30 AM
Journals/ Class Work/ Revision Workshops: 25 pts
Homework: 25pts
Quizzes: 25 pts
Total: 225 points
All outside class assignments should be typed and in MLA format unless otherwise specified. Each major assignment will come with a detailed explanation and rubric. The average of all your writing assignments, class work, and tests together with attendance and participation will determine the final grade. Active class participation is mandatory in order to earn an “A” or “B” in the course. All assignments must meet course standards and be submitted on deadline. In order to pass the course, all essays and the midterm and final must be submitted.
Grading Scale:
A 90- 100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 50-59
Instructional Approach:
This class focuses on active learning and aims to engage students with different learning styles. Class time will include mini lectures, presentations and videos, hands on activities, small group discussion, entire class discussion, collaborative learning, revision workshops, peer review, one-on-one conferences, and writing.
Promises Made to You:
Return assignments promptly (within 1-2 weeks) with helpful and constructive feedback
Give you choice at every logical/ practical opportunity
Come to class prepared and teach for a purpose (no busy work)
Recognize that you are a whole person with a busy life outside of English class
Promises Expected from You:
Do the work with an open mind
Ask questions! Often!
Be respectful of peers and professor
Disagree often, but for good reasons and with solid support
Take feedback gracefully
Recognize that your professor is also a whole person with a busy life
Policies and Resources
Student Support Resources
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“I embrace teaching as an opportunity to inspire and empower. As an English instructor, it is my goal to enhance student learning as a transformative experience. Ideally, I want students to feel personally changed by their participation in a course I am teaching. Therefore, my courses stress the importance of critical thinking, effective writing and communication as means by which my students can empower themselves.”
English 28 Schedule
Like all good writing, this schedule is subject to revision
Bring Hacker to each class meeting unless otherwise specified.
Week 1(20 pages of reading)
Mon 8/29
Attendance, Introductions, Teaching Philosophy, Syllabus, Ice Breaker
HW Due Wed: Purchase class materials and review syllabus
Wed 8/31
Growth Mindset Jigsaw (“Brainology”), Geometric Activity,
HW: Study syllabus for quiz AND Read: “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie and “I Just Wanna Be Average” by Mike Rose (both readings are posted on the blog). Write a 1 page summary of both readings (half a page for each reading) (Worth 5 points). The summary should be typed in MLA format. On the blog, review videos on how to put your work in MLA format and how to write a summary.
Week 2 (25 pages of reading)
Wed 9/7
Quiz on the syllabus, Writing Process Lecture
HW: Read “Aria” by Richard Rodriquez (posted on blog). Print out the reading and annotate in the margins (Worth 3 points).
Week 3 (25 pages)
Mon 9/12
Finish discussing readings from last week, Discuss “Aria”, Assign Essay 1
HW: 10 minute free- write on essay topic (can be typed or handwritten)
Wed 9/14
Critical Reading with “My Name” and Literacy Narrative check-in
HW: Final Draft of Essay 1
Week 4 (25 pages)
Mon 9/19
Final Draft of Essay is due, “Three Ways to Persuade” Rhetorical Situation,
HW: Subject –Verb agreement (TBA)
Wed 9/21
Discussion, Watch “The Surprising Science of Motivation” by Dan Pink
HW: Read “IQ Scores Reflect Motivation as well as ‘Intelligence’” by Ed Yong
“How Tests Make Us Smarter” by Henry Roediger (Posted on blog) Be prepared to discuss.
Week 5 (25 pages)
Mon 9/26
Run-ons and comma splices, Journal on Yong and Roediger, “Raising Students Who Want to Read” by Phyllis Hunter
Read “Teaching Math to People Who Think They Hate It” by Jessica Lahey (Posted on blog)
Wed 9/28
Run-ons and comma splices, Lahey reading, Assign Essay 2
HW: Watch videos on writing introductions and thesis statements AND work on essay
Week 6 (25 pages)
Mon 10/3
Classical Arrangement Lecture, Workshops on thesis statements and Introductions
HW: Introduction with thesis for essay 2 (typed) Watch videos on In-text citing with MLA (blog)
Wed 10/5
Thesis statement workshop, MLA Workshop
HW: Rough Draft for essay 2(typed)
Week 7 (25 pages)
Mon 10/10
Peer Review and Works Cited page scavenger Hunt
HW: Final draft of essay 2
Wed 10/12
Final Draft of Essay 2 is due, Review for midterm, Tips for Timed Writing
Week 8 (25 pages)
Mon 10/17 Midterm Exam
Wed 10/19
“Addressing Our Needs:MaslowComes to Life for Educators and Students” by LoriDesautels AND “Growing Roses in Concrete” by Jeff DuncanAndrade
HW: Read “The School-to-Prison Pipeline” by Marilyn Elias
“How to Discipline Students without Turning School into a Prison” by Jeff Deeney( blog)
There will be a reading quiz.
Week 9 (25 pages)
Mon 10/24
Quiz and discussion of readings, active and passive voice
HW: Read “Some Students Need to Fail”by Melissa Nicolas (blog)
Wed 10/26
Dangling Modifiers , Journal on Nicolas reading, “The Banking Concept of Education”by PauloFriere
HW: Read“Five Stereotypes about Poor Families and Education”by Valerie Strauss
“Thin Ice: Stereotype Threat and Black College Students”by Claude M. Steele
Bring in your reading notes (Worth 4 points)
Week 10 (30 pages)
Mon 10/31
Activity on Audience and Tone, Grammar TBA, Assign Essay 3
HW: Work on essay AND Read Life of Pi (Lop)Chapters 1-6 AND reading journal
Wed 11/2
Library Day J
HW: Work on essay and bring in thesis statement AND Read Life of Pi (LOP) Chapters 7-20
Week 11(45 pages)
Mon 11/7
Thesis Statement Workshop, Writing Conclusions, Grammar TBA
HW: Rough Draft of Essay 3 at least 2 pages (Typed) AND Read Life of Pi (LOP Chapters)21-28
Wed 11/9
Reading Quiz, Global Revision and Parallel Structure
HW: Final Draft of Essay 3 AND Read Life of Pi (LOP) Chapters 29-36
Week 12 (40 pages)
Mon 11/14
Final Draft of Essay 3 is due, Grammar TBA, Watch “What Is Resilience?” by This Emotional Life on PBS, Discussion
HW: Read Life of Pi (LOP)Chapters 37-42
Wed 11/16
Grammar TBA, LOP Discussion and Reading Quiz
HW: Read Life of Pi (LOP) Chapters 43-47
Week 13 (35 pages)
Mon 11/21
“Promoting Resiliency among First-Generation College Students”by Jessica Fentressand RachelCollopy and LOP Discussion
HW: Read Life of Pi (LOP) Chapters 48-57
Wed 11/23
Reading Quiz, Discussion of LOP, “The Key to Success? Grit”by AngelaDuckworth
HW: Read Life of Pi (LOP) Chapters 58-62 AND reading journal
Week 14 (40 pages)
Mon 11/28
“Note to Educators: Hope Required When Growing Roses in Concrete” by Jeff DuncanAndrade(Proquest), Discussion of LOP, Assign Essay 4
HW: Read LOP Chapters 63-80 AND work on essay
Wed 11/30
Lesson on Unity and Coherence, Discussion of LOP.
HW: Read LOP 80-95 AND work on essay
Week 15
Mon 12/5
Discussion, conferences, final exam review
HW: AND Work on essay
Wed 12/7
Final Exam Review, Final Reflection, Conferences
HW: Review for final and Final Draft of Essay 4
Week 16
Wed 12/14- 9:30AM- 11:30AM Final Exam and Turn in Final Draft Essay 4