1.  NAME

1.1  The name of this not for profit organisation shall be the Ipswich Cavy Club and will be referred to in this document as “the club”.


2.1  The aims of the club shall be

i)  To promote, encourage and develop the cavy fancy

ii)  To encourage good animal husbandry in the keeping of all cavies

iii)  To hold monthly shows for members and visitors to the club, to exhibit their cavies, both pet and pedigree, for examination by qualified judges and trainee judges recognised by the Australian National Cavy Council, and voluntary judges for the pet classes

iv)  To foster the interest of new and junior members to develop their understanding of the breeding and exhibition of pedigree cavies


3.1  Membership of the club is open to any party interested in the aims of the club

3.2  Membership is only accepted upon completion and submission of the Ipswich Cavy Club Membership Form, and upon full payment of the current membership fees

3.3  Membership is due annually by the February of each year and the amount of any membership fee increases will be determined at the AGM

3.4  There are four categories of membership for the club. These shall be: Family Membership, Adult Membership, Intermediate Membership (high school age) and Junior Membership (primary school age). Identification may be requested at the time of membership

3.5  The entitlements of membership include, but are not limited to:

i)  Family membership – includes, a new member introductory pack, including a copy of the constitution, information on the location of the Standards, information on the Champion Points System, details of club minutes of meeting (upon request), access to newsletters and TWO VOTES at all club general meetings and the AGM providing two family members are present or have correctly submitted a proxy)

ii)  Adult membership - includes, a new member introductory pack, including a copy of the constitution, information on the location of the Standards, information on the Champion Points System, details of club minutes of meeting (upon request), access to newsletters and ONE VOTE at all club general meetings and the AGM providing two family members are present or have correctly submitted a proxy)

iii)  Intermediate membership - includes, a new member introductory pack, including a copy of the constitution, information on the location of the Standards, information on the Champion Points System, details of club minutes of meeting (upon request), access to newsletters and ONE VOTE at all club general meetings and the AGM providing two family members are present or have correctly submitted a proxy)

iv)  Junior membership - includes, a new member introductory pack, including a copy of the constitution, information on the location of the Standards, information on the Champion Points System, details of club minutes of meeting (upon request), and access to newsletters. Please note: junior members are not entitled to vote

3.6  Members will be reminded at the AGM that memberships are due. Membership forms will be available at the AGM for completion and the standing treasurer will receipt any payments due.

3.7  Members in good standing shall be defined as any member whose membership dues are currently paid, whose actions are in accordance with the Ipswich Cavy Club Constitution and Rules, and those who are not subject to probation or expulsion from the Queensland Cavy Council, the Australian National Cavy Council or any other registered Queensland Cavy Club who has notified Ipswich Cavy Club of a breech.

3.8  The Ipswich Cavy Club Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any application for membership or renewal. Any person wishing to appeal the refusal of membership must do so within 14 days of receiving notice of the refusal of membership. The appeal will be held at a special meeting of members convened specifically for that purpose. All parties have a right to present their cases in a just and fair manner.


4.1  The Committee Members of the club shall be:

·  The President

·  The Vice President

·  The Secretary/Treasurer

·  Show Manager

·  Media Officer

·  Canteen Convenor

4.2  All club committee members, must be financial members of Ipswich Cavy Club and must remain so during their term in office

4.3  All club committee members must reside in Queensland

4.4  A single person may hold more than one position on the club committee if there are no other nominees made for that position. However, no single person may hold the position of President and Treasurer

4.5  If a committee position should become vacant before the next AGM, a temporary committee member may be elected by the committee to fill the vacated position until a permanent replacement is elected at a special general meeting of the members

4.6  Resignation of a committee member must be in writing and will take effect once received by the President or the Vice President, if the President is unavailable

4.7  If the office position of President becomes vacant, the Vice President will take over the position of President for the remainder of term

4.8  All club committee members shall vacate positions annually but shall be eligible to stand for re-election of a committee position at Ipswich Cavy Club at the AGM

4.9  Nominations must be made by two people and be accepted by the person nominated

4.10  Any club member in good standing is eligible to vote for the election of committee members

4.11  Voting will be determined through a show of hands, unless more than one person is nominated for a position, in which case, voting be carried out by way of a secret ballot

4.12  The Executive Committee shall comprise of the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and the Show Manager

i)  The executive will have online access to the club bank account

ii)  No member of Ipswich Cavy Club may nominate, or accept a nomination for an executive committee position whilst holding an executive committee position on any other Cavy Club, with the exception of the Queensland Cavy Council and the Australian National Cavy Council, so as to avoid a conflict of interest


5.1  President

The President shall act as the administrative head of the club and generally preside over the meetings of the club and act as chairperson. The president is responsible for ensuring club meetings are held, and to discuss and conduct the operational and legal requirements of the club

5.2  Vice President

The Vice President shall assist the President in the fulfilment of their duties and shall preside at meetings where the President is absent

5.3  Secretary/Treasurer

The Secretary is the custodian of the minutes of all meetings of the club and the committee and shall be responsible for the accepting and issuing of correspondence on behalf of the club and for the notification of the members of any special or general meetings. The secretary is also responsible for promptly bringing to the attention of the committee, any matter arising from correspondence or other form of communication that requires immediate attention

The Treasurer is responsible for the receipt of all monies due to the club, pay the same to the approved financial society, disperse all payments authorised by the committee and keep accurate account records of all financial transactions. At the AGM, a complete statement of income and expenditure shall be presented for the whole of the previous financial year. All financial records, including bank statements and receipts will be available for any member to view at the AGM

5.4  Show Manager

The Show Manager is responsible for the running of the clubs’ shows and as such is able to delegate work when necessary to volunteers at any of the clubs’ shows. The show manager is responsible for receiving all show entries via email. The show manager must create a catalogue of entries to be published for members at each of the clubs’ shows

5.5  Media Officer

The Media Officer is reportable to the secretary. The media officer is to create a bi-monthly newsletter and to maintain the website and Facebook group page keeping members informed at up to date. The Media Officer may be asked by the secretary to upload documents to the website or Facebook and/or to check documents; therefore, it is imperative that the Media Officer have excellent computer skills

5.6  Canteen Convenor

The Canteen Convenor is responsible for the upkeep of the canteen at each club show. The canteen convenor is also responsible for the purchase of stock for the canteen and will have a club float to do so. The canteen convenor is also responsible for the collection of monies from sales throughout the day from the canteen and may also be asked to receipt entries if members arrive late


6.1  Meetings of the committee are to be held as and when necessary, decided by the committee and/or when called for by a simple majority of members, to effect the efficient running of the club; but at a minimum of at least quarterly

6.2  General Meetings are to be held at least twice yearly or at the request of at least six members

6.3  An Annual General Meeting will be held at the end of each show year – around the November or December time period. All memberships are still current at this time and all members are eligible to vote

6.4  Committee Meetings may, between AGMs, conduct routine or special business, hold hearings, and reach decisions by mail vote, email vote, or phone vote and a simple majority is required for the passage of a motion

6.5  All voting at meetings will be through a simple show of hands and a majority is required for passage of a motion. Meetings relating to disciplinary action or refusal of membership, will not be voted in this way, but will be voted through a secret ballot and will be carried by two-thirds of members present on the day

6.6  The president of Ipswich Cavy Club shall conduct all meetings. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall conduct the meeting

6.7  A quorum of any AGM, General or Special Meeting of the Ipswich Cavy Club shall consist of at least one member of the Executive Committee, a minimum of two other committee members, plus four other financial members


7.1  Committee members may make such rules and by-laws not inconsistent with this Constitution and not in conflict with the aims of the club as it may deem necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the club and may alter and repeal such rules and by-laws. All changes must be endorsed by the financial members of the club at a special or general meeting

7.2  The Financial Year of the club shall be from 1 March to 28 February each year

7.3  The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present on the day. Any member in good standing may submit a proposed amendment; the amendment must be submitted in writing to the Secretary, no less than 30 days prior to the meeting. Any proposed amendments to be considered at a special meeting or general meeting shall be voted on only after all members have received notice of such meeting and the purpose of the special meeting stated in the notice


8.1  The Ipswich Cavy Club Constitution, By-Laws, Rules and regulations shall be binding upon all members

8.2  The Committee may suspend or expel any club member for conduct which, in its judgement, conflicts with the Ipswich Cavy Club Constitution, By-Laws, rules and regulations and thereby constitutes reasonable basis for cause

8.3  Any member so disciplined has fourteen days to show why such discipline was inappropriate or unjust. If necessary, a neutral arbitrator may be appointed

8.4  The Executive Committee has the right to terminate the membership of any member who has violated the Constitution or behaved in a manner which has been deemed inappropriate or dangerous to themselves, another person or a cavy

8.5  For a member bring a complaint against another Ipswich Cavy Club member, the complainant must be a member in good standing and must submit their complaint in writing to the secretary. The secretary shall report upon any complaints received against another member of the club directly to the Executive Committee by calling a special disciplinary meeting of the committee


9.1  Income for Ipswich Cavy Club shall be derived from

i)  Memberships

ii)  Show Fees

iii)  Raffles and other fundraisers

iv)  Sponsorships and donations

9.2  All funds are to be paid to the credit of the Ipswich Cavy Club nominated bank account. This account is protected for use by the Secretary/Treasurer and the President

9.3  All financial records must be maintained by the Secretary/Treasurer in an auditable manner at all times


10.1  Ipswich Cavy Club shall be dissolved in the event of the membership being less than three persons. It may also be dissolved upon a 75% majority vote of the members present at a special meeting convened to consider dissolution

10.2  In the event of dissolution of the Ipswich Cavy Club, any assets, properties or funds left after payment of any outstanding expenses and liabilities, shall be handed over to another organisation with similar, or partially similar objectives of the Ipswich Cavy Club. This organisation shall be determined by the members at or before the time of dissolution.

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