1. Visual: Watch video clip.
2. Summarize: Write a 2-3 sentence summary of the video.
3. Think: Does this video seem to support or oppose the death penalty? (Re-watch if necessary.)
4. Prove it: Identify three examples in the video that supports or opposes the death penalty. Explain the example.
5. Repeat: Do the same process for the rest of the videos.
6. Reflect: Use the reflection questions on the back and the FLIP video camera to complete your video journal.
Video / Brief summary of video / Support or oppose the death penalty? / Example #1 and explanation / Example #2 and explanation / Example #3 and explanationWest Memphis Three, ABC News 8/20/11 / Supports/Opposes
Osama Bin Laden Death, BBC News 5/2/11 / Supports/Opposes
Death penalty statistics, from Amnesty International / Supports/Opposes
Cost of death penalty, Russian Times 6/2/12 / Supports/Opposes
George Carlin death penalty rant, (rated R) / Supports/Opposes
Shift in public opinion over death penalty, MSNBC 6/12/12 / Supports/Opposes
Reflection questions for Video Journal:
1. Some people argue that the way Osama bin Laden was killed was a form of "the death penalty." What is your opinion about this idea? Use three specific pieces of evidence from your articles (yesterday) to support your opinion. In other words, do you think he received a form of the death penalty? Why or why not?
2. George Carlin uses humor to discuss his views on the death penalty. What are some other issues that you have seen people use humor to discuss? Do you personally ever use humor to discuss a serious matter? How effective is George Carlin’s use of humor when he is discussing the death penalty?
3. Imagine that you were the brother of a victim of the West Memphis Three. Speak as if you are him and what outcomes you would want.
4. Imagine that you are one of the accused men in the West Memphis case. Speak as if you are him and what outcomes you would want.
5. How do you define justice? Do you believe that we live in a just society? Why or why not?