MEETING: / Quality Assurance and Standards Committee Meeting
DATE: / 2/3/2010 / TIME: / 3:00-5:00 / LOCATION: / Webinar
LEADER: / Danielle Arias / RECORDER: / Virginia Johnson
PRESENT: / Zorana Valdez, Helen Harrill, Cindy Murphy, Virginia Johnson, Danielle Arias, Al Stein-Seroussi, Erin Ditta
ABSENT: / Diana Brown, Armando Arvela


DATE: / 3/3/2010 / TIME: / 10-12:00 / LOCATION: / Webinar
Start-up /
  • Welcome and Introduction of new committee member Erin Ditta from CoastalHorizonsCenter
  • Review of past minutes

Retrospective Surveys / -Decision to move forward with retrospective based on recommendations from Lori, Al, Sherri Green?
-If yes, who will inform PPA
- Construct survey questions
-If no, next steps
Questions for retrospective surveys.
Concerns with Retrospectives:
  • There is a concern of the need of “time anchors” retrospective surveys as adolescents have a really hard time reflecting back. This is inline with basic adolescent development.
  • SAPS’s youth found some difficulty with retrospective surveys. The retrospective survey data identified some change but not what was expected.
  • Retrospectives are more appropriate for adults as they are more adapt to reflect back.
  • Have not yet found specific research to support these concerns.
Discussed the need for additional research/information on adolescent development. Zorana will follow up with Diana at Southlight and Al will follow up with colleagues at UNC to try to acquire more research in this area. Danielle will do follow-up with Sherrie Green and schedule a conference call to discuss the use of retrospective surveys with their projects.
Next Steps:
QASC will continue to pull together research
Pilot the retrospective in one or two places
Reevaluating the user-friendliness and effectiveness and usefulness of the results / -Zorana will follow up with Diana at Southlight about additional research.
-Al will follow up with colleagues at UNC to try to acquire additional information on adolescent behavior.
-Danielle will do follow-up with Sherrie Green and schedule a conference call to discuss the use of retrospective surveys with their projects.
-update / NCSAPPA board meeting was held on Monday, Feb. 1st.
Parent Network Conference will be April 13th and 14th in Raleigh. Fran Harding will be at the conference. Save the date notices have been sent out. Registrations will go out on Feb. 18th.
April 20th PPA membership meeting. This is the day before APNC in Asheville.
UNC Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Seminar-UNC Researcher interested in studying program that can be taught by lay people. Need community members to take on task of doing seminars and taking on seminars. Research curriculum that could be taught as a one hour presentation. Travis has used curriculum in the west and has worked pretty well. If interested let Al know ASAP. Presentations need to be held the last two weeks of March
Mark Botts/ Confidentiality / Cindy will have a preliminary meeting on Feb. 19th in Gastonia with Mark Botts to discuss the role of confidentiality in prevention.
If you can be a part, please let Cindy know in advance. Virginia and Danielle can be a part via conference call but not in person.
Mark Botts specializes in confidentiality and substance use. Mark did a presentation last summer on confidentiality and treatment and did not want to answer prevention questions as he was not as familiar with the laws. He is interested in meeting with the QASC to learn more about prevention and then he will see how the laws apply to prevention. He has asked for some of our paper work for him to review.
Cindy has set him up with tools that he did not have previously. He broke it down with fact sheets with law and how each piece of that applies to different situation and different services.
Mark wants more insight from us on what we do in prevention. QASC members will brainstorm with their staffs and send a list of our thoughts and concerns and focus areas associated with confidentiality to Cindy and she will present them to Mark. / -Cindy will meet with Mark Botts on Feb. 19th.
-QASC will send confidentiality concerns and focus points to Cindy.
-Cindy will collect documents and present to Mark.
NCPOPS / Discussed the need for a “Frequently Asked Questions” board for NCPOPS.
The QASC will organize a list of questions based on the concerns raised by providers last year. With approval of the PPA, the QASC can send them to the state for confirmation/elaboration of the answers. Once the answers are gathered, the PPA will need to ensure that the responses are available to the providers.
Where can providers access the Q&As?
Suggestions: Kit Solutions Communication Page, PPA website or use prevention listserve as a vehicle for communication / QASCwill finalize plan of action at next meeting.
  • Webinar-Wednesday, March 3, 2010 from 10:00-12:00
/ Next agenda topics include:
  • PPA Update
  • Retrospective Survey Research Follow-up
  • Confidentiality
  • NCPOPS Follow-up

The NCSAPPA QASC works towards enhancing the integrity and quality of prevention by creating best-practice standards for the field of prevention.