To: Robert Cramer
From: Cathy Riedl-Farrey
Date:February 1, 2016
Re:Payroll Information
This memo is to provide payroll information as requested by the University Budget Committee. This analysis will look at the overall position counts and payroll as of each October.
The source of this data comes from the actual payroll from October of each year. Budgeted information for 2015-16 comes from the UW System redbook information.Student FTE is the 10th day student FTE as published in the UW System Factbook for all tables. Definitions are included on page 4 and 5 of this document.
Key observations from the all funds data:
- Faculty FTE as a percentage of Total Instructional Staff (Faculty + Teaching Academic Staff) has decreased since 2007 from 71% to 66% in 2015. However, if positions were filled as they are budgeted the percentage increases (75%). [Table 1 and Chart 2]
- The number of employees in each classification hasincreased since 2007with non-teaching academic staff showing the largest growth in numbers and the largest percentage growth by 1% over teaching academic staff. [Table 1]
- The total annual payroll amount has continued to grow despite low state pay plans. [Table 1]
- Average total annual payroll per FTE has grown from $47,427 in 2007 to $50,836 in 2015. [Table 1]
- Positions budgeted as faculty are often filled as teaching academic staff; in 2015 there were 29FTE budgeted as faculty and filled with Teaching Academic Staff (TAS). For the 2015-16 budget, 288.90 FTE are budgeted for faculty positions. [Table 1]
- Staffing FTE was on an upward trend until 2015 where the FTE declined. [Chart 1]
- Student FTE has grown by 25% from 2007 to 2015. [Table 2]
- Overall student to staff ratios have remained relatively constant from 2007 to 2015 [Table 2]:
- Total Instructional Staff: 20:1 in 2007 to 21:1 in 2015
- Total Non-Instructional Staff: 15:1 in 2007 to 14:1 in 2015
- For 2015, 95% of the positions are funded from 3 major fund sources: GPR (51%); tuition (28%); auxiliaries (16%) [Chart 3].
The tables below summarize the number of and changes in unclassified and classified positions since 2007 in 4 year intervals. The tables are organized based on the categories for balances and reserves established by the Board of Regents. The Board categories consist of: Tuition, Auxiliaries, General Operations, Other Unrestricted Program Revenue, Federal Indirect Cost Reimbursement, Gifts, Nonfederal Grants and Contracts, Federal Grants and Contracts and Other Restricted Program Revenue. This memo will highlight the three largest funding sources—GPR, Tuition, and Auxiliaries. These groups have headcounts greater than 100 when excluding LTEs and student help (SH). See for the Board policy.
Chart 1:
Chart 2:
Chart 3:
From Table 3, note:
- Faculty FTE as a percentage of Total Instructional Staff (Faculty + Teaching Academic Staff) funded by GPR has remained fairly steady from 76% in 2007 to 79% in 2015. However, if positions were filled as they are budgeted the percentage for 2015-16 is 90%. This reflects, in lieu of cutting positions due to state budget cuts, teaching academic staff being moved to tuition (TSI) funding.
- All employee categories on the GPR funding source have decreased since 2007, with teaching academic staff showing the largest percentage decline and faculty showing the largest decline in FTE.
From Table 4, note:
- Faculty FTE as a percentage of Total Instructional Staff (Faculty + Teaching Academic Staff) funded by tuition (TSI) has grown from 28% in 2007 to 43% in 2015. However, if positions were filled as they are budgeted the percentage for 2015-16 is 49%. In addition to moving teaching academic staff from the GPR funding source, this also reflects that the TSI funding source originally started with teaching academic staff versus faculty positions.
- The use of tuition funds to fund faculty and teaching academic staff positions started in Fall 2005mainly with the start of TSI
From Table 5, note:
- The GPR and Tuition funds student to staff ratios has grown slightly from 2007 to 2015
- Total Instructional Staff: 20:1 in 2007 to 21:1 in 2015
- Total Non-Instructional Staff: 21:1 in 2007 to 22:1 in 2015
From Table 6, note:
- Auxiliary funds are not currently used to fund any faculty or teaching academic staff positions. The amount in 2015 was due to a funding error.
From Table 7, note:
- The Auxiliaries student to staff ratio has decreased from 58:1 in 2007 to 53:1 in 2015
Faculty: Includes individuals with appointment type of FA=Faculty and Title Group of D1=Faculty
Teaching Academic Staff: Includes individuals with appointment type of AS=Academic Staff and Title Group B1=Instructional
Non Teaching Academic Staff: Includes individuals with appointment type of AS=Academic Staff and all Title Groups other than B1.
Classified: Includes individuals with appointment types of CJ=Classified Project and CP=Classified Permanent
cc. Budget office
Governance Chairs
Human Resources