Kinesio® Resources

Kase K. Illustrated Kinesio Taping®, 4th edition. Ken Ikai Co Ltd, Tokyo. 2003.

Kase K, Wallis J, Kase T. Clinical Therapeutic Applications of the Kinesio Taping® Method, 2nd edition. Ken Ikai Co Ltd, Toyko. 2003.

Kase K, Hashimoto T, Okane T. Kinesio Taping® Perfect Manual. Ken Ikai Co Ltd, Tokyo. 1996

Kase K, Stockheimer K. Kinesio Taping® for Lymphedema and Chronic Swelling. Ken Ikai Co Ltd. Toyko 2006.

Kase K, Martin P, Yasukawa A. Kinesio Taping® in Pediatrics. Ken Ikai Co Ltd, Tokyo, 2006.

Kinesio Taping® Workshop KT1 KT2 KT3, Continuing Education Course. Progressive Rehab Concepts. Jan 2003. Las Vegas, NV.

McConnell Resources

The McConnell Patellofemoral Treatment Plan, Continuing Education Course. McConnell Institute. Oct 2002. Rancho Santa Margarita, CA.

McConnell J, Gresalmer R, The Patella - A Team Approach. Aspen Publications, 1998.

McConnell J. Patellofemoral management in Knee Ligament injuries. Ellenbecker T. Harcourt Brace, 2000.

McConnell J. Taping for pain relief. in Taping techniques principles and practice. R. Macdonald, Butterworth Heinnemann, 2002.

McConnell J. The use of taping for pain relief in the management of spinal pain in Grieve's Modern Manual Therapy of the Vertebral column 3E Boyling and Jull. Harcourt Health Services, 2003.

McConnell J. Patellofemoral problem with significant biomechanical contributing factors in Clinical reasoning for Health Professionals. Jones M. Rivett D. Butterworth Heinnemann, 2003.

Allingham C, McConnell J. Conservative management of rotator cuff, capsulitis and frozen shoulder in Rehabiliation of the Hand and Upper Limb Rosemary Prosser and Bruce Conolly, Butterworth Heinemann, Edinburgh , 2003.

McConnell J. Recalcitrant chronic low back and leg pain - a new theory and different approach to management. Manual Therapy in Masterclasses - The Vertebral Column ed Karen Beeton, Churchill Livingstone, London, 2003.

McConnell J. Management of patellofemoral problems in Masterclasses - The Peripheral joints ed Karen Beeton, Churchill Livingstone, London, 2003.

McConnell J. The Management of Chondromalacia Patellae A Long Term Solution" The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 32(4), 215 223., 1986

McConnell J. A Fresh Approach to the management of Shoulder problems", Sport Health, 1991.

Mulligan Resources

Mulligan Taping Techniques DVD, available through OPTP

Athletic Taping Resources

MacDonald R. Taping Techniques Principles and Practice. Butterworth Heinemann. Edinburgh. 2004

Schur A. Sports Taping. Meyer & Meyer. Verlag. 2006.

Perrin D. Athletic Taping and Bracing. Human Kinetics. United States. 2005.

AmericanAcademy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Athletic Training and Sports Medicine. AmericanAcademy of Orthopedic Surgeons. United States. 1991.

Arnheim D. Modern Principles of Athletic Training. Times Mirror/Mosby College Publishing. St. Lous. 1989.

Research Articles


Gonzalez-Iglesias, J: Cleland, J: Gutierrez-Vega, M: Fernandez-de-las-Penas, C. Multimodal management of lateral epicondylalgia in rock climbers: a prospective case series. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 2011; 34(9): 635-642.

Kaya E; Zinnuroglu M; Tugcu I. Kinesio taping compared to physical therapy modalities for the treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome. Clinical Rheumatology, 2011; 30(2):201-207.

Kaneko S; Takasaki H. Forearm Pain, Diagnosed as Intersection Syndrome, Managed by Taping, a Case Series. J of Ortho & Sports PT, 2011; 41(7): 514-519.

Briem K et al. Effects of Kinesio tape compared with nonelastic sports tape and the untaped ankle during a sudden inversion perturbation in male athletes. J Ortho & Sports PT, 2011; 41(5): 328-335.


Harrington, L. The effect of patellar taping on patellar position measured using ultrasound scanning. Knee. Volume 17 (2), p 132-134. Mar 2010.

Franttovich et al. Continual Use of Augmented Lo-Di Taping Increases Arch Height in Standing but Does Not Influence Neuromotor Control of Gait. Gait and Posture. Volume 31(2), p247-250. Feb. 2010.

Maguire, C et al. Hip abductor control in walking following stroke-the immediate effect of canes, taping, and TheraTogs on gait. Clinical Rehabilitation. Volume 24(1), p 37-45. Jan 2010.


Ozer, D et al. The effect on neuromuscular stability, performance, multi-joint coordination and proprioception of barefoot, taping, or preventative bracing. Foot. Volume 19(4), p 205-10. Dec 2009.

Hsu et al. The effects of taping on scapular kinematics and muscle performance in baseball players with shoulder impingement syndrome. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, Volume 19, Number 6, p1092-1099. Dec-2009

Tsai et al. Could Kinesiotape replace the bandage in decongestive lymphatic therapy for breast cancer related lymphedema? A pilot study. Supportive Care in Cancer. Volume 17, Issue 11, p1353-1360. Nov-2009.

Lohkamp, M et al. The influence of ankle taping on changes in postural stability during soccer specific activity. Journal of Sports Rehabilitation. Volume 18(4), p 482-92. Nov 2009.

Hopper et al. The influence of Mulligan ankle taping during balance performance in subjects with unilateral chronic ankle instability. Physical Therapy in Sport. Volume 10 (4), p125-130. Nov 2009.

Bradley T, et al. Effect of taping on the shoulders of Australian football players. British Journal of Sports Medicine. Volume 43(10), p 735-8. Oct 2009.

Gonzalez-Iglesias et al. Short-term effects of cervical kinesiotaping on pain and cervical range of motion in patients with acute whiplash injury: a randomized clinical trail. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, Volume 39, Number 7, Jul 2009

Garcia-Muro et al. Treatment of myofascial pain in the shoulder with kinesiotaping. A case report. Manual Therapy 2009

McConnell et al. The effects of tape on glenohumeral rotation range of motion in elite junior tennis players. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. Volume 19, number 2, Mar 2009

Hsu Y-H et al. The effects of taping on scapular kinematics and muscle performace. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. Oct.10.16 2009

Fleet K, Galen S, Moore C. Duration of strength retention of ankle taping during activities of daily living. Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 40 (2009) 333–336

Abián-Vicén J; Alegre LM; Fernández-Rodríguez JM; Aguado X. Prophylactic ankle taping: elastic versus inelastic taping. Foot & Ankle International / American Orthopaedic Foot And Ankle Society [And] Swiss Foot And Ankle Society 2009 Mar; Vol. 30 (3), pp. 218-25.

Eagleton M. The use of rearfoot positional taping in the treatment of Achilles and peroneal tendinitis in an adolescent female soccer player: a case report.Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice, 2009; 21 (1): 16-23

Refshauge K, Raymond J, Kilbreath SL et al. The effect of ankle taping on detection of inversion-eversion movements in participants with recurrent ankle sprain. Am J Sports Medicine, 2009 Feb; 37(2): 371-5.

Jotkowitz I, Garcia R. The effects of patellar taping on pain and function in healthy adults with patellofemoral pain syndrome: a substitute for McConnell taping? J Ortho Sports Phys Ther, 2009 Jan; 39(1):

Białoszewski D; Woźniak W; Zarek S. Clinical efficacy of Kinesiology Taping in Reducing Edema of the Lower Limbs in Patients Treated with the Ilizarov Method. Preliminary Report.. Ortopedia, Traumatologia, Rehabilitacja [Ortop Traumatol Rehabil] 2009 Jan-Feb; Vol. 11 (1), pp. 50-9.


Thelen MD; Dauber JA; Stoneman PD. The clinical efficacy of kinesio tape for shoulder pain: a randomized, double-blinded, clinical trial. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 2008 Jul; 38 (7):389-95.

Tunay V et al. Comparison of the instant effects of Kinesio and McConnell patellar taping on performance in patellofemoral pain syndrome {Turkish}. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon. Volume 19(3), p 104-9. Dec 2008.

Fu T, Wong A, Pei Y et alEffect of Kinesio taping on muscle strength in

athletes—–A pilot study. J Science and Medicine in Sport (2008) 11, 198—201

Meier K, McPoil T, Cornwall M, Lyle T. Use of AntipronationTaping to Determine Foot Orthoses Prescription: A Case Series. Research in Sports Medicine; Oct2008, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p257-271

Callaghan MJ, Selfe J, McHenry A, and Oldham JA. Effects of patellar taping on knee joint proprioception in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. MANUAL THER 2008 Jun; 13(3): 192-9

Franettovich M, Chapman A, Blanch P, Vixenzio B. A Physiological and Psychological Basis for Anti-Pronation Taping from a Critical Review of the Literature. Sports Medicine; 2008, Vol. 38 Issue 8, p617-631

Hughes T;Rochester P. The effects of proprioceptive exercise and taping on proprioception in subjects with functional ankle instability: a review of the literature.

Physical Therapy in Sport 2008 Aug; 9(3): 136-47

Baltaci G;Ozer D;Senbursa G. Preventive brace, taping or barefoot: do they show any change on multi-joint coordination and kinesthetic position sense in closed kinetic mechanism. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008 Jun; 42(6): 509

Callaghan MJ;Selfe J;McHenry A;Oldham JA. Effects of patellar taping on knee joint proprioception in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Manual Therapy, 2008 Jun; 13(3): 192-9

Greig AM;Bennell KL;Briggs AM;Hodges PW. Postural taping decreases thoracic kyphosis but does not influence trunk muscle electromyographic activity or balance in women with osteoporosis. Manual Therapy, 2008 Jun; 13(3): 249-57

Paterson C. What is the effect of scapulothoracic taping on muscle activity? SPORTEX MED, 2008 Apr(36): 18-20

Fu T; Wong A; Pei Y; Wu K; Chou S; Lin Y. Effect of Kinesio taping on muscle strength in athletes-a pilot study. Journal Of Science And Medicine In Sport / Sports Medicine Australia 2008 Apr; Vol. 11 (2), pp. 198-201.

Spanos S;Brunswic M;Billis E. The effect of taping on the propioception of the ankle in a non-weight bearing position, amongst injured athletes. Foot, 2008 Mar; 18(1): 25-33

Alexander CM;McMullan M;Harrison PJ. What is the effect of taping along or across a muscle on motoneurone excitability? A study using triceps surae. Manual Therapy, 2008 Feb; 13(1): 57-62

Warden SJ;Hinman RS;Watson MA Jr;Avin KG;Bialocerkowski AE;Crossley KM. Patellar taping and bracing for the treatment of chronic knee pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Arthritis & Rheumatism: Arthritis Care & Research, 2008 Jan 15; 59(1): 73-83

Meana, M., Eivira, J, Aguado, X.. Kinematics of Ankle Taping after a Training. International Journal of Sports Medicine; Jan2008, Vol. 29 Issue 1, p70-77

Aminaka N, Gribble P. Patellar Taping, Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Lower Extremity Kinematics, and Dynamic Postural Control. Journal of Athletic Training; Jan/Feb2008, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p21-28.

Michael D;Alexander K;Colclough E;Daniell J;Haney T;Pines C. The effect of calcaneal taping on plantar pressures during gait. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 2008 Jan; 38(1): Suppl: A36-7

O'Sullivan K; Kennedy N; O'Neill E; Ni Mhainin U. The effect of low-dye tapingon rearfoot motion and plantar pressure during the stance phase of gait. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2008; Vol. 9, pp. 111.


Słupik A; Dwornik M; Białoszewski D; Zych E. Effect of Kinesio Taping on bioelectrical activity of vastus medialis muscle. Preliminary report. Ortopedia, Traumatologia, Rehabilitacja 2007 Nov-Dec; Vol. 9 (6), pp. 644-51.

Selkowitz DM et al. The effects of scapular taping on the surface electromyographic signal amplitude of shoulder girdle muscles during upper extremity elevation in individuals with suspected shoulder impingement syndrome. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2007 Nov; 37(11):694-702.

Vicenzino B et al. Plantar foot pressures after the augmented low dye taping technique. J Athl Train. 2007 Jul-Sep;42(3):374-80.

Yoshida A, Kahanov L. The Effect of Kinesio Taping on LowerTrunkRange of Motions. Research in Sports Medicine, 2007; 15:103-112.

Liu YH et al. Links Motion tracking on elbow tissue from ultrasonic image sequence for patients with lateral epicondylitis. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2007;2007:95-8.

Aspegren D “Conservative treatment of a female college volleyball player with costochondritis” Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, May2007; 30 (4): 321-5

Greig AM et al. Postural taping decreases thoracic kyphosis but does not influence trunk muscle electromyographic activity or balance in women with osteoporosis. Man Ther, 2007 Apr

Schoffl V et al. Impact of taping after finger flexor tendon pulley ruptures in rock climbers. J Appl Biomech. 2007 Feb;23(1):52-62.


Kilbreath SL, Perkins S, Crosbie J, McConnell J. Gluteal taping improves hip extension during stance phase of walking following stroke. Aust J Physiother, 2006 52(1):53-6.

Ryan CG; Rowe PJ. An electromyographical study to investigate the effects of patellar taping on the vastus medialis=vastus lateralis ratio in asymptomatic participants. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 22(6):309315, 2006

Moiler K, Hall T, Robinson K. The role of fibular tape in the prevention of ankle injury in basketball: A pilot study. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2006 Sep;36(9):661-8

Hyland MR; Webber-Gaffney A; Cohen L; Lichtman PT J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2006 Jun; Vol. 36 (6), pp. 364-71.

Jancaitis G et al Short Term Effects of Kinesio® Taping on Symptoms of PFPS. University of Virginia study submitting for Platform Presentation with NATA and publication 2006.

Hunt E, Short S. Collegiate Athletes’ Perceptions of Adhesive Ankle Taping: A Qualitative Analysis. J Sport Rehab 15, 280-298, 2006.

Frazier S, Whitman J, Smith M “Utilization of Kinesio® Tex Tape in Patients with Shoulder Pain or Dysfunction: A Case Series” RegisUniversity, Advance Healing, Summer 2006

Griffin A, Bernhardt J. Strapping the hemiplegic shoulder prevents development of pain during rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation 2006; 20: 287/295.


Janwantanakul P., Gaogasigam C. Vastus lateralis and vastus medialis obliquus muscle activity during the application of inhibition and facilitation taping techniques. Clinical Rehabilitation 2005; 19: 12/19

Vicenzion B et al. Initial effects of anti-pronation tape on the medial longitudinal arch during walking and running. British Journal of Sports Med. 2005 Dec;39(12):939-43

Macgregor K, Gerlach S, Mellor R, et al. Cutaneous stimulationfrom patella tape causes a differential increase invasti muscle activity in people with patellofemoral pain. J Orthop Res 2005;23:351—8

Brandon R, Paradiso L. The use of Kinesio® Tape in patients diagnosed with Patellofemoral pain (PFP) 2005 Kinsesio Taping Association website, not published


Halseth T et al. “The Effects of Kinesio Taping on Proprioception at the Ankle”. J. Sports Science & Medicine. (2004) 3, 1-7.

Preiffer P et al. Kinematic MRI Assessment of McConnell Taping Before and After Exercise Amer J Sports M 32:621-628 (2004)

Osterhues, D. The use of Kinesio® Taping in the management of traumatic patella dislocation. A case study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. Dec 20 2004 (4): 267-270


Vicenzio B et al. Links Initial effects of elbow taping on pain-free grip strength and pressure pain threshold. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2003 Jul;33(7):400-7.

Hinnan R, Crossley K, McConnell J, Bennell K. Efficacy of knee tape in the management of osteoarthritis of the knee: blinded randomised controlled trial. BMJ 19; 327(7407): 135. 2003

Hinman RS, Crossley KM, McConnell J, Bennell KL. Does the application of tape influence quadriceps sensorimotor function in knee osteoarthritis? Rheumatology (Oxford). 2004 Mar;43(3):331-6. Epub 2003 Oct 17.


Yasukawa A, Patel P, Sisung C. Pilot Study Investigating the Effects of Kinesio® Taping in an Acute Pediatric Rehabilitation Setting. Am J Occup Ther; 60 (1): 104-10 1654-1989.

O’Learly S et al. The effect of soft tissue deloading tape on thoracic spine pressure pain thresholds in asymptomatic subjects. Man Ther, 2002 Aug.

Coole AM et al. Does taping influence electromyographic muscle activity in the scapular rotators in healthy shoulders? Man Ther. 2002 Aug;7(3):154-62

Holmes CF; Wilcox D; Fletcher JP Effect of a modified, low-dye medial longitudinal arch taping procedure on the subtalar joint neutral position before and after light exercise. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2002 May; Vol. 32 (5), pp. 194-201.


Murray H, Husk L, Garcia D. Effects of Kinesio Taping on Posture and Upper Extremity Pain. Presented at 16th Annual Kinesio Taping Symposium. 2001

Matsusaka N et al. Effect of ankle disk training combined with tactile stimulation to the leg and foot on functional instability of the ankle. Am J Sports Med 2001 Jan-Feb; Vol. 29 (1), pp. 25-30.

Keenan AM, Tanner CM. The effect of high-dye and low-dye taping on rear foot motion. Journal of American Podiatric Medical Association 2001;91: 255–61.


Crossley K, Cowan S, Bennell K, McConnell J. Patellar taping: is clinical success supported by scientific evidence. Manual Therapy 2000, 5(3),142-150.

Murray H. Effect of Kinesio Taping on Upper Trapezius Muscle Tone and Cervical Discomfort. 15th Annual Kinesio Taping Symposium 2000

Murray, H. Kinesio® Taping, Muscle Strength and ROM after ACL Repair. Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy 30(1) 2000

Morrissey D. Proprioceptive shoulder taping, J Bodywork Movement Ther4 (2000), pp. 189–194.


Watson CJ et al. Reliability of McConnell's classification of patellar orientation in symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1999 Jul;29(7):378-85

Ernst GP, Kawaguchi J, Saliba E. Effect of patellar taping on knee kinetics of patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1999 Nov; Vol. 29 (11), pp. 661-7

Stahl, A. Clinician’s Overview & Case Study: Post Operative Neuroma and RSD.15th Annual Kinesio Taping International Symposium Review. (pp. 99-102) Tokyo, Japan: Kinesio Taping Association.1999

Gilleard W, McConnell J, Parsons D. The effect of patellar taping on the onset of vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis in patellofemoral pain sufferers. Physical Therapy, 1998.

Simoneau GG, Degner RM, Kramper C, et al. Changes inankle joint proprioception resulting from strips of athletictape applied over the skin. J Athl Train 1997

Shamus J, Shamus E. A Taping Technique for the Treatment of Acromioclavicular Joint Sprains: A Case Study. J Ortho Sports Phys Ther 1997 15(6).

Larsen B et al.. Patellar taping: a radiographic examination of the medial glide technique. Am J Sports Med. 1995 Jul-Aug;23(4):465-71.

McConnell J. Fat pad irritation a mistaken patellar tendonitis, Sport Health, 1991.

Fumich RM, Ellison AE, Guerin GJ, Grace PD. The measured effect of taping oncombined foot and ankle motion before and after exercise. Am J Sports Medicine 1981;9:165–9.


Kinesio® Taping Association

Kinesio® Taping in Canada


Kinesio® Taping Japan (in Japanese)

McConnell Institute

Mulligan Concepts

National Athletic Trainer’s Association

You Tube –Kinesio®, McConnell, Mulligan & Athletic