Board Minutes
February 20, 2008
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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of February 20, 2008
President Greg Hanon called the Regular February 20 meeting of the Board of Directors of Sumner School District No. 320 to order at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Jeff DeMarre, Greg Hanon, Sherm Voiles, Rick Hendricks, Mike Pavlik
Dr. Gil Mendoza, Superintendent; Craig Spencer, Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services; Betsy Minor Reid, Assistant Superintendent Research & Evaluation; Debra Barlow, Executive Director Human Resources; Margo Stewart, Executive Director Business Services; Chris Wick, Executive Director Teaching & Learning; Ann Cook, Director Communications; Kandy Rose, SEA President; Sandee Chittenden, Accountant; Sarah Briehl, Director Middle Schools & CTE; Marilee Hill-Anderson, Director STARR Project; Kay Gallo, Principal McAlder Elementary; Jim Ohlsen, Assistant Principal Bonney Lake High School; Mike McCartin, Principal Maple Lawn Elementary; Margie Bellmer, Principal Liberty Ridge Elementary; Steve Fulkerson, Co-Principal Lakeridge Middle; Tim Thomsen, Director Athletics; Deb Campbell, Director Classified Personnel; Kassie Meath, Assistant Principal Sumner High; Bill Gaines, Principal Sumner High; Mandy Jowett, Recording Secretary.
Visitors: 2
Flag Salute
Approval of Agenda
Vice President Mike Pavlik moved that the Board approve the agenda and supplemental agenda as presented: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes
Vice President Mike Pavlik moved that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular January 9, 2008 and the Special February 11, 2008 Board meetings as presented: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
Consent Items
Vice President Mike Pavlik moved that the Board approve the consent items on the regular and supplemental agendas: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
a. Contract Ratifications
Sarah Laramore, Learning Specialist, Lakeridge Middle School, new hire on a 1.0 FTE time- limited contract, effective February 1, 2008
Jeanette Schuster, English Teacher, Sumner High School, time-limited contract increased from .67 FTE to 1.0 FTE, effective January 29, 2008 until end of 2007-2008 school year
Heather Hanewall de Rios, English Teacher, Sumner High School, new hire on a 1.0 FTE time- limited contract, effective February 19, 2008 through the remainder of 2007-2008 school year
b. Offers of Employment
Joel Bonnici, Diesel Mechanic, Transportation, ongoing position
Charity Howe, Daycare Assistant, Sumner High School, ongoing position
Houston Thoren, Custodian, Bonney Lake High School, ongoing position
Kelly Zengel, Paraeducator, Liberty Ridge Elementary, time-limited position
Susan Domel, Health Tech – LPN, Emerald Hills Elementary, ongoing position
Stephanie Fischlin, Paraeducator – Connections, Sumner Middle School, ongoing position
Kelly Johnson, Secretary, Bonney Lake High School, ongoing position
Wayne Norbeck, Custodian, Bonney Lake & Sumner High School, ongoing position
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Consent Items, continued
c. Supplemental Contracts
Michael Jessee, Assistant Baseball Coach, Sumner High School
Tamara Knotts, Head Waterpolo Coach, Bonney Lake High School
Brett McDaniel, Head Football Coach, Lakeridge Middle School
Cleo Reed Jr., Assistant Football Coach, Lakeridge Middle School
d. Resolutions
No.7/07-08 Out of Endorsement Assignment Waiver
Petition to grant an out-of-endorsement waiver for an educator for the 2007-2008 school year.
e. Resignations
Jennifer Benjamin, Teacher, Victor Falls Elementary, effective end of 2007- 2008 school year
Annette Dutton, Custodian, Bonney Lake High School, effective January 10, 2008
Karen Knowles, English Teacher, Sumner High School, effective February 15, 2008, pending suitable replacement
Betsy Minor Reid, Assistant Superintendent, Research & Evaluation, effective June 30, 2008
Jessica Rager, Food Service Assistant, Lakeridge Middle School, effective January 31, 2008
Tami Schack, Paraeducator, Sumner Middle School, effective January 18, 2008
Shannon Shaw, Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant, Special Services, effective February 5, 2008
Bob Werner, Custodian, Sumner High School, effective January 17, 2008
Amber Whaley, English Teacher, Lakeridge Middle School, effective end of 2007-2008 school year
Amy Drake, Secretary, Recreation Department, effective February 29, 2008
f. Acceptance of Donation
The Board accepted, with thanks, Bonney Lake Elementary PTO’s donation of $7,697.06 for the purchase of computer equipment for the school.
g. Surplus Property
The Board authorized the District to surplus items on the District Surplus Removal Listing.
h. Out of State Travel
Don Neptun, Band Teacher, Bonney Lake High School, 3 parent chaperones and 19 band students to attend the Lionel Jazz Festival in Moscow, Idaho, February 22 – 24, 2008. Funding source: music transportation budget and personal funds
Ryan Kahale Ahina, Culinary Arts/Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher, Bonney Lake High School, to attend the National Restaurant Association – Education Foundation Summer Institute in Pamona, California, July 20-25, 2008. Funding source: CTE budget
Marshall Blansfield, Broadcast Production Teacher, Sumner High School, and Jon Nelson, English Teacher, Sumner High School, to attend Film School training in Los Angeles, California, March 1 – 2, 2008. Funding source: CTE budget for Marshall and Sumner High School building budget for Jon.
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Out of State Travel, continued
Darla Easterly Offner, Teacher, Crestwood Elementary; Kellie Fremont, Curriculum TOSA; Diane Gardner, Teacher, Sumner Middle School; and Denise Whiteman, Teacher, Sumner Middle School to attend the National Council of the Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM) in Salt Lake City, Utah, April 9-12, 2008. Funding sources: I-728 for Darla and Kellie; Math Grant for Diane; and Sumner Middle School I-728 for Denise.
a. Roll of Honor
Board President Greg Hanon recognized accomplishments, achievements and awards for students and staff during Career and Technical Education Month. A summary is attached.
b. School Insight: McAlder Elementary
Principal Kay Gallo introduced McAlder Elementary first grader Isabella Maleski, second grader James Lear, and fifth graders Connor Hogan and Kylie McCain. They each told Board members why they enjoyed being a McAlder Mustang.
c. Rotary Recognition
Dr. Mendoza recognized and thanked fellow Sumner Rotarians Barbara Skinner and Tina Pries on behalf of the School Board for supporting student learning and academic achievement through Challenge Day, the Dictionary Project and Ready! for Kindergarten.
Meeting Recessed: 6:19 p.m.
Meeting Reconvened: 6:28 p.m.
a. Four Steps to Graduation: WASL Standards
Assistant Superintendent Betsy Minor Reid addressed one of the four requirements for graduation; meeting standard on the reading, writing and math WASL. She outlined the six options in which a student can meet the WASL standard and the difference between a Certificate of Academic Achievement (CAA) and a Certificate of Individual Achievement (CIA).
b. Enrollment Projections
Assistant Superintendent Craig Spencer presented enrollment projections for the 2008-2009 school year, a history of enrollment projections, how projections are calculated, and the budget implications for our district.
c. Legislative Report
Board Legislative Representative Rick Hendricks gave a update on the 2008 session of the Washington State Legislature.
Audience Comments
Sumner Education Association (SEA) President Kandy Rose updated the Board on SEA activities.
Superintendent Comments
Dr. Mendoza acknowledged Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month and thanked CTE Director Sarah Briehl for her leadership. He also thanked Roger Knutson of Knutson Farm for his donation of tulips to Liberty Ridge Elementary.
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February 20, 2008
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Board Member Comments
Rick Hendricks attended the Matt Classic in which six wrestlers from the Sumner School District
competed in the state finals.
Unfinished Business
a. Policy Revision: Attendance – Second Reading
Mike Pavlik moved that the Board adopt revised Policy 3120: Attendance. Sherm Voiles seconded.
Motion unanimously carried.
b. Change Order #21: Bonney Lake High School
Jeff DeMarre moved that the Board approve Change Order #21 for Garco Construction in the credit amount of $795.00: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion passed 4-1, Mike Pavlik opposed.
c. Bonney Lake High School Project Final Acceptance
Rick Hendricks moved that the Board approve final acceptance of the Bonney Lake High School project: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion passed 4-1, Mike Pavlik opposed.
New Business
a. First One Hundred Days
Superintendent Mendoza introduced Jim Ohlsen, Assistant Principal, Bonney Lake High; Mike McCartin, Principal, Maple Lawn Elementary; and Margie Bellmer, Principal, Liberty Ridge Elementary, who each give a brief biography and reflection on their first one hundred days in their new positions with Sumner School District.
b. Policy Revision: Cyberbullying – First Reading
The Board accepted for first reading revised Policy 3207: Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying, as presented by Communication Director Ann Cook.
c. June Board Meeting
Mike Pavlik moved that the Board approve that the June Board meeting be moved from June 25 to June 18: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
d. Voucher Approval
Moved by Sherm Voiles that at the Board approve the vouchers as certified by the auditing officer: Seconded by Greg Hanon. Motion unanimously carried.
General Fund Vouchers #32487-#32488 in the total amount of $28,875.25
General Fund Vouchers #32489-#32571 in the total amount of $119,529.29
General Fund Vouchers #32572-#32572 in the total amount of $12,311.08
General Fund Vouchers #32573-#32574 in the total amount of $48,259.39
General Fund Vouchers #32575-#32610 in the total amount of $264,927.80
General Fund Vouchers #32611-#32611 in the total amount of $63,875.33
General Fund Vouchers #32612-#32650 in the total amount of $247,833.87
General Fund Vouchers #32651-#32652 in the total amount of $34,506.42
General Fund Vouchers #32653-#32681 in the total amount of $177,390.33
General Fund Vouchers #32682-#32683 in the total amount of $48,748.31
General Fund Vouchers #32684-#32758 in the total amount of $187,638.20
General Fund Vouchers #32759-#32760 in the total amount of $48,985.88
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February 20, 2008
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Voucher Approval, continued
General Fund Vouchers #32761-#32811 in the total amount of $185,802.71
General Fund Vouchers #192783-#193001 in the total amount of $4,872,476.91
Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #7964-#7967 in the total amount of $7,458.16
Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #7968-#7970 in the total amount of $13,314.81
Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #7971-#7976 in the total amount of $354,843.38
Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #7977-#7978 in the total amount of $3,980.00
Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #7979-#7985 in the total amount of $26,542.78
Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #7986-#7991 in the total amount of $8,310.28
ASB Fund Vouchers #6138-#6141 in the total amount of $9,464.56
ASB Fund Vouchers #6142-#6150 in the total amount of $35,280.61
ASB Fund Vouchers #6151-#6151 in the total amount of $2,507.72
ASB Fund Vouchers #6152-#6153 in the total amount of $8,205.82
ASB Fund Vouchers #6154-#6158 in the total amount of $25,209.68
ASB Fund Vouchers #6159-#6165 in the total amount of $28,775.73
Private Purpose Trust Fund Vouchers #2076-#2076 in the total amount of $6.00
Information Only
a. Upcoming Board Meeting
The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for March 12 at 6:00 PM and will be
held in the Board room.
b. Community Summit
Save the date! Thursday, March 27, 2008, 5 to 8:30 PM at Calvary Community Church, 15116
Gary Street, Sumner. The Summit will feature focus groups as well as dinner and opportunities to
discuss issues important to our students and their families. Bob Ecklund, President & CEO of the
Tacoma-Pierce County YMCA, is the featured keynote speaker. Prior to the Summit, a Town Hall
meeting to discuss “Reducing Underage Drinking” will take place from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. The event is
free and open to the public, but pre-registration is required. Please call the STARR Project at
(253) 891-6066. Thank you Calvary Community Church and the City of Sumner for your financial
support of this annual community event.
c. Budget Status Report
The budget status report for January was included for Board information.
Meeting Recessed for Executive Session: 7:49 p.m.
President Greg Hanon announced an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing collective
bargaining. The Executive session was estimated to be 20 minutes in length and no action was
anticipated following the session.
Meeting Reconvened: 8:07 p.m.
Moved by Greg Hanon that the meeting be adjourned. Motion unanimously carried.
Meeting adjourned: 8:08
Greg Hanon, President Gil Mendoza, Secretary
Board of Directors Board of Directors