South Bersted CE Primary School
Governor Profiles (April 2016)
Miss Amanda Starkey (Chair) – Parent Governor
Mrs Juanita Remnant (Vice-Chair) – Co-opted Governor
Mr Chris Kronda –Headteacher
Mrs Sandy Osman – Co-opted Governor
Mr Ron Robson – Co-opted Governor
Mrs Jenny Lelliott – Co-opted Governor
Rev. Tim Crook – Foundation Governor
Mrs Kim Hickmore - Parent Governor
Mrs Jennifer Ratcliffe – Foundation Governor
Mrs Michelle Robson – Staff Governor
Mr Malcolm Penberthy – Foundation Governor
Mr Noel Goodwin – Associate Governor
Mrs Pamela Downs – Associate Governor
(Mrs Mel Davis – Clerk to Governors)
Amanda Starkey – Chair of Governors / Parent Governor
I am the Chair of Governors and also a Parent Governor at South Bersted School. I have been a Governor for 6 years, and currently my daughter is in Year 6. A particular area of focus for me at present is Early Years provision and Safeguarding.
Being a Governor is incredibly rewarding because I am able to shape and influence the strategic direction within the School. I enjoy working with the staff and Headteacher as we work to deliver continuous development and improvement to all aspects of school life. I work as an Employee Benefits Consultant for Mercer Ltd. I travel frequently and meet lots of different people as part of my role. I am able to use skills learnt within work to bring new ideas and strength to the Governing Body and School. Away from work my family and I enjoy holidays and spending time with friends and family. As a mum of a daughter with a busy calendar, a lot of my time is also spent as a taxi driver!!
Juanita Remnant – Vice Chair / Co-opted Governor
My name is Juanita Remnant, and I am the Vice-Chair of Governors at South Bersted School. Throughout my years of being a Governor, I have been a Parent Governor, a Local Authority Governor and more recently a Co-opted Governor and also Vice Chair.
I have two children, Megan and George, who came to South Bersted School, and they thoroughly enjoyed their time here. As Megan now says "South Bersted will always have a very special place in my heart". This was one of the reasons why I wanted to become a Governor. South Bersted School lives at the heart of so many children and adults in our community. Why? Well for me the reason is simple, because everyone works towards the same goal and together we aim for excellence! Outside of my Governor role, I also have a full time job as a Kitchen Manager. This is the perfect job for me as it involves one of my many passions; Cooking! This is one of the reasons I run the cooking club after school on Fridays. I find sharing cooking skills with the children is great fun! In my spare time I enjoy going to the theatre and I use my skills as a trained florist to create arrangements for weddings and special celebrations.
Sandy Osman – Staff Governor / School Business Manager
I have been a Governor at South Bersted School for 10 years, as a Parent, Staff and now Co-opted Governor. However, the school has been an important part of my life since 1997, when my eldest son started in Reception.
All three of my boys greatly enjoyed their time at the school and I always felt welcome as a parent helper and member of The Friends of South Bersted. I was delighted when I had the opportunity to work at the school in a Community Development role and then to move into my current role as School Business Manager. I have very strong connections with the school and the community that I have lived and worked in for the past 30 years and feel that my background in banking and nursery work has given me a range of skills that I can bring to the Governing Body. I have always felt very proud to be a part of such a wonderful school and to see how it has developed over the years, whilst watching the children grow and gain the confidence and skills they need to be ready for the next stage in their lives. Outside of work I love spending time with my family and we all share a passion for travelling in the UK and abroad. I like to visit the theatre and cinema and I'm an avid reader.
Ron Robson – Parent Governor
My name is Ron Robson. I have been a Governor for 5 years now. My daughter is currently in Year 5 whilst my son has recently moved to The Regis School having been at South Bersted. I am also married to Mrs Robson who teaches in Year 1 and who is also a Staff Governor.
Currently my role within the Governing body is as the Governor link to Year 6 where I will be spending some time getting to know the children and what happens within the class. I have also chosen to work with the subject leaders for PE, History and Geography to find out more about their subjects and how they are taught within the school. I enjoy being a governor as it gives me an opportunity to help guide what happens within the school. Outside of my Governor role I work as a Senior Contracts Manager for a local building company and I have been able to use my knowledge in this area to help advise on and improve the school buildings and facilities. Away from work and school I am involved in coaching a local Under 12’s football team, which is enjoying success. I enjoy watching all kinds of sports and am always keen to try new things.
Jenny Lelliott – Co-opted Governor
My name is Jenny Lelliott and I have been a Governor at South Bersted School for 4 years. I previously worked in the school office for over 20 years, as School Business Manager, and I was delighted to join the Governing Body on my retirement enabling me to remain part of school life.
I have two children and four grandchildren, all living locally, who keep me very busy. My hobbies include walking, gardening and photography, and I enjoy travelling both around the UK and abroad. I have 40 years’ service as an adult leader with Girlguiding UK, although my time is now limited to administrative and mentoring roles.
Revd. Tim Crook – Foundation Governor (Ex-officio)
My name is Tim Crook, and I am the vicar at St Mary Magdalene Church, and as part of my role I am also invited to be a Governor at South Bersted School, which is a terrific privilege. I regularly give collective worship assemblies in school and am often in school for Governor visits and various meetings.
I met my wife Annette in Plymouth, and we married 20 years ago. We have now lived in Bognor Regis for 7 years. I love days out with our family. I have three children; my youngest daughter is currently in Year 6 and she is enjoying being part of the school at South Bersted. I am passionate about food, and like eating out in restaurants. I also enjoy driving around the countryside in my old MX5, especially with the top down.
Kim Hickmore – Parent Governor / Chair of PTA
My name is Kim Hickmore I have been a Parent Governor at South Bersted School for the last 2 years. I have two children at the school, and I joined the Governing Body to give me the opportunity to help the school flourish. For me it's all about helping the children in their education so they can be ready for the big world of adulthood.
I am currently linked to Year 1 and have been following the class, getting to know the children and seeing what is happening in the classroom. Outside of my Governor role, I am a fully qualified hairdresser and instructor which I enjoy. I am also very active as the Secretary for the Friends of South Bersted PTA, which involves helping to arrange all the fun activities we provide which raise funds for new school items.
Jennifer Ratcliffe – Foundation Governor
My name is Jennifer Ratcliffe have been a Governor at South Bersted School since February 2015. I proposed myself as a Foundation Governor at South Bersted School because I am passionate about young people. The foundation years at primary school have a major effect on a person and so I wanted to volunteer my time to support a wonderful local school.
I joined the Army in 1986 to commence my nursing training in the Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Core. I stopped nursing but continued to work and enjoy family life with my two daughters, Jessica now 26 and Alexandra 23. I moved to Bognor Regis 20 years ago when my husband began a university course at Chichester College. One of my best career experiences was working as a Teaching Assistant in a school in Bournemouth for children with physical and learning issues. I am also an active member of South Bersted Church.
Pamela Downs – Foundation Governor
My name is Pam Downs and I have been a Governor at South Bersted School since November 2015. I recently moved to the area from Norfolk. For the last 22 years I taught a mixed Early Years/Y1 class (and sometimes Y2) in a small Church of England school where I was also a Staff Governor. My granddaughter started at South Bersted School in September and is in the Early Years class.
I wanted to keep in touch with children and education so I volunteered to listen to the children in Early Years read. I then offered my services as a School Governor. So far I have found this very different to being a staff governor where I knew everything that was going on within the school, however I am very willing to learn and I am enjoying this exciting new challenge.
Malcolm Penberthy– Foundation Governor
My name is Malcolm Penberthy. I joined the Governing Body as a Foundation Governor in February 2016 as I feel that the early development of children is important and I wished to be an active part of that process.
Since 1997 I have been employed at Mercer and currently my role is a Pensions Analyst, this followed a 261/2 year career with the Royal Air Force as an aeronautical engineer.
Currently I run the local squadron of the Air Training Corps and have beeninvolved with this organisation since leaving the Royal Air Force; this takes up some time but I still have time to take part in my hobby of Offshore Sailing. I am also an active member of South Bersted Church as a PCC member as well as singing in the choir.
I am looking forward to working with the Headmaster, Staff and the other members of the Governing Body to make sure that South Bersted School achieve and surpass the ever changing standards required by Ofsted and the Diocese of Chichester.
Mel Davis - Clerk to Governors
I am contactable via the school office (Monday – Friday, 9.30am -2.45pm). Alternatively, you can contact me via email ().