Exit Project Presentations

Career Internship

Elkin High School

Presentation Dates: Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

These are tentative dates. More information will follow.

Presentation Times: During your scheduled internship period (See schedule)

Presentation Site: Elkin City Schools Administration Office, Conference Room

Evaluators: Panel of Community Leaders and Educators

Dress Code: Interns are expected to dress in business attire for professional presentation

Length of presentation: Minimum 6 minutes; maximum 10 minutes; presentations will be

Scheduled in 20 minute blocks, with 5 minutes scheduled for

Setup, 10 minutes for presentations, and 5 minutes for questions

and answers from the panel

Points to be included in presentations include but are not limited to:

·  Introduction of yourself, your internship site, and your mentor

·  Description of what your internship involved, what did you do at your site?

·  What have you learned from this experience that will help you as you continue to work to accomplish your career goals?

·  What did you learn about yourself, and has this impacted your plans for the future in any way?

·  Elaborate on how this experience has contributed to your job-ready skills.

Visual Aids:

Visual aids can be very helpful in your presentation. Examples of effective visual aids include:

• PowerPoint presentations

A laptop and projector will be provided running PowerPoint 2003. You should have your file on a flash drive to easily plug into the projector. Presentations created using PowerPoint 2007 must be saved in the 2003 format to be opened and viewed on this laptop.

• Posters or tri-fold presentation boards

• Examples of your work or tools you used while on your site

• Video clips of your work

Your Portfolio Notebook must be turned in to Mrs. Burgess on or before Monday, December 5. The panel will have access to the notebook before you arrive for your presentation. They may ask questions pertaining to what they saw in your notebook.


You may write a speech, but you may be more at ease if you outline your points for general

knowledge. Follow a well rehearsed outline. Eye contact with your audience is critical. In order to meet the expectations for time, you must be prepared; stay focused, and not ramble when you speak. Definitely make plans to practice your presentation more than once before delivering this to the panel. Remember, reading from a power point presentation does not qualify as a student speech.