The New Way to Employee Benefits

We bring you innovative consumer driven solutions

HPF is helping Employers bring innovative consumer driven solutions to their employees. HPF partners with top organizations, who adapt with health care reform laws and determine the best approach for the employer. Then, HPF, in coordination with the partner relationships, provides the educational tools and resources to the Employers and Employees, through seminars, workshops and consultation.

Our Founder

Bill Rice, founder of HPF, spent 23 years working in the health insurance and benefits industry, understands first-hand the difficulty that brokers have today with helping their clients in finding affordable health benefit solutions. Bill’s goal was to form an enrollment and benefit communications agency that provides small to medium businesses the same support, resources and benefits that the larger companies receive. With changes being made in healthcare legislation Bill knew the time had arrived; the need for support to the employer and employee community was critical.

Our Culture

HPF’s culture is built on a "people first" principle that the very best client services are only achieved by ensuring the proper support, development, and satisfaction of benefit consultants. Give us an opportunity to show you the HPF difference!

Whether we work with the client's health insurance broker or we bring the distributor of those services to the client, the system is the key to a successful benefits program.

Our Partners

HPF in conjunction with our parent Company MESSER Financial Group is a leading provider of Health Care Reform education, Strategic Benefit Planning and Systems Development.

HPF, based on the assessment and needs of each employer, navigates and advises them on the resources, insurance and platforms that align with their particular needs. The HPF signature system combines innovation, technology and tax savings benefits, to bring the most effective tool today for the employer. It also brings more control, flexibility and simplicity for the employer and better benefits for the employees. For both the employer and the employee it means affordability.


HPF is available in all 50 states by leading employers, consultants, agents, general agencies, CPAs, payroll providers and PEOS.

A MESSER Financial Group Company
4301 Morris Park Dr., Charlotte, NC 28227 | (704) 568-9649 | Toll Free: 866-569-0634 | Fax: (704) 569-0634