American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science - Central New England
Massachusetts Rhode Island New Hampshire
67th Annual Clinical Laboratory Science Convention
April 28, 29 & 30 2015
At the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, RI
On behalf of the Clinical Laboratory Society of Central New England we invite you to participate in our meeting.
Joining sponsorship with:
AACC - American Association for Clinical Chemistry
BRISAH – Board of Rhode Island Schools of Allied Health
CLMA-BayState - Clinical Laboratory Managers Association
RISH – Rhode Island Society of Histology
RICA – Rhode Island Cytology Association and
NEB ASM – New England Branch American Society for Microbiology
With the sponsorship of other organizations and the CEU requirements for Rhode Island licensure we target a broad audience of laboratory professionals.
In 2014our meeting hadover 600 attendees, who included laboratory managers, administrators, supervisors, Clinical Laboratory Scientists/Technicians and students.
To keep this meeting attractive to laboratory professionals we try to keep the registration fees low, presenta high quality meeting, provide an excellent venue and encourage networking opportunities. We require vendor support and have several opportunities, including but not limited to sponsoring our speakers, scholarship contributions, breaks, a wine cheese reception, a luncheon with speaker, or delegate bags.
We can also offer you the opportunity to advertise in our program. This is mailed to thousands of lab professionals.
Pleasereturn the attached sponsorship formas soon as possible to ensure complete signage.
Check out our website at
Sponsorship Information - 2015
67thASCLS-CNE Annual Clinical Laboratory Science Convention
Tues April 28th Wed April 29thThurs April 30th
Exhibit hours: 10amto 5pm 9am to 5:30 pm9amto 3:30pm
*See separate Exhibitors Form for registration
Sponsorship opportunities:
Speaker Sponsorship:
Section: ______
Subject/Title: ______
Date: ______Time: ______
Chair of Section: ______
Coffee/Lunch Breaks (Circle One):
Tues April 28th Wed April 29thThurs April 30th
Coffee break: Morning Morning Morning
Lunch break: Noon Noon Noon
Coffee break: Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon
Vendor Reception:
Wednesday 4:30 to 5:30pm
Above vendor sponsors will be recognized with signage and announcements during the meeting and in our program, (when the information is available before the press deadline).
Any interest or questions in sponsorship should be forwarded to Leslie Martineau via email at:
ASCLS- CNESponsor Registration Form
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science - Central New England
67th Annual Clinical Laboratory Science Convention & Exhibits
April 28, 29, and 30, 2015 at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, RI
(Please print the name of your business as it will appear on the sign)
Company :______
Address, City, State,Zip:
Telephone(s): ______Fax: ______
Contact person:______Email: ______
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Speaker sponsor (contact us or provide estimate)_____Travel & Lodging
Break Refreshments (morning or afternoon)_____$950
Vendor Reception on Wed 4:30 – 5:30pm_____$1500
Lunch (with Speaker in the Rotonda Room) _____$1200
Delegate Bag (with Company logo) _____$2500
Educational Donation _____$ 250 (suggested)
Advertise in our Annual Convention Program_____$500 full page ad
(Include photo ready adcopy)$250 half page ad
Deadline for ads February 1st, 2015$125 quarter page ad
Sponsorship assignments are on a ‘first come first serve’ basis, on receipt of check.
Please make check payable to 2015 ASCLS/CNE.
(CLS/CNE TAX ID# 04-6109337)
Return this form to:
Leslie Martineau MS,MT(ASCP)Sc
200 High Service Ave
North Providence RI 02904
Cell – 401-432-5545
Fax (401) 456-3695
Work (401) 456-3180