MrsS Brown


KinrossHigh School

Loch Leven Community Campus, Muirs, Kinross, KY13 8FQ

TeI 01577 867100 Fax 0I577 861830



Our ref: SM

Your ref:

Date: 1 March 2017

Parents/ Guardians of S3 Pupils

Dear Parent/ Guardian

S3 Parents Evening 9 March 2017 - Online Appointment Booking

We will be holding the Parents’ Evening in centralised locations on the ground floor of the campus. You will be given a plan as you sign in indicating where departments are located. Prefects will also be present to assist.

Please note that the Parents’ evening is a very well attended event and that understandably pupils wish for their parents to meet all their teachers. Should you be unable to get an appointment for a specific teacher or if you are unable to attend this Parents’ Evening, I would urge you to contact your child’s Guidance teacher in the first instance (please see e mail addresses overleaf). Guidance appointments will be available from 6-8pm, please call the school office to arrange an appointment. There will also be an opportunity to make appointments to see the Careers Adviser, please call the school office to arrange an appointment.

Each appointment should last for a maximum of five minutes, unless a teacher indicates in advance that more time is advisable. Please can I ask that you keep closely to the times agreed in the interests of other parents and teachers as well as yourselves.

We are currently operating a signing-in system to aid us in collecting information about attendance levels at our Parents’ Evenings. We would appreciate your co-operation in signing in when you arrive.

The school has introduced a new, easy to use online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with your child’s teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments.

Appointments can be made from 3rd March at 5pm and will close on 8th March at 5pm. Should you wish to make any changes after this date please contact the school office.

Please visit book your appointments.

The person recorded as the main contact on our system can login with the following information:

Student’s First Name:

Student’s Surname:

Student’s Date of Birth dd/mm/yyyy

If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school office staff who will be happy to add appointments on your behalf.

Yours sincerely

Susanne McLaren

Admin Assistant

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