Los AngelesSouthwestCollege; Curriculum Committee, Minutes of February 20, 2007 Page 1 of 4
Minutes of February 20, 2007
President’s Conference Room, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Name / Area / Attendance / Name / Area / Attendance
Pat Lewis / The ARTS / present / Glenn Yoshida / SCI’s, HLTH & PE / present
Dr. Sandra Lee/Al Reed Jr. / BEHAV & SOC SCI’s / present / Linda Larson-Singer / ART. OFF. & CC Chair / present
Carolyn Magee / BUSINESS / present / Rose Calderon / MATRIC. Coord. / present
Kathi Cliff / CH DEV & F CS / absent / Emeral Price / PACE / absent
Reggie Morris / COUNS. & AS Pres. / present / Leige Henderson / VP, Acad. Aff’s / present
Dr. Sharon Maselli / ENGLISH & FOR. LANG’s / present / Maria Elena Martinez / DEAN, Acad. Aff’s / present
Linda Brady / LIBRARY / present / Dr. Earnestine Thomas-Robertson / DEAN, Acad. Aff’s / present
Dr. Neil Mantena/Dr. Lernik Saakian / MATH & ENGIN / present/present / Dan Walden / DEAN, Academic Affairs / present
Norma Carter / NURSING / present
Guest: Marian Ruane, Non-Credit
1)Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 1:08 by Curriculum Chair, Linda Larson-Singer.
2)Welcome and Introductions:
3)Approval of Agenda:
The agenda was approved as amended*.
4) Approval of Minutes (1/16/07):
M/S/P, approval of Minutes of January 16, 2007, pending any necessary corrections.
5) Reports:
A) Academic Affairs—Vice President, Leige Henderson:
Leige stated that we are 380 FTES away from making our target; we have reached 75% of our goal. She stated that the February Curriculum Committee meeting was intended to be the last meeting to be able to add new courses to the schedule for Fall. SB361 provides additional funding for sequential non-credit classes; the deadline for submission to the State Chancellor is February 28. She encouraged Chairs to begin thinking of non-credit classes that could lead into some credit programs.
B)Academic Senate President—Reggie Morris, President: None
C)Academic Senate, SLO Committee—Glenn Yoshida
Glenn stated that there had been a December workshop focusing on SLO assessment and presented by Dr. Larry Kelley. Each Chair will be asked to establish a date for a departmental hands-on workshop to establish specific departmental assessment. The session is anticipated to be 90 minutes. A planning sheet listing workshop attendees from each department was distributed.
D) Articulation—Articulation Officer, Linda Larson-Singer
Linda reported that 8 courses had been posted for LDTP (Lower Division Transfer Pattern) approval by the CSU system. (Written report distributed.)
E) District Curriculum Committee—Curriculum Chair, Linda Larson-Singer
There was no District Curriculum Committee since the December meeting, already reported on. (Written report distributed.)
F) Matriculation—Matriculation Coordinator, Rose Calderon
Rose stated that on February 2 and 3 an orientation/boot camp had been given for students below the Developmental Communications level. Sixty students attended for two days, participating in workshops including themes of time and stress management and study skills. Students were given breakfast and lunch and gift certificates to the Bookstore. A follow-up activity is being planned and another boot camp will be given Fall 2007. Dean Martinez suggested an activity for students on Academic Probation. Rose also suggested the idea she and Reggie Morris had discussed regarding an online degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. Leige Henderson stated that there would need to be additional academic support available. Reggie stated that there might be a cohort of classes similar to that of PACE. The degree option would be advisable for a particular population.
6) Consent Items:
A) Nursing Program Prerequisites (Chancellor’s standards)(Carter)
The following Nursing Program prerequisites were approved by the Academic Senate in December 2006, adopted as prerequisites imposed by law (Title V): “Enrollment in the Nursing Program shall be limited to students who have met the following non-course [program] prerequisites:
“1. An overall grade point average of 2.5 for the Human Anatomy, Human Physiology, and Microbiology prerequisite courses with no grade less than “C” for each course and no more than one repetition of any of these courses.
“2. College level, transferable English [English 101], minimum of three (3) semester units with a grade no less than a “C.”
“3. A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 for all college coursework taken.”
Norma Carter stated that the purpose of the adoption of the new prerequisites was to provide the Nursing program with a little more highly qualified student. Reggie Morris stated that there are still some inconsistencies between the catalog and the Nursing Handbook, i.e., a W” is not considered a low grade and is not counted against the student’s right to repetition. The Nursing Program Prerequisites (Chancellor’s standards imposed by law) were approved by consent.
B) Nursing Course Prerequisites(Carter)
The following Nursing courses prerequisites for entrance into the Nursing Program were approved by a majority of the Curriculum Committee by special vote at the December Department Chairs’ meeting and at the December 2006 Academic Senate meeting:
“Psychology 1, required by three 4-year universities: CSU Long Beach, CSU Los Angeles, and San DiegoStateUniversity.
“Sociology 1, required by three 4-year universities: CSU Long Beach, CSU Northridge, and San DiegoStateUniversity.
“Speech 101, required by three 4-year universities: CSUEastBay, CSU Los Angeles, and CSU San Bernardino.”
The Nursing Program Prerequisites (UC/CSU prerequisite justification) were approved by consent.
C) Nursing 185, 285 and 385, Course Change Requests(Carter)
Nursing 185, 285 and 385, Directed Study, had been approved by the majority of the Curriculum Committee in an online vote in January 2007. Courses will have the option of issuing grades or using the Credit/No Credit option. The Credit/No Credit option was implemented for the Winter session Nursing 185. The Nursing Course Change Requests (Credit/No Credit grading option) were approved by consent.
7) Old Business -- None
8) New Business:
A) Course Outline Approvals, Updated Outlines, Prerequisites and Advisories
--ACCTG 21 (Moore/Magee);M/S/P approve outline update.
--ACCTG 22 and prerequisite, ACCTG 21 (Moore/Magee);M/S/P approve outline update;
M/S/P approve prerequisite update.
--REAL ES 1 (Brown/Magee);M/S/P approve outline update.
--REAL ES 7 and prerequisite, REAL ES 1 (Brown/Magee);M/S/P approve outline update;
M/S/P approve (first time) prerequisite.
--PERS DEV 17, 20 (Tucker/Daza/Morris);M/S/P approve outline updates.
--BIOLOGY 33* (Kim/Yoshida) -- Tabled
B) New/Reactivated Courses/Certificates:
New Non Credit Courses:(Ruane)
--BSICSKL 041CE, Softskills Basics 1A – Job Search Planning (0-.5-.5-0); M/S/P approve new
course with corrections (addition of SLO’s, check of Title V standards).
--BSICSKL 042CE, Softskills Basics 1B – The Successful Job Search (0-.5-.5-0); M/S/P
approve new course with corrections (addition of SLO’s, check of Title V standards).
--BSICSKL 043CE, Softskills Basics 1C – Employment Readiness (0-.5-.5-0); M/S/P approve
new course with corrections (addition of content regarding job attendance and expectations,
SLO’s; check of Title V standards).
--BSICSKL 054CE, Softskills Basics 3A – Customer Service and Relations (0-.5-.5-0); M/S/P
approve new course with corrections (addition of hours and SLO’s, check of Title V
--BSICSKL 55CE, Softskills Basics 3B – Image, Etiquette and Interpersonal Communications
(0-.5-.5-0); M/S/P approve new course with corrections (addition of SLO’s, check of Title V
--ESL 012CE*, Vocational English as a Second Language II (0-3-3-0); M/S/P approve new
course with corrections (addition of SLO’s, check of Title V standards).
Non Credit Certificates:(Ruane)
--English Literacy and Civics, including ESL 040CE, 041CE, 042CE, CITIZN 010CE, CITIZN 012CE, CITIZN 015CE: “This sequence of ESL and Citizenship courses includes integrated skills and civic engagement and education. Students will receive instruction in speaking, listening, reading and writing from the low beginning to low intermediate levels. They will complete the required hours of instruction [a minimum of 40 hours of a 60 hour program] necessary to apply for naturalization as a United States citizen.” M/S/P approve new certificate with corrections (change in title from English as a Second Language and Citizenship, addition of required hours in description).
--Job Readiness and Retention, including BSICSKL 041CE, BSICSKL 042CE, BSICSKL 043CE, BSICSKL 054CE, BSICSKL 055CE: “This short-term job readiness and retention certificate is provided to provide potential, new and incumbent employees the skills necessary to obtain and retain gainful employment.” M/S/P approve new certificate with suggestion to add competencies on the back of the certificate.
--Vocational ESL, including ESL 11CE, ESL 012CE, BSICSKL 035CE, BSICSKL 060CE: “This sequence of vocational ESL and Basic Skills courses will prepare second language learners with the language, computational and computer skills necessary for success and advancement in the workplace.” M/S/P approve new certificate.
--Job Training Preparation, including BSICSKL 002CE, BSICSKL 023CE, BSICSKL 035CE, BSICSKL 060CE: “Students enrolled in the Job Training Preparation Certificate classes will be given instruction in basic computer literacy, basic math skills, basic English and preparation for assessment for entry/placement for job training courses/programs. Completion of this certificate program will increase the students’ success in their subsequent courses.” M/S/P approve new certificate.
C) Distance Education:
--BIOLOGY 33,*(Kim/Yoshida) --Tabled
--MICROBIOLOGY 1,* (Kim/Yoshida)Hybrid Addendum; the lecture portion (3 hours) of Microbiology 1 may be taught online; the lab portion (6 hours) will be taught face-to-face. Linda questioned rationale for offering the lecture online, beyond flexibility of schedule. Dan Walden stated that the statistics of completion were favorable for the online Biology class. M/S/P approve hybrid course with corrections (addition of further explanation of contact hours; two orientations must be offered).
D) Report: Curriculum Changes, DC and English (Maselli)
Sharon reported that that a new course, English 20, College Reading, will be added to the curriculum. It will be a non-degree applicable class, given for Credit/No Credit, and will include an assessment component. The hope is to place students more accurately. There is also a possibility of reviving Dev. Comm. 22X. At the present only 6%-7% of students matriculate into English 101; the mission is to provide academic support to promote greater retention and enrollment throughout the English curriculum, beginning at the Basic Skills level.
9. Announcements:
There will be a Careers Day in Statistics on Saturday, March 3; a registration form was distributed.
- Public Speaking: None
- Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 by Curriculum Chair, Linda Larson-Singer.
Minutes prepared by Linda Larson Singer
NEXT MEETING DATE: March 20, 2007 at 1:00, President’s Conference Room
(Lunch will begin at 12:30 to allow meeting to begin at 1:00.)
NEXT TECHNICAL REVIEW DATES: Friday, March 9, 2007; 1:00
Wednesday, March 7, 2007; (final submission date for March 20, 2007 meeting)
Distributed, email, 3/15/07
Approved pending corrections (none noted); Curriculum Committee meeting, March 20, 2007
Represented to Curriculum Committee, approved as corrected, (addition of certificate, lines 134 – 139); Curriculum
Committee meeting, April 17, 2007