vitifoliuma large very floriferous shrub with big lilac to
white flowers.2.00
Acer monspeliensis – a small maple with pretty leaves.2.00
episcopale – a deep blue climbing Aconitum, up to 2.5m. A
very choice and well behaved plant.3.00
ex ‘Red Wine’- produces some very good coloured seedlings.2.00
lycoctonum ‘Russian Yellow’ – the best of the yellows.2.00
vulparia – the creamy/yellow wolf’s bane2.00
Adenophera nikoensis f.linearifolia – a pale blue non running Lady
Bell from north Japan. 1” long bells, very pretty.3.00
Akebia quinata – the spring flowering chocolate vine – good fruits.2.00
Albuca shawii – bulb with bright yellow, green striped fls. Highly
perfumed. For a sheltered spot.2.00
Allium carinatum ssp. pulchellum f. album – nodding white flowers in
in late summer. Loved by bees and butterflies.2.00
Anemenopsis macrophylla - mauve lilac pendulous flowers, fabulous.2.50
Anemone rivularis – a fine white flower with blue backs. For shade.2.00
Anthericum liliago major – a robust form of St. Bernard’s lily with
spikes of large pure white flowers. 75cms.2.00
Anthriscus sylvestris ‘Ravenswing’ – bronze leaves and pink flowers.
A very usful garden plant.2.00
Antirrhinum siculum – a very perennial prettily marked snapdragon.2.50
caeruleavar citrina – a wonderful yellow form of the Rocky
Mtns.‘Granny’s bonnet’.2.50
Arumcommutatum – ex ‘Mount Ida’ Wonderful leaves and lots of
flowers followed by huge fruits.2.50
Arisaema flavum – the lovely yellow cobra lily. Easy garden plant.2.50
Asphodeline libernica – dainty pale yellow evening flowers2.00
Astrantia minor – the prettiest little masterwort. Upto 30 cms.2.50
Bellevalia dubia – a grape hyacinth relative, turquoise blue in bud2.00
and cream and brown in flower.
Campanula latifolia f.alba – large flowered, off white bell flower. A 2.00
real joy. To 1m.
campaniflora – an easy, vigorous plant with lots of purple2.50
blue bells.
stans – a scented sub-shrub with pale blue flowers.2.50
viorna – reddish-purple urn shaped flowerswith cream tips.3.00
Chimonanthes praecox – from a good yellow form of winter sweet2.50
Clianthus puniceus – the spectacular lobster claw or parrot’s bill.2.00
Codonopsis (also see Pseudocodon – now split off from Codonopsis)
benthamii – a large leaved twiner with narrow flared green bells,
cream and red inside.3.00
bomiensis (syn. C. rotundifolia var. angustifolia) – yellow flowers
netted heavily with purple veins.2.50
cardiophylla – herbaceous with purple striped blue bells2.50
kawakamii – distinct climber with long yellow /green bells,
2 metres2.50
clematidea – a non-climber. Pale blue bells with darker blue veins.
Orange, purple and black inside.2.50
lanceolata – an easily grown reliable climber with creamy white
bells with purple inside.2.50
ovata– probably the best of the herbaceous sorts. Wonderful blue
bell shaped flowers. 40 cms.3.00
pilosula – a beautiful cream colored climber2.50
rotundifolia grandiflora – climber, green bells with purple tips2.50
graecum – a wonderful plant for a cold greenhouse.2.50
cyprium – late autumn/early winter. Very elegant and hardy.2.50
hildebrandii – very good large leaves and lots of flowers.2.50
pseudibericum – very elegant, dark and hardy.2.50
coum album – the white form of this very welcome winter
flowering species.2.50
Dactylocapnos scandens – (formerly Dicentra). Herbaceous climber,
yellow fls, summer until frosts. 3.00
laxiflora – a fine, tall mid-blue perennial. 2m.2.00
requinii – monocarpic. Fabulous blue with cream, green, brown 2.00
staphisagria – monocarpic. Blue grey flowers with brownish tips
and brown anthers. 1.2m.2.50
Dianthus barbatus nigrescens – the dark red/black perennial Sweet
William. Gorgeous.2.00
atrum –the darkest purple of the species. To 1m. V. exciting.3.00
CDR 192 – a small plant, mid pink. 25 cms.2.50
erectum – upright plant with fluorescent pink fls.2.50
ex ‘Blackberry Bells’ – the darkest purple.2.50
ex ‘Snowbells’- purest white, very floriferous2.50
pauciflorum – one of the dwarfer ones. Mid pink flowers on a
neat plant. 30cms.2.50
pendulum – pale pink flared bells. To 1.5m.2.00
igneum - very pretty old-rose pink2.00
reynoldsii – magenta purple. To 2m.2.50
robustum - the tallest and most elegant2.50
ferruginea – elegant rust,gold and cream. Perennial.2.00
grandiflora – lovely large soft yellow bells, 70cm2.00
mertonensis – the colour of crushed strawberries.2.00
parviflora – very perennial, dark flowers and fine foliage2.00
Eccremocarpus scaber var. coccinea – a lovely sprawler to go up things
Bright red tubular flowers all summer long.2.00
Epilobium dodonei – a non-invasive willow herb with large bright pink
flowers. 30 cms.2.50
Francoa sonchifolia alba – the outstanding white form.2.00
Freesia laxa – (Anomatheca laxa) –the pure white form hardy here.2.00
raddeana – imperialis type, but daintier with cream bells.2.50
graeca – brown/purple bells with a bright green stripe.2.50
acaulis – the wonderful trumpet gentian.2.00
punctata – the spotted gentian. Gold with brown /purple spots.3.00
palustris – delicate soft lilac-pink fls – lots of them.2.00
Globularia meridionale – low cushion forming plant with pale blue
flower heads.2.50
Habranthusandersonii aureus – a lovely orange/yellow autumn
floweringbulb, for a cold greenhouse2.50
Hedera helix ssp. poetarum – poet’s ivy, the wonderful orange berried
form. Goes adult very young.3.00
Hylomecon hylomeconoides – a clump forming perennial member of the
Poppy family with 3 cms. Wide yellow flowers. A shade lover.2.50
Jeffersonia diphylla – white fld woodlander of Berberis family.3.00
Kirengeshimapalmata – a late flowering shade lover with soft yellow
flowers. Still looking good now-late October.2.50
vernus – the indispensable spring pea. Purple and blue2.00
vernus alboroseus – pink and white form of above2.00
Leucojenes leontopodium- known as the north island edelweiss. Silver
foliage and white starry flowers.2.50
Libertia caerulescens – the beautiful blue flowered libertia2.00
Lunariaannua ‘Chedglow’ – a very good deep coloured form2.00
Lychnis flos-jovis – soft silvery leaves and palest pink flowers.2.50
nepalensis – the yellow form of this delightful Himalayan
prattii – the bluest of the blue poppies.2.50
Narcissus assoanus – the lovely and easy rush-leaved jonquil. 10cm.3.00
Orobanche hederae – ivy broomrape, reddish and cream unusual fls.2.50
Orthrsanthus sp. Palest blue. A hardy iris relative-very dainty.2.50
officinalis var. villosa - an easy red /pink single, early. 6 seeds2.00
mlokoswitschii – single soft yellow, good greyish lvs. 6 seeds2.50
Papaver somnifera alba – the lovely white opium poppy.2.00
Pasithea caerulea – a bulbous plant from the mountains of Chile. Looks
Like a bright blue anthericum. Exciting.3.00
Patrinia scabiosifolia – a shade lover with golden flowers and fruits.2.50
Paulownia tomentosa – the fox glove tree.2.00
Piptanthus nepalensis – a fine evergreen shrub with yellow pea flowers.2.00
Platycodon grandiflora pink form – huge deep pink open bells.2.50
Potentilla nepaulensis ex Ron Mcbeath – carmine pink flowers with
a darker centre.2.00
Pseudocodon (was part of Codonopsis)
grey-wilsonii – open flowers 5 cms. across. A climber with blue
flowers with a purple ring.2.50
convolvulaceae forrestii – open blue flowers with a blue centre.
A climber to 2 metres.2.50
vinciflorus ssp. vinciflorus – climber upto a metre. Smaller fls
than the 2 above but the best blue. A lovely plant.2.50
aff. prattii BO 14/179 – a particularly good form that
flowers for months.3.00
przwalskii – a large herbaceous plant with sizeable blue/purple
flowers, produced over a long period of time.2.00
Semi-aquilegia ecalcarata – a dainty aquilegia relative with delicate
pinky purple flowers. A charmer.2.50
amoena – strong blue flowers in early spring.2.00
autumnalis – the delicate autumn squill.2.00
scilloides – a pink/purple dainty autumn squill. V. pretty2.50
Sorbus koeneana – a small whit- berried rowan which flowers down
to the base of slender trunks.2.50
Streptopus amplexicaulis – a small Solomon’s seal like plant with yellow
flowers and red berries. A woodlander.2.50
Syneilisis intermedium – well divided and beautifully marked umbrella lvs
make this a spectacular foliage plant. Aster family. 45cms. 3.00
dasicarpum – a robust white flowered meadow rue.2.50
pubescens – sparkling creamy white flowers and dark
stems. To 90cms.2.50
rochebruninum – a mass of purple/pink flowers held
above dark green foliage.2.50
uchiyamae – Chinese meadow rue. 1m. Masses of tiny
shimmering pink and yellow fls.2.50
Trillium kurabayashii – mottled leaves and upright red/ purple
flowers. Easy and relatively quick.2.50
Triosteum pinnatifidum – Chinese woodland perennial with white
fls and fruits. In honeysuckle family and known as
the ‘horse gentian’.2.50
album ex ‘Launa’s Green’- brightest green flowers on
tall elegant plants.3.00
album var. flavum – the wonderful yellow form.3.00
nigrum – dark red/black flowers.2.50
Vitex agnus-castus – the chaste tree, blue or lilac flowers. Was
the preferred kebab skewer of the eastern Mediterranean.2.50
Zigadenus elegans – a charming clump former, starry cream
flowers. 20 cms.2.00
Witton Lane Seeds, 16 Witton Lane, Little Plumstead,
Norwich, Norfolk (UK) NR13 5DL
….……………………………………Post Code ……………Date………
Quantity / Variety / £ / pPlus UK: £1.50 towards P & P
Europe: £3.50, Elsewhere £4.50 TOTAL