Literacy Medium Term Planning Class 6: Year 1 (HA) Autumn Term 1 2015
Talk for Writing / Text / Genre / FocusNarrative / Rumplestiltskin / Cinderella story / Character description
Non-Fiction / Information facts in a list
Fiction Non-fiction
Immersion in the text / Working with the text / Vocabulary / Ideas for innovationRole-play area in Rumplestiltskin theme.
Straw bales as seats in classroom.
Wow starter Rev Will Lane to ‘marry Rosalind and the King’. Children to attend as the wedding guests. (Links to RE)
Retell story as a whole class each day using actions. Move to story circles then story pairs when ready.
Story map the story.
Sequence the story.
Story mountain.
Drama act out a key scene dressed up as main characters. Freeze frame and use to inspire writing.
Interview characters.
Look at story from a different perspective. E.g. How did the Miller feel lying about his daughter’s abilities just to impress the King? How did the King feel? Was Rumplestiltskin a good or bad character?
Wow starter – Class 6 get a letter and a package from Rosalind. It contains information that she has found out about Rumplestiltskin and some objects that he left behind each time he came to the palace.
Learn the text.
Make a washing line – one Crown for each different piece of information (each paragraph). Chn to decide which crown their fact should go on.
Hot seating the ‘creature’ to find out information.
Role play.
Links to Numeracy – number cards to be straw bales. Counting and measurement to be related to weddings/palaces/Kings/gold bars/straw bales etc. / Retell story as a whole class each day using actions. Move to story circles then story pairs when ready.
Story map the story.
Sequence the story.
Story mountain.
Understand that a story has a beginning middle and end.
Compose sentences orally before writing.
Independent application of phonics up to and including phase 4.
Use capital letters, full stops and question marks.
Discuss exclamation marks.
Discuss the meaning of ‘boasted/boastful’.
Use simple connectives ‘and’ ‘then’.
Use simple causal connectives ‘so that’, ‘because’.
Use adverbials of time (time connectives) ‘once upon a time’, ‘by the next morning’, ‘after a year’, ‘that night’ etc
Discuss adverbial starters ‘sadly’ ‘luckily’.
Discuss past tense.
Discuss the use of repetition.
Use simple adjective to make interesting noun phrases ‘silly miller’, ‘little old man’ etc.
Analyse and annotate various information texts to pick out key features.
Understand the unique features.
Look at and analyse the structure. / Use simple connectives ‘and’ ‘then’.
Use simple causal connectives ‘so that’, ‘because’.
Use adverbials of time (time connectives) ‘once upon a time’, ‘by the next morning’, ‘after a year’, ‘that night’ etc
Discuss adverbial starters ‘sadly’ ‘luckily’.
Discuss the use of repetition.
Use simple adjective to make interesting noun phrases that can enhance character descriptions. E.g. ‘silly miller’, ‘little old man’ etc.
Include emotions to describe what a characters personality is like.
Extend language by using subject-specific words. E.g. ‘daughter’, ‘straw-bale’, ‘spinning’, ‘boasted’ etc.
To use appropriate vocabulary from above.
Language features:
Formal and impersonal.
Present tense.
Detail where necessary – to include some explanation.
Technical vocabulary.
Varied connectives and sentence starters for coherence.
Text features:
To present non-fiction information in an unbiased way that is easy to understand.
Logical order.
Paragraphs often begin with a topic sentence.
Organised into categories/sections with subheadings.
/ Substitution: Focus on character changes to continue with character description objective.Addition: Simultaneously focus on adding in more description in the form of adding adjectives to produce interesting noun phrases.
Substitution: Focus on changing the character from an imp called Rumplestitlskin to a troll called ‘Voyambi’, who has a different special skill (not spinning straw into gold)
Addition: Simultaneously focus on adding in more description in the form of adding adjectives to produce interesting noun phrases.
Ideas for invention
Beginning: Choose a different well-known character and a different well-known setting.
Build up: Choose a different ‘activity’ that one character says that another can do i.e. not spinning.
Problem: The character can’t do the task.
Resolution: Choose a different way of solving the problem.
Ending: Keep the ending happy, to be in-keeping with traditional stories.
Information text about a different imaginary creature e.g. goblin, unicorn, fairy, elf etc.
How is their life different to ours? (links with science – ourselves)
How does it dress? What does its home look like?
What do they do for a pastime? What toys do they have? (links to History – toys, old and new)
What area might they live in and what other buildings might be in that area? (links to Geography – our local area)
Phonics – Green Group (HA) JR
Practice recognition and recall of phase 2, 3 & 5 as they are learned. Teach new graphemes for reading. Practice reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants and words with newly learned graphemes. Learn new phonemes /zh/ as in treasure. Teach reading the words oh, their, people, Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked. Teach spelling the words said, so, have, like, some, come, were, there. Practise reading and spelling HF and polysyllabic words. Practise reading and writing sentences. Practice recognition and recall of graphemes and different pronunciations of graphemes as they are learned. Teach alternative pronunciations of graphemes for reading. Teach reading the words water, where, who, again, thought, through, work, mouse, many, laughed, because, different, any, eyes, friends, once, please. Teach spelling the words little, one, do, when, what, out.
Phonics – Blue Group (MA) TE
Practice recognition and recall of phase 2, 3 & 5 as they are learned. Teach new graphemes for reading. Practice reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants and words with newly learned graphemes. Learn new phonemes /zh/ as in treasure. Teach reading the words oh, their, people, Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked. Teach spelling the words said, so, have, like, some, come, were, there. Practise reading and spelling HF and polysyllabic words. Practise reading and writing sentences.
Phonics - Red Group (LA) SS
Start with revision of phase 4 – work quickly (approx. 4 weeks) then start phase 5.
Teach and practice reading and spelling CVCC words. Teach reading tricky words said, so, have, like, some, come, were, there, little, one, do, when, out, what. Teach spelling tricky words he, she, me, we, be, was, you, they, all, are, my, her. Practice reading and writing HF words. Practice reading and writing sentences. Practice reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants. / Green writing target HA 1c/1b TE
(1c targets)
To show some control over word order.
To attempt familiar forms of writing e.g. lists, labelling, recounts, stories and instructions.
To use full stops in writing.
To usually use a capital letter for own name.
To understand that writing must make sense.
To write recognizable letters and words or symbols to convey meaning.
To read back own writing.
To spell some simple words correctly.
To write each single letter grapheme in response to the phoneme.
To identify and write most initial sounds.
To identify initial and dominant phonemes in words.
To ensure some commonly used letters are shaped correctly but may be inconsistent in their size and orientation.
To begin to leave spaces between words.
(1b targets)
To have more consistent control over word order.
To leave finger spaces.
To use a simple writing frame.
To begin to use capital letters for personal pronoun ‘I’ and in simple sentences, showing an understanding of why full stops are used.
To show a beginning in stories.
To use information and idea from own experiences as a basis for writing.
To structure some phrases and simple statements using recognisable words to communicate ideas.
To ensure writing can generally be understood without mediation.
To consistently spell a few key words accurately.
To spell CVC words correctly.
To identify initial, stressed and final phonemes in words.
To begin to recognise common spelling patterns e.g. ‘ee’.
To ensure most letters are clearly shaped and correctly orientated.
To use spaces between words consistently.
Green Group Guided Reading (HA) SS
Target 1b
To read 40% of reception words accurately.
To use initial letter cues.
To understand and use correctly terms referring to conventions of print: book, cover, beginning, end, page, word, letter, line etc.
To predict what may happen.
To discuss story and characters.
To locate and read significant parts of a recount and identify the main points in correct sequence.
To say which books they enjoy and why.
To behave like a reader.
During non-fiction part of TFW, all groups GR books to be information texts. / Blue writing target MA 1c JR
To show some control over word order.
To attempt familiar forms of writing e.g. lists, labelling, recounts, stories and instructions.
To use full stops in writing.
To usually use a capital letter for own name.
To understand that writing must make sense.
To write recognizable letters and words or symbols to convey meaning.
To read back own writing.
To spell some simple words correctly.
To write each single letter grapheme in response to the phoneme.
To identify and write most initial sounds.
To identify initial and dominant phonemes in words.
To ensure some commonly used letters are shaped correctly but may be inconsistent in their size and orientation.
To begin to leave spaces between words.
Blue Group Guided Reading (MA) JR
Target 1c/1b
(1c targets)
To know some letter sounds.
To track text in correct order page by page, left to right, top to bottom.
To match identical words.
To echo adults reading.
To handle and hold books carefully.
To create a story from pictures.
To look at pictures.
To return to favourite books, songs, rhymes to be re-read and enjoyed.
(1b targets)
To read 40% of reception words accurately.
To use initial letter cues.
To understand and use correctly terms referring to conventions of print: book, cover, beginning, end, page, word, letter, line etc.
To predict what may happen.
To discuss story and characters.
To locate and read significant parts of a recount and identify the main points in correct sequence.
To say which books they enjoy and why.
To behave like a reader.
During non-fiction part of TFW, all groups GR books to be information texts. / Red writing target LA 1c SS
To show some control over word order.
To attempt familiar forms of writing e.g. lists, labelling, recounts, stories and instructions.
To use full stops in writing.
To usually use a capital letter for own name.
To understand that writing must make sense.
To write recognizable letters and words or symbols to convey meaning.
To read back own writing.
To spell some simple words correctly.
To write each single letter grapheme in response to the phoneme.
To identify and write most initial sounds.
To identify initial and dominant phonemes in words.
To ensure some commonly used letters are shaped correctly but may be inconsistent in their size and orientation.
To begin to leave spaces between words.
Red Group Guided Reading (LA) TE
Target 1c
To know some letter sounds.
To track text in correct order page by page, left to right, top to bottom.
To match identical words.
To echo adults reading.
To handle and hold books carefully.
To create a story from pictures.
To look at pictures.
To return to favourite books, songs, rhymes to be re-read and enjoyed.
During non-fiction part of TFW, all groups GR books to be information texts.
Home books / Speaking & Listening / Talk for writing / Sentence & Word level / Outcome/audience
31 Aug – 4 Sept / Interviewing the staff and relaying their answers.
Discussing what questions to ask.
Discussing evidence collected.
Discussing their ideas about the book based on only one picture.
Presenting their ideas to the rest of the class.
Telling their captions orally before writing. / Tuesday by David Wiesner.
Wow - introduce the text - have lily pads lay around the classroom and wet patches on tables in the morning. Staff in other classes will be primed to answer questions from pupils about anything suspicious they have seen that morning. Pupil detectives to write questions and be sent to other classes to find out. Teacher responses are that they left school last night at 6 and there were none there then and they were in at 6 am so can they work out what time the lily pads arrived? They could say that they couldn't be sure as it was getting dark but there seemed to be dark objects flying across the playground etc. All evidence to be collected and recorded as a class list.
Thought shower by only seeing one picture from the book. What do they think this book is about? Who are the main characters? What are the main event? Chn to present their group’s ideas to the rest of class. Compare and discuss their thoughts alongside the evidence collected.
Read the book to the chn and discuss. Chn to recall key events by drawing a story board.
Chn to annotate their pictures recording the key events.
. / Use phonic knowledge up to and including phase 4.
Use full stops, capital letter, good letter formation and finger space independently,
Use adjectives to add description.
Upgrade adjectives to more interesting ones before using them.
Upgrade verbs e.g. why use ‘the frogs went past’ when you could use ‘the noisy, green frogs floated silently past’.
Discuss adverbs. / To predict a story using a picture.
To pick out the key events of a story and draw a sequenced story board with detailed captions.
7 – 11 Sept / Asking and answering questions during hot-seating.
Discussing their findings and comparing it to the staff evidence.
Discussing what they might have said and what they think the characters said or thought.
Telling their captions orally before writing.
Using their story boards to retell their story to the class. / Re- read the book and then show them the clips on Literacy Shed. Hot seating characters and recording thoughts about what they have seen. Chn to make notes. Compare to staff evidence. What do they think now?