Saturday 11 August 2012 at 8.30 am prompt

At Brougham Hall Farm, Penrith, CA10 2DE

By kind permission of Mr C T A Helme

SHOW SECRETARYMrs M C Murray, Park House Farm, Baldersdale, BarnardCastle,

Co Durham DL12 9UT

Tel: 01833 650474

ENTRIESEntries for all classes will close on Saturday 21 July.

Please send Entry Forms to the Fell Pony Society Office,

Ion House, Great Asby, Appleby, CumbriaCA16 6HD

Tel: 017683 53100

Late entries to 28 July, double fee.

Entries received after 28 July will be returned.

ENTRANCE TICKETThis doubles as your receipt for entries. Please send SAE for your Entrance Ticket. If you have not received your ticket by 6 August, please contact the Society Office.

REFRESHMENTSKaty Edgar Outside Catering.



1The Fell Pony Society accepts no liability for any loss of property or any accident or damage to any animal, vehicle, spectator or exhibitor, and all entries are accepted subject to this condition. Exhibitors are advised that all ponies should be insured for public liability.

This show is held under the Rules found in the FPS Handbook for Showing and Competing.

2Ponies must not exceed 14 hh (142.2 cm) (1/2 inch (1.26 cm) will be allowed for shoes). All ponies of 3 years old and over must pass the measuring standard unless the exhibitor has an annual or life JMB Certificate. This must be shown to the vet on the day of the show. Measuring starts at 7.30 am prompt – ponies for Class 34 being measured first. Please note that all ponies must be measured by 10.30 am. The Show Committee has the right to refuse entry to any pony which has been ruled over-height at any previous Breed Show. Owners of ponies measured over-height on the day of the Show may appeal on payment of £20, which will be forfeited if the first measuring is found correct. When presenting their ponies to be measured, competitors must know their numbers from the catalogue.

3Only paid up current members of the Fell Pony Society are eligible to compete at the Breed Show.

4Only Registered Ponies may be entered. No substitution of entries will be allowed. Ponies must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor, whose name must appear on the passport, as owner, at the closing date for entries.

5Please write the names of each pony to be exhibited in the group classes on the back of the entry form. Groups present on Show Day should declare to the Show Secretary on the field. Entry Fee: £2.00 per pony. Please note – only 3 ponies may be entered. Ponies must be named and those named ponies must be the ones shown. For this class only, ponies may be entered on the day.

6The committee reserve the right to alter Classes if necessary. Whilst every effort is made to avoid classes clashing, sometimes this seems to be inevitable on show day. The committee have added a proposed Timetable as a guide which you will find in this schedule. Exhibitors are advised to consult this when planning their entries. The organisers intend to follow this Timetable as closely as possible. Classes will not be held up for anyone. Please remember that each Class takes an average of 40 minutes to run. Competitors will make the smooth running of the show easier if they are selective in the Classes that they enter.

7Exhibitors are asked not to enter classes judged by their pony’s breeder. A judge may not judge a pony which holds their prefix or which has been bred by his/her immediate family. If the judge finds that, inadvertently, such a situation should arise, he/she should ask the steward to call the referee judge into the ring to place the pony in question.

8All Cups and Trophies are perpetual and must be returned on or before the day of the Show. All winners must sign a receipt on claiming their trophy. This is for insurance purposes and confirms the winner’s responsibility both for the safety of the cup during the year that it is in his/her care, and for any repairs needed due to damage incurred during that period. For insurance purposes, all perpetual trophies are to remain in the UK.

9Ponies need not be vaccinated against Equine Flu, but any pony showing signs of coughing or any virus complaint, will be asked to leave the Show Field.

10A correctly secured BS skull cap/riding hat must be worn at all times that riders are mounted and within the Show Field. Please note: In all Riding Classes correct riding attire should be worn – no spurs allowed and show canes must not exceed 30 inches.

11Any objection or complaint must be made in writing in accordance with the Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure.

12The class is closed and ponies will not be allowed into the ring:

In Hand – when the last pony has done its individual trot

Ridden & Driving – when the class goes into trot

Owners’ telephone numbers will be printed in the catalogue unless otherwise requested.

Rings 1 and 2 (In-Hand)

The 1st and 2nd prize-winners of Classes 1 - 7 and 9 - 15 will come forward to be judged by both the judges of Rings 1 and 2 for the following Championships.

The Lakeland Cup: presented by Miss B Walker, awarded to the best pony of 2 years old and under from Classes 4 - 6 and 12 - 14.

The Shawfell Silhouette Memorial Cup: presented by Mr and Mrs Gooderham and to be awarded to the best foal.

Fell Pony Society Challenge Cup: presented by the late Lady Yule. To be awarded to the best Filly or Gelding of 3 years old, likely to make a good riding type. First and Second prize winners eligible.

The Farleton Trophy: presented by Miss Claire Simpson and awarded to the Champion Gelding of Classes 9 and 10.

The Alan Shuttleworth Memorial Trophy: presented by Eva Shuttleworth and friends, and awarded to the Champion Mare in Classes 1 - 3 and Class 11.

Rings 3 and 4 (Ridden)

The Greenfield Trophy: presented by John Slater in memory of his wife, Beth Slater, and awarded to the winner of the Novice Ridden, Classes 22 & 23.

The Littletree Trophy: presented by Mr and Mrs N Woolley and awarded to the best Junior in the Ridden Classes 19 and 20.

The Carrock Pollyanna Trophy: presented by Mrs G M Cockbain and awarded to the winner of the Open Ridden Classes 17 and 18.

The Toby Tankard: presented by Mr and the late Mrs Dobie and awarded to the overall Ridden Champion of Rings 3 and 4.

There will then be 9 ponies forward to be judged for the Supreme Championship. These ponies will be judged by the two judges from Rings 1 and 2 and the Open Ridden judge from Ring 3. The ridden ponies may be stripped.

The Tufton Silver Challenge Trophy: awarded to the Champion Pony in Classes 1 – 7, 9 – 15 and 17 – 23.

Champion Sash for the winner is donated by Mrs Morland.

The Sylvia Mary McCosh Memorial Rose Bowl: presented by the McCosh family, and awarded to the Breeder of the Champion Pony. A prize of £10, presentable on the day of the show will also be awarded.

The Jim Bell Memorial Trophy: presented by the late Mrs Frances Bell and awarded to the Reserve Supreme Champion.

The Heltondale Lucy X Cup: presented by Herr and Frau Müller, and awarded to the best filly of three years old to have been bred by a registered native heath breeder. Present owner need not be a native heath breeder.

The Packway Bellman Trophy: presented by the late Miss P Crossland and awarded to the pony gaining the most points in Riding, Driving and Dressage Classes.

The Briar Trophy and special rosette: presented by Mrs E Marshall and awarded to the Best Turned Out Pony and Rider in the Ridden Classes. A'Special’rosette will be awarded to the Best Turned Out Pony and Rider in each of the Ridden Classes and these competitors will go forward to be judged for the Trophy. The Judges will be looking for the rider who is turned out neatly, correctly, and safely, and whose pony has well-fitting, safe, and well cared for tack.

Two Silver Medal Rosettes are offered by the NPS for the Champion ponies in the In Hand and Ridden Sections. As this is a breed show rosettes are awarded when the owner of the Champion pony is either a full, life or standard member of the NPS, or non member. Non members will be required to become NPS Full members to enter the final at the NPS Summer Championship Show. If the Champion pony has previously qualified, it is still entitled to the Silver Medal Rosette, but the qualification card goes to the Reserve Champion pony. The Rosette and Qualification card can be awarded no lower than third place. Qualifiers are entitled to compete in the Final of the Silver Medal Rosette Championship to be held at the NPS Summer Championship Show in August 2013.

1 NPS/Kilmannan Stud M & M In Hand Silver Medal Rosette Championship awarded to the Champion In Hand pony from Classes 1-15, excluding Classes 4, 8 & 12.

2 NPS/The Minns M & M Ridden Silver Medal Rosette Championship awarded to the Champion Ridden Pony from Classes 17 - 23 excluding Class 21.

NCPA Qualifiers – This show is a qualifier for the NCPA Pony of the Year Show to be held at Uttoxeter Racecourse in September 2012, NCPA Affiliation Number 116/12. First and Second Prizewinners in Classes 1 – 7, 9 – 15, 17 - 23 and Class 31 will qualify. NCPA Star Rosettes will be awarded in Classes 2 and 20. Exhibitors must enter the ring wearing their NCPA badge and present their current year’s NCPA membership card.

Classes 1 - 7, 9 - 15, 17 - 26 and 29 - 33

1st £10, 2nd £8, 3rd £6

Classes 8, 16 & 34

1st £20, 2nd £15, 3rd £10

In all classes, rosettes will be to 6th place,

with the exception of Class 34 where rosettes will be to 10th place

As mentioned in the Spring Magazine 2011, a new bursary award will be offered in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Those interested should apply by 1 July with a short history of themselves and their pony including photographs of the pony both in-hand and ridden and/or a short video, to the Show Secretary (contact details on cover of this schedule) or by email to . They will be expected to enter an appropriate ridden class at the Breed Show (Classes 17, 18, 20, 22 or 23) during which they will be assessed.

Further information on the FPS website or from the office.


Judge: Mr M R Goddard (Bewcastle Ponies)

Starting 8.45 am prompt

Class 1MARE 4 – 7 years old (Mares with foal at foot not eligible).

Perpetual Rose Bowl given by Mr Vaughan.

Class 2MARE 8 years old and upward (Mares with foal at foot not eligible).

Dene Renown Salver given by Mrs Newall.

Equifest M & M In Hand Qualifier

The first and second prize winners of Classes 1 & 2 will be eligible for this qualifier. The two highest placed ponies, not already qualified, will qualify for the relevant Equifest Championship to be held at The East of England Showground in August 2013. This will be judged at the appropriate time in the Championship Class by Mr Goddard.

Class 3MARE 4 years old and upward with own filly foal at foot

The Hasell Perpetual Silver Challenge Cup. The McDonough Shield given by Mr E McDonough for the oldest mare with own foal at foot in Classes 3 & 11.

A Fell Pony Breeders Association Gold Shield Rosette to be presented to the highest placed mare not having won this award already in 2012 and owned by a full or family member of the FPBA. A membership card must be shown in order to receive the rosette. For information about the Association, please go to

Class 4FILLY FOAL – No foal under one month to be shown.

All foals to be led.

Mr Hirst’s Cup.


The Romer Perpetual Cup given by Southern Members.

Class 6FILLY 2 years old

The Bewcastle Cup given by Miss M G Longsdon.

Class 7FILLY 3 years old

The Tabelin Trophy given by Mr A Tabelin.

Judging for the Heltondale Lucy Cup will take place at the end of this class. For those ponies eligible, refer to the section on Championship Trophies.

Class 8GROUP CLASS – MARE PROGENY – best group of three Registered Ponies out of same Mare. Entry Fee £2.00 per pony.

Premiums of £100, £50 and £25 to be given to the dams of the first three placed progeny groups. (The Premium to be divided 50% to the breeder and 50% to the owner.) Groups may be entered on the day.

The Harry Wales Trophy.


Judge: Mrs H Jones (Tarnbeck Ponies)

Starting 8.45 am prompt

Class 9GELDING 4 – 7 years old

Perpetual Challenge Cup given by the National Pony Society.

Class 10GELDING 8 years old and upward

Tarnbeck Trophy given by the Williamson family.

Special Rosette for the winner given by the Williamson family.

Class 11MARE 4 years old and upward with own colt foal at foot

Tarnbeck Trophy given by the Williamson family.

The McDonough Shield given by Mr E McDonough for the oldest mare with own foal at foot in Classes 3 & 11.

Special Rosette for the winner given by the Williamson family.

Class 12COLT FOAL – No foal under one month to be shown.

All foals to be led.

Cup given by Mr Wood.


Townend Trophy given by the late Mr E Wilson.

Class 14GELDING 2 years old

Adamthwaite Flashlight Cup given by Mrs Ball.

Class 15GELDING 3 years old

Sleddale Rose XII Cup given by Stephen Renwick in memory of his sister Judith.

Class 16GROUP CLASS – STALLION PROGENY – best group of three Registered Ponies by the same Sire. Entry Fee £2.00 per pony.

Premiums of £100, £50 and £25 to be given to the sires of the first three placed progeny groups. (The Premium to be divided 50% to the breeder and 50% to the owner.) Groups may be entered on the day.

Silver Challenge Cup given by the late Lady Yule. The Frank Garnett Memorial Silver Salver to be given to the Breeder of the Sire of the winning group.

Starting after Classes 2 and 10 are completed. In all Riding Classes marks are awarded as follows: 50% for manners, ride and presentation in the Ring; 50% for conformation and breed characteristics. Mares suckling foals are not eligible for riding classes. Judges may ride the ponies in any of the classes if they so wish.


Judge: Mrs P Kell (Ludworth Ponies)

Class 17RIDING CLASS FOR STALLIONS OR GELDINGS 4 years old and upwards

Ponies entered in Class 17 cannot be entered in Class 22.

Packway Duke Cup given by the late Dr B Watters.

Class 18RIDING CLASS FOR MARES 4 years old and upwards

Ponies entered in Class 18 cannot be entered in Class 23.

Columbine Cup given by Mrs M E Jenner.

Equimax/Equifest Open Ridden M & M Qualifier

The first and second prize winners of Classes 17 & 18 can come forward for this qualifier. The two highest placed ponies, not already qualified, will qualify for the relevant Equifest Championship to be held at The East of England Showground in August 2013.

First and second prize winners of Classes 17 and 18 come forward to be judged for the Carrock Pollyanna Trophy.

Class 19RIDING CLASS FOR MARES OR GELDINGS 4 years old and upwards, ridden by a boy or girl to be 13 years or under on the day of the show.

Ponies are not to be shown on a lead rein.

The Waverhead Cup given by the late Mrs F Bell.

Class 20RIDING CLASS FOR MARES OR GELDINGS 4 years old and upwards, ridden by a boy or girl to be aged 14 or over and not to have attained their 18th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Tabelin Challenge trophy given by Mr A Tabelin.

Equifest Junior Ridden M & M Qualifier

The two highest placed ponies in Class 20, not already qualified, will qualify for therelevant Equifest Championship to be held at The East of England Showground in August 2013.

First and second prize winners of Classes 19 and 20 come forward to be judged for the Littletree Trophy.


Judge: Miss J Williamson (Tarnbeck Ponies)

Class 21RIDDEN VETERAN CLASS – Mare or Gelding to be 18 years or over.

Heltondale Spider Tankard given by Mrs Neil.

FPS Veteran Gelding Shield given by Mr E McDonough to be awarded to the oldest gelding.

Roddlesworth Salver given by the Woodruff family for the oldest mare


Open to stallions or geldings which have not won a 1st Prize at any show affiliated to the FPS, NPS or Ponies Association UK up to the closing date of entry to this show. Ponies to be shown in snaffle bridles only.

The Calgarth Brown Jack Trophy given by Miss A Varley.

Class 23RIDING CLASS FOR NOVICE MARES 4 years and upwards

Open to mares which have not won a 1st Prize at any show affiliated to the FPS, NPS or Ponies Association UK up to the closing date of entry to this show. Ponies to be shown in snaffle bridles only.

The Gem Trophy given by Mrs Croal.

First and second prize winners of Classes 22 and 23 come forward to be judged for the Greenfield Trophy.

Judge: Miss A W Morton (Lownthwaite Ponies)

To be judged in the main ring commencing at 1.00 pm

Class 24STALLION, MARE OR GELDING 4 years old and upwards

and put to any type of vehicle (i.e. Private, Trade or Exercise/Competition). Mares suckling foals are not eligible. Marks are awarded as follows: 50% for manners, cleanliness, suitability of pony to vehicle and correct harnessing; 50% for conformation and breed characteristics. Emphasis will be put on a well-trained pony going correctly, the condition of the vehicle, the ability and correct dress of the Whip and the overall pleasing appearance of the turnout. The class will be divided into two sections: show vehicles and trade or exercise vehicles. Rosettes and prize money for both sections.