2018 Ravenswood High School “Common Application” Local Scholarships

ADK Winnie Casto Memorial$300 Female education major; essay required – Please describe your experience in working with children.

BB & T/Robert K. Park $500

Bob Tidd Memorial $500

Charles M. Shaver Memorial$500 Athletes

City National Bank$500

Dave Hood Foundation$600 1 Ma or 1 Fe athlete who have earned varsity letter; 3.5 or > GPA

Delegate Scott & Linda Brewer & Family $250 (2) Technical, 2 or 4 year college

Delta Kappa Gamma$400 Female education major

Irene Tregoning Rogers $500 Renewable each semester; Medical Field; Essay required-“Why am

I interested in the medical field?”

Jackson County Home Builders Assoc. $750 Must pursue postsecondary education in some aspect of the construction industry (architecture,carpentry, etc.)

Jeremy Lemley Memorial$1,000 Must be pursuing a bachelor’s degree

JoAnn Christy Memorial$750 Must be pursuing a bachelor’s degree

Judy Wiseman Teacher’s Memorial $1,000 3.2 or > GPA; education major; required essay –

“Why I am going into the field of education?”

Lewis Ressegger Memorial Sch. $1,000 Major in a science field either 2 or 4 year college

Mason & Mary Matlack Morgan Mem. $1,000 Must attend RHS Alumni Banquet (5/27) to receive

McKay Coast$500

Murraysville CEOS Club$500

Premier Bank $1,000 Does not require an account with Premier

Ravenswood Civic Club $250

RHS Alumni $1,000 Must attend RHS Alumni Banquet (5/26) to receive

Russell E. Straight Memorial $500

Sarah Naas Memorial Art $250 Must be art-related major (associate or bachelor degree)

Silverton Grange #506 Must be a FFA member (scholarship amt. to be determined)

Stan McClure Memorial$1,000 1 male and 1 female scholarship for athletes

Virgil T. Hupp Memorial $2,500

Virginia D. King Memorial $700 Education major; preference given to elementary level

WesBanco Bank $500 Does not require an account with WesBanco


Applicant must be a graduating senior at Ravenswood High School and demonstrate the following:

  • Good citizenship and moral character
  • Scholastic ability
  • Participation in extra-curricular and community activities


  • You may apply for multiple scholarships.
  • Transcripts arenot required.
  • Typing your application is highly recommended.
  • Attach the page of the Common Scholarship Application which contains your directory information toeach scholarship in which you are applying. The entire page will contain the same information with the exception of the name of the scholarship. Attach a resume of activities AND a brief essay outlining your financial considerations, career plans and any other information you feel will aid in the selection process (to each application).
  • Don’t forget to add any “additional” information requested per individual scholarship, e.g., essay.
  • Attach one letter of recommendation to each application. Maximum number of recommendations is two!

DEADLINE: Complete applications are due to Mrs. Gerstellby 3:20 p.m. on 4/19/18

2018Ravenswood High School Common Scholarship Application

Name of Scholarship: ______

Applicant’s Name: ______

Address: ______

Birth Date: ______Cell Phone Number: ______

Parents: Father’s Name: ______

Occupation: ______

Address & Phone: ______

Mother’s Name: ______

Occupation: ______

Address & Phone: ______

Intended College:______

Intended Major: ______


  • You may apply for multiple scholarships.
  • Transcripts are not required.
  • Typing your application is highly recommended.
  • Attach this page to each scholarship in which you are applying. The entire page will contain the same information with the exception of the name of the scholarship. Attach a resume of activities AND a brief essay outlining your financial considerations, career plans and any other information you feel will aid in the selection process (to each application).
  • Don’t forget to add any “additional” information requested per individual scholarship, e.g., essay.
  • Attach one letter of recommendation to each application. Maximum number of recommendations is two!

Complete applications are due to Mrs.Gerstellby 3:20 p.m. on Thursday, April 19, 2018.

------School counselor completes the following------

Cumulative GPA ______

ACT(Range is 1 – 36) English ___ Math ___ Reading ___ Science ___ Composite ___

School Attendance: 9th absences_____ 10th absences_____

11th absences_____ 12th absences_____

2018 Local Scholarships Requiring a Separate Application

(See Mrs. Gerstell for a copy of the following scholarships.)

Charles R. Mosser Memorial Scholarship$200Must be Eagle Scout or Gold Award Girl Scout with 2.5 or > GPA. Turn into Mrs. Gerstell by 4/19/18.

Constellium Scholarship$500 (8) Child or grandchild of ACTIVE Constellium employee; 3.0 or > GPA; (postmark deadline to Constellium4/27/18;

chosen by random drawing

Higginbotham Scholarship$1,000 (5) 3.0 or > GPA; 500 word essay; (postmark) deadline


J & M Industrial Scholarship$500Must be studying a related field such as mechanical, electrical, chemical, civil engineering or other technical

degree (2-4 year degree program). Due to Mrs. Gerstell

by 4/19/18.

Jackson County Junior Fair Scholarship $2,000 Must be in FFA or 4-H; applications due to Mrs. Gerstell $1,000 by 3/30/18.

Jackson General Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship$1,000Medical field only (associate or bachelor degree)

Applications due to Mrs. Gerstell by 4/19/18.

Little General Scholarship$1,000Postmark deadline is 3/24/18.

O.J. Stout Scholarship $ Varies Males only; 2.0 or > GPA; often renewable; (postmark) deadlineis 3/31/18.

Par Mar Stores Scholarship$ Varies Applications must be mailed and received by 4/30/18.

Ravenswood Federal Credit Union Scholarship$500 (2)Must be RFCU member; 3.0 or > GPA; essay required; applications due to Mrs. Gerstell by 4/13/18.

Roane-Jackson Technical Center Scholarship$1,000 Tuition waiver at RJTC; essay required; applications due to Mrs. Gerstell by 4/20/18.


  • The scholarships listed on this page DO NOT require the Common Application page listing directory information.
  • Some of the scholarships listed on this page have different deadlines and may require you to mail the application.

Unless otherwise noted, these scholarships requiring a separateapplication will be due to Mrs. Gerstell by Thursday, April 19, 2018

by 3:20 p.m.