CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Protem Karen McLain at 5:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Karen McLain Mayor Protem
John Studebaker Commissioner
Chris Porter Commissioner
Robert Dixon Commissioner
ABSENT: Brad Pingel Mayor
STAFF: Shane Stokes City Manager
Leland Waters City Attorney
Karen Price City Secretary
Robin Bailey Finance Director
Donny Hooper Director Public Works
Dustin Miller Community Services Director
Greg Lee Fire Chief
Gayla Pickens Assistant Finance Director
Elaine Johnson Utilities Supervisor
Cary Rushing Building Official
Craig Harkcom Equipment Operator-Fire
Robert McDonald Equipment Operator-Fire
Chad Ewing Captain-Fire
Kasey Presson Training Officer-Fire
Gerald Johnston Firefighter
Stephen Loewen Firefighter
Aiden Mooney Firefighter
Jerry Tomaschik Captain-Fire
Tobie Bias Lieutenant
VISITORS: Roxanne Funderburk Lynn Hancock
Phillis Garner Dale Garner
Cynda Tomaschik
NEWS MEDIA: John Lee Pampa News
Mike Ehrle KGRO Radio
INVOCATION: Lynn Hancock Commission Chaplain
· Fire Department ISO Rating – Greg Lee, Fire Chief
1. Consider approving the minutes of the January 9, 2017 Regular Commission Meeting as presented.
A motion was made by Commissioner Dixon and Seconded by Commissioner Studebaker to approve the minutes of the January 9, 2017 Regular Commission Meeting as presented, with each Commission Member voting AYE, the motion carried.
2. Excuse the absence of Commissioners John Studebaker and Chris Porter from the January 9, 2017 Regular Commission Meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Dixon and Seconded by Commissioner Studebaker to excuse the absence of Commissioners John Studebaker and Chris Porter from the January 9, 2017 Regular Commission Meeting, with each Commission Member voting AYE, the motion carried.
3. Consider approving the List of Disbursements dated December 2016.
A motion was made by Commissioner Studebaker and Seconded by Commissioner Porter to approve the List of Disbursements dated December 2016 with total Disbursements being $1,954,784.47 and the amount after balance sheet and income accounts being $972,629.69, with each Commission Member voting AYE, the motion carried.
4. CONSENT AGENDA – All Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine in nature by the City Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Commissioner so request, in which event that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in normal sequence on the Agenda.
a. Consider awarding a bid from Pamela Dacus in the amount of $330.00 for delinquent tax property located at Lot 9, Block 2, Hindman Addition, commonly known as 533 Maple.
b. Consider awarding a bid from Pamela Dacus in the amount of $330.00 for delinquent tax property located at Lot 4, Block 2, Cohen Addition, commonly known as Lot on Maple.
c. Consider awarding a bid from Adolfo Resendiz in the amount of $650.00 for delinquent tax property located at Lot 12, Block 1, Littleton Addition, commonly known as 345 Miami.
d. Consider awarding a bid from Ramon Zubia in the amount of $4,100.00 for delinquent tax property located at Lot 2 and N30’ of Lot 1, Block 2, Broadmoor Addition, commonly known as 1008
e. Consider awarding a bid from J. Guadalupe Tamayo and Rosa Tamayo in the amount of $1,600.00 for delinquent tax property located at Lot 22, Block 3, Hughes Pitts Addition, commonly known as 433 Pitts.
f. Consider awarding a bid from Pamela Dacus in the amount of $500.00 for delinquent tax property located at Lot 17, Block 1, Hyatt Addition, commonly known as 807 S. Gray.
g. Consider awarding a bid from Roger C. Northcutt in the amount of $2,555.00 for delinquent tax property located at Tract G, Suburbs 179, commonly known as 759 W. Wilks.
h. Consider awarding a bid from Jose Roel Ochoa in the amount of $500.00 for delinquent tax property located at Lot 14, Block 35, Wilcox Addition, commonly known as Lot on Brunow.
i. Consider awarding a bid from Francisco Miranda Torres in the amount of $450.00 for delinquent tax property located at Lot 4, Block 4 Youngs 2nd Addition, commonly known as 513 N. Warren.
j. Consider awarding a bid from Crystal Smith in the amount of $830.00 for delinquent tax property located at Lot 6, Block 4, Tulsa Addition, commonly known as 312 N. Wells.
k. Consider awarding a bid from Pamela Dacus in the amount of $750.00 for delinquent tax property located at Lot 27, Block 4, Prairie Village Addition, commonly known as 1133 Neel.
A motion was made by Commissioner Dixon and Seconded by Commissioner Studebaker to approve the Consent Agenda Items A through K as presented, with each Commission Member voting AYE, the motion carried.
There being no further business on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. by Mayor Protem Karen McLain.
Karen L. Price, City Secretary Karen McLain, Mayor Protem