Winwood Children’s Center
Enrollment Authorizations
Child’s Name: (Last)______(First)______Date______
Emergency Medical Care Authorization
I give my permission for the Center to seek emergency medical care for my child of deemed necessary by the staff and or administration, and that I will be notified as soon as possible.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______
Emergency Care Authorization
I give my permission for emergency care decisions to be made by the center staff regarding my child, in the event of an emergency that impedes regular school operations. I understand that the Center will notify me by telephone, as soon as possible, and the t local radio stations WTOP-AM, WMAL-AM, and WASH-FM, will be asked to announce a closure of the school.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______
Field Trip Permission
I hereby give permission to the Winwood Children’s Center to remove my child from the premises for any field trips, neighborhood walks, library visits, park, etc. by means of walking, school van or car. I understand I will have the opportunity to exclude my child from and field trip upon advanced notification. I understand that my child may be excluded from a field trip if his/her behavior compromises their safety or the safety of the group.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______
Participation Permission
I hereby grant permission for my child to participate in any of the childcare activities and to use any of the play equipment to include all indoor and outdoor toys, blocks, climbing structures, etc.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______
Water Activity Permission
I hereby grant permission to the Center to include my child in supervised water activities. My child’s swimming skill level is: a)____ cannot swim b)____swims w/assistance c)____comfortable swimmer
Signature of Parent/ guardian: ______
Publicity Participation
I give permission for my child to be photographed for publicity purposes and/or school activities and bulletin boards. I relinquish all rights, title and interest in the finished photographs and negatives.
Signature of Parents/Guardian: ______
Private Care Exclusion
In the event that I privately contact for child care services, transportation, or assistance with any Winwood Children’s Center employee, the Center will not be held responsible nor liable for and accidents, injuries, or other incidents arising there from. I agree to hold the Center harmless from any and all legal action arising from any independent or other arrangements with the Center employees.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______
Winwood Children’s Center II:______