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Kapitel 3 Topfit! / Unit 1 pp42-43 Der Körper / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Naming parts of the body and head.
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 8T4 (Dictionary use); 8T7 (Checking inflections and word order).
Starters / Starter 1: Cognates and near-cognates, Framework Pack p.50 (Classifying parts of the body vocabulary according to familiarity )
Starter 2: Odd-one-out – der Körper, Framework Pack p.50 (Looking at differences between words for parts of the body – OHT 24)
Plenary / (Framework Pack p.51) Discuss the formation of the plural, looking at key plural markers.
Grammar / revision: genders, plurals
revision: haben + accusative
(Programmes of Study) / 3c apply grammar
4d make links with English
2.1c knowledge of language
2.2a listen for gist / detail
2.2g write clearly and coherently / 2b
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/1 / Understand and point out parts of the body and head / 1, 3b
Speaking / AT2/3 / Ask and answer questions about parts of the body; name parts of the head / 2b, 4a
Reading and responding / AT3/1 / Understand words for parts of the head / 3a
Writing / AT4/2–3 / Write list of body parts; label parts of head / 2a, 4b
Key language / der Arm(e), der Bauch, das Bein(e), der Ellbogen(-), der Finger(-), der Fuß(Füße), der Hals, die Hand(Hände), das Knie(-), der Kopf, der Po, der Rücken, die Schulter(n), der Zeh(en), das Gesicht, die Lippe(n), die Nase, das Ohr(en), der Zahn(Zähne), der Mund
ICT Opportunities / -
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, p21
Resources / Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 1
R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1& 6, pp45 & 51
OHT 8: body parts
Framework Pack, Writing skills (Monster!), p.59
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Kapitel 3 Topfit! / Unit 2 pp44-45 Wie geht’s? / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about ailments.
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 8T3 (Language and text types); 8T6 (Text as model and source).
Starters / Starter 3: Consonant correspondences I, Framework Pack p.51 (Finding consonant links between German and English words – OHT 25)
Starter 4: Memory game – Hannelore ist immer krank! Framework Pack p.52 (Memorising and answering questions on the text on OHT 26)
Plenary / (Framework Pack p.52) Assessing the layout and language of the article on p.45 of the Pupil’s Book.
Grammar / -
(Programmes of Study) / 2.2a listen for gist / detail
2.2e ask and answer questions
2.2b skim and scan
2.1e use reference materials
4c use more complex language
2.1b memorising / 1, 3a
4a, 4b
Contexts / Everyday activities
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2–5 / Understand various ailments / 1, 3a, 5
Speaking / AT2/2–3 / Ask and answer questions about ailments / 2
Reading and responding / AT3/5 / Understand longer text about illnesses and select correct answers in comprehension task / 4a, 4b
Writing / AT4/2–5 / Write sentences about ailments / 3b, 4c
Key language / Was ist los mit dir? Was hast du?
Mein(e) ... tut weh.
Ich habe Kopfschmerzen / Halsschmerzen / Zahnschmerzen / Ohrenschmerzen / Bauchschmerzen.
Ich bin müde / krank.
Ich habe Fieber.
Ich habe Schnupfen.
ICT Opportunities / -
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, pp22, 19
Resources / Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 2
R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2 & 4, pp46 & 48
Flashcards 21–29: ailments
Song, PB p45
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Kapitel 3 Topfit! / Unit 3 pp46-47 Beim Arzt / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Saying what is wrong with you at the doctor’s. Giving advice.
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 8W7 (Dictionary detail); 8W8 (Non-literal meanings); 8L6 (Expression in speech).
Starters / Starter 5: Das gibt mir Kopzschmerzen! Framework Pack p.52 (Brainstorm words associated with Kopzschmerzen and make sentences)
Starter 6: Snoopy and Freund, Framework Pack p.53 (Finding du-form imperatives suitable for training a pet, using the glossary)
Plenary / (Framework Pack p.53) Do the mini-test in pairs; play ‘Pictionary’ to recap parts of the body vocabulary.
Grammar /
imperatives using du
Skills(Programmes of Study) / 2.2b skim and scan
3c apply grammar
2.2e ask and answer questions
2.1b memorising / 1b
Contexts / Everyday activities
Listening and responding / AT1/4 / Understand spoken dialogue at the doctor’s / 1a, 2
Speaking / AT2/4 / Carry out a dialogue at the doctor’s / 3a
Reading and responding / AT3/4 / Understand written dialogue at the doctor’s / 1a, 1b
Writing / AT4/4 / Write dialogue at the doctor’s / 3b
Key language / Seit wann hast du das?
Seit einem Tag / zwei Tagen / gestern / Freitag.
Lass mich mal sehen!
Mach mal bitte den Mund auf.
Tut das weh?
Das ist sehr / nicht so schlimm.
Was mache ich denn?
Trink viel Wasser.
Nimm dieses Medikament / diese Tropfen / Salbe fünfmal am Tag.
Bleib zwei Tage im Bett.
Geh zum Zahnarzt.
Spiel kein Tennis.
ICT Opportunities / -
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, pp23, 29
Resources / Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 3
Flashcards 21–29: ailments
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Kapitel 3 Topfit! / Unit 4 pp48-49 Fit bleiben / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about keeping fit
Framework objectives / Launch: 8S3 (Modal verbs). Reinforcement: 8S5 (Negative forms and words).
Starters / Starter 7: Battleships , Framework Pack p.54 (Forming sentences about keeping fit using grid on Worksheet 27)
Starter 8: Jumbled sentences – Wie kann man fit bleiben? Framework Pack p.54 (Unjumbling sentences about fitness – OHT 28)
Plenary / (Framework Pack p.55) Throw-and-catch game to consolidate questions and answers about keeping fit.
Grammar / man kann + infinitive
revision: present tense singular forms
(Programmes of Study) / 2.2d pronunciation and intonation
2.2e ask and answer questions
2.1e use reference materials
3c apply grammar
2.2a listen for gist / detail
2.2g write clearly and coherently
4g use TL in engaging topics
4f language of interest / enjoyment / 1
3, 5b
Contexts / Everyday activities
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2–4 / Understand phrases about how to keep fit / 1, 4
Speaking / AT2/2–4 / Ask and answer questions about how and how often to exercise / 2, 5b
Reading and responding / AT3/4 / Understand time phrases; complete quiz about keeping fit / 3, 6
Writing / AT4/3 / Write answers for questions about keeping fit / 5a
Key language / Wie kann man fit bleiben?
Man kann schwimmen / joggen / spazieren gehen / Fußball spielen / im Sportclub trainieren / Radtouren machen / zu Fuß zur Schule gehen / gesund essen.
Wie oft gehst du schwimmen?
Ich gehe einmal / zweimal in der Woche / jeden Tag / immer / manchmal / oft / nie / selten schwimmen.
ICT Opportunities / -
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, pp24, 29
Resources / Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 4
R & A File: Grammatik 1, p52
OHTs 9A & 9B: keeping fit
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Kapitel 3 Topfit! / Unit 5 pp50-51 Annalieses Tagesablauf / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about daily routine
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 8W5 (Verb tenses); 8S6 (Substituting and adding); 8T5 (Writing continuous text); 8L4 (Extending sentences).
Starters / Starter 9: Wer is das? Framework Pack p.55 (Carrying out a class survey about sporting activities)
Starter 10: Jumbled story , Framework Pack p.55 (Reordering sentences in groups of four – OHT 30)
Plenary / (Framework Pack p.56) Discuss the use and positioning of adverbs; extending sentences in pairs.
Grammar / separable verbs
12-hour clock
word order when using time (verb in second place after time expressions)
(Programmes of Study) / 2.2b skim and scan
3c apply grammar
2.2g write clearly and coherently
2.1a identify patterns
4f language of interest / enjoyment
4c use more complex language
2.2k deal with unfamiliar language / 1b, 3a
Contexts / Everyday activities
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/3–4 / Understand spoken statements about daily routine / 1a, 3a
Speaking / AT2/3 / Ask and answer questions about time and daily routine / 1c, 2b
Reading and responding / AT3/3–4 / Understand written statements and longer text about daily routine and time phrases / 1a, 1b, 4
Writing / AT4/2–4 / Write sentences about daily routine / 2a, 3b
Key language / aufwachen, aufstehen, frühstücken
in die Schule / nach Hause / ins Bett gehen
zu Mittag / Abend essen
um + time + activity
ICT Opportunities / -
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, pp25, 29
Resources / Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 5
R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 3 & 5, pp47 & 49–50; Grammatik 2, p53
Flashcards 30–37: daily routine
OHTs 10A & 10B: daily routine
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Kapitel 3 Topfit! / Unit 6 pp52-53 Was für eine Woche! / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Understanding a report about a busy activity week
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 8S8 (Using high-frequency words and punctuation clues); 8T1 (Meanings in context); 8L2 (Media listening skills).
Starters / Starter 11: Was für ein Tag! Framework Pack p.56 Listening comprehension (Pupils draw pictures to represent a text as you read it)
Starter 12: Paragraph builder , Framework Pack p.57 (Extending and linking sentences using connectives / adverbs of time – OHT 31)
Plenary / (Framework Pack p.57) Discuss English and German words with more than one meaning
Grammar / revision: verbs in the perfect tense
(Programmes of Study) / 3e different countries’ cultures
2.2b skim and scan
3f compare experiences
2.1e use reference materials
2.1d work out meaning / 1a
1a, 1b
1d, 2
Contexts / Everyday activities; Personal and social life.
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1 / - / -
Speaking / AT2 / - / -
Reading and responding / AT3/3–5 / Understand longer text about a busy activity week / 1a–2
Writing / AT4 / - / /
Key language / As in Units 3.1–3.5
days of the week
verbs in the perfect tense
ICT Opportunities / -
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, p26
Resources / Framework Pack: Thinking skills (Logic game: Claudias Woche), p.58
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Kapitel 3 Topfit! / Unit 7 pp54-55 Die Familie Topfit / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Consolidation unit: the Topfit family
Framework objectives / -
Starters / -
Plenary / -
Grammar / -
(Programmes of Study) / 4f language of interest / enjoyment
2.2b skim and scan
2.2e ask and answer questions
2.2a listen for gist / detail
2.2g write clearly and coherently / 1a
1b, 1c
Contexts / Everyday activities
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/4–5 / Understand longer spoken text about the fitness routine and a doctor’s visit / 1a, 2
Speaking / AT2/3 / Ask and answer questions about ailments / 1d
Reading and responding / AT3/5 / Understand longer written text about the fitness routine of a family / 1a, 1b, 1c
Writing / AT4/4 / Complete gapfill activity about daily routine / 3
Key language / As in Units 1–6
ICT Opportunities / -
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Extra A & B, PB pp114–115
Resources / Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 6
Framework Pack: Cultural knowledge and reading skills (Wer bin ich?), p.60