Fruit and Veggie Tracker: ______
NameClassroom Teacher
Use this sheet to log how many fruits and vegetables you eat each day. Track only fresh fruits and vegetables— not those with added sugar. Potatoes, juice and smoothies don't count! Eat at least one serving each of fresh fruit and vegetables each day. Make an X over how many fruits and veggies you eat each day. Have an adult initial each week and take the completed form with your parent’s signature to Mrs. Hasstedt at the end of each month!
WeekParent Initials / Sunday
X per serving / Monday
X per serving / Tuesday
X per serving / Wednesday
X per serving / Thursday
X per serving / Friday
X per serving / Saturday
X per serving
Nov. 5-11
Verified by /
Nov. 12-18
Verified by /
Nov. 19-20
Verified by /
/ *Tracker Sheet DUE TODAY!!! Turn into
Mrs. Hasstedt / / / /
Physical Activity Tracker:
Use this sheet to log your activity-walking to school, playing at recess, riding your bike, playing sports or anything active for 60 minutes a day. Have an adult initial each week and take the completed form with your parent’s signature to Mrs. Hasstedt at the end of each month.
WeekParent Initials / Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Nov. 5-11
Verified by
Nov. 12-18
Verified by
Nov. 19-20
Verified by
/ *Tracker Sheet DUE TODAY!!!
Turn into
Mrs. Hasstedt / / / /
ALL Tracker Sheet DUE: November 20th!!! All sheets must be turned if you want to attend in the DU field trip!!
PARENT Signature: ______
I verify these activities on both sides of the sheet are complete.
Pillar Challenge Tracker: November
Use this sheet to log your Pillar Challenge! Have an adult initial each week and take the completed form with your parent’s signature to Mrs. Hasstedt at the end of each month. Make an X on the Challenge of the day you completed.
WeekParent Initials / Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Nov. 5-11
Verified by
/ Write a sticky note to a teacher that you appreciate the skills they are teaching you! / See if you can sit for 60 seconds without thinking about anything! If your mind starts to think-gently remind your mind to think about your breathing and relaxing. / Have a healthy snack! / Go sledding or ride your bike (make sure to wear a helmet)! / Find something in your environment (sunrise, your dog playing in the yard, snow, rainbow…) to enjoy for the moment you see it. / Give a high 5 to 3 people you know. / Draw a picture for someone in your family and tell them how much you love them!
Nov. 12-18
Verified by
/ Game Night: Play a board game or cards with someone. / Get a good night sleep! Go to bed a little earlier. / Give a complement to someone you don’t normal talk with at school. / Pack your lunch and make it healthy! / Have some races (run, skip, crawl, roll, push-ups….) with a friend or family member! / Read a good book and share with someone why you like this book. / Avoid all electronic devices (TV, computer, tablets, cell phones….) and do something else!
Nov. 19-20
Verified by
/ Make a cool poster for the DU GAME!! Bring it in to Mrs. Hasstedt / Do all 6 pillars today and share with someone what you did with each of those pillars! / *Tracker Sheet DUE TODAY!!!
Turn into
Mrs. Hasstedt
Smile you made it! /
Enjoy your family!
/ Eat lots of Turkey!!!
/ Run it off!!!
If you complete at least 60 Pillar challenges from Sept. 5-Nov. 20 you can earn a special prize!!!!!
(You have 77 chances!) Good Luck!
Marmot Kid Healthy Choices DU Field Trip & Healthy Life Style!
60 fruits
60 vegetables
60 minutes of activity
60 Pillar Challenge