P.O. BOX 960 (mailing address)

66-725 MARTINEZ ROAD, Bldg 2 (physical address)


April 6, 2010

Table of Contents

1.Schedule of Events

1.1.IFB Timeline Table

2.General Information



2.3.Tribal Background

2.4.TANF Program Background


2.6.Public Notice and Vendor Invitation

2.7.Requirements for General Contractors

2.8.Pre-Bid Meeting

2.9.Last Date for Questions or Requests

2.10.IFB Contact Information:

3.Technical Specifications

3.1.Scope of Work

3.2.Project Management

3.3.Extension of Work

3.4.Build-out Plan and Scheduling

3.5.Weekly Progress Reports

3.6.Sub-Contractor List

3.7.Materials and Equipment

3.8.Time Sheets

3.9.Project Close Out Package consisting of:

3.10.Document – License, Insurances

3.11.Contractor Information Sheet

3.12.Permits Required


3.14.Independent Contractor




4.Confidential Information

4.1.Obligation of Confidentiality

4.2.Definition of “Confidential Information"

4.3.Property of the Tribe

5.Method of Payment

5.1.Purchase Order Issuance


5.3.Format for Bids

6.Method of Evaluation and Award

6.1.Evaluation Criteria


  1. Schedule of Events
  2. IFB Timeline Table

Needs Assessment
June 1, 2009
IFB Draft
April 5, 2010
IFB Finalization
May 17, 2010
Executive Review
May 17, 2010
IFB Web Posting Date
May 17, 2010
IFB Public Notice Start
Website posting
IFB Contractor Invitations
By invitation
Pre-Bid Meet

May 27, 2010

Last Date for Question and Requests


May 30th, 2010 at 3:00 pm

Bid Due Date


June 7, 2010 at 3:00 pm

Bid Price to be valid until


July 3, 2010

Bid Opening (Open Session)


June 8, 2010 at 9 am

Bid Evaluation Start (Closed Session)


June 8, 2010 at 11:00am

Bid Evaluation End (Closed Session)


June 9, 2010 at11:00am

Bid Award Date


June 9, 2010 at 3pm

Contract Finalization, Tribal Council Review and Signing Date


June 19, 2010

  1. General Information
  2. Definitions
  3. ACF: Administration of Children and Families
  4. Bidder: An individual, entity, partnership, firm, corporation, or agency submitting a bid in response to this IFB
  5. Contractor: an individual, entity, partnership, firm, corporation, or agency awarded a Contract Agreement and/or Purchase Order as a result of responding to this IFB.
  6. CCR: California Code of Regulations
  7. IFB: Invitation For Bid
  8. IT Department: Information Technology Department; a tribal department used for all communications needs
  9. OMB: Office of Management and Budget

2.1.8.PO: Purchase Order Number

2.1.9.TMDCI or Tribe: Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians, a Domestic Sovereign Entity

2.1.10.TMTTANF: Torres Martinez Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, a federally funded grant program managed by the Tribe.


2.2.1.The purpose of this IFB (IFB10201) is to solicit competitive, open bidsfor remodeling and space alterations for TANF Wilshire office located at 3450 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90010, Suite 900; in Los Angeles County.

2.2.2.Total Space to be remodeled and altered is approximately 14,511 (“New Premises”) rentable square feet to be completed in three phases.

2.2.3.Phase 1 consisting of 8,253 (“Expansion Premises”) square feet of remodeling unoccupied existing tenant improvements. Estimated time for this work will be eight weeks.

2.2.4.Phase 2 consisting of coordination and assisting in relocation of TANF operations and employees to the newly remodeled area of Phase 1. Estimated time for this work will be three weeks.

2.2.5.Phase 3 consisting of 6,258 (“Existing Premises”) square feet of remodeling unoccupied existing tenant improvement. Estimated time for this work will be six weeks.

2.3.Tribal Background

2.3.1.The Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indian Reservation was established by Executive Order on May 15, 1876. The Tribe currently consists of 24,822 acres (in a checkerboard pattern), along California State Highways; Reference Torres “Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indian Reservation” Map

2.4.TANF Program Background

2.4.1.Torres Martinez Tribal TANF Program, established in May of 2001, is a social services provider for Native American Indian families throughout Los Angeles and Riverside County. The program is a consortium of 5 tribes which operate tribal TANF programs for the Indian communities.


2.5.1.The TANF program is administered by the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indian with federal funding from ACF an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services.

2.5.2.The TANF program is required to comply with federal regulations such as the OMB Circulars, Single Audit Act, Privacy Protection Law and Federal Acquisitions Regulations, etc.

2.5.3.The TANF program also must abide by the operating tribal laws of the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians.

2.5.4.Institutional – The TANF program operates seven locations throughout Riverside and Los Angeles County with an average staff size of 25 – 45 employees. The main headquarters are located in Thermal, California on the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Reservation.

2.6.Public Notice and Vendor Invitation

2.6.1.Reference (public notice) to this IFB shall be posted on the TANF web site.

2.6.2.This IFB willnot be posted in any newspaper or periodical. total cost of IFB is under $125,000 and does not warrant advertising cost as supported by the Tribe PPPG. portion of the TI cost will be paid by the landlord as negotiated in the Fourth Amendment to the lease Exhibit B.

2.6.3.Selected local contractors shall be invited to bid on this IFB as a means of insuring that an adequate number of bidders are acquired for this IFB.

2.6.4.If after two weeks of advertising and invitations does not produce an adequate number of bidders, this IFB will then be reposted for an additional time period.

2.7.Requirements for General Contractors

2.7.1.California State Contractors License Class B

2.7.2.Insurance and subcontractors shall maintain workers compensation insurance, comprehensive public liability insurance of not less than $2,000,000 for any one occurrence and comprehensive automobile insurance, and any other coverage as necessary to indemnify the Tribe from the action of the Contractor or any of their sub-contractors or associates.

2.7.3.Baseline project schedule.

2.7.4.References Bidder shall provide a minimum of three references, including names of persons who may be contacted, position of person, address and phone number where renovation and construction services have been provide that were similar in scope to the requirement of this IFB.

2.7.5.Professional Qualifications and Experience is seeking firms with expertise in the area of construction and renovation in high rise buildings.

2.7.6.Four Copies of the sealedbids shall be submitted on the provided format clearly indicating all exclusions, add or deductive alternates and conditions.

2.7.7.Failure to provide proper documents may cause the bid to be rejected.

2.8.Pre-Bid Meeting

2.8.1.All prospective bidders must attend the Pre-Bid meeting.

Pre-Bid meeting will be held at:

Torres Martinez TANF Wilshire site

Address:3450 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90010, Suite 950

When: May 27, 2010

Time:By Appointment

2.9.Last Date for Questions or Requests

2.9.1.The last day to submit a question or request in regards to this IFB is May 30th, 2010 at 3:00PM.Any questions or request asked after this date and time will not be addressed.

2.9.2.Bidders are required to submit all questions or request in writing. shall be responded to within three working days.

2.9.3.Oral responses by the Tribe or its representatives are to be considered tentative. Official Tribal response, in writing, will be supplied to Bidder.

2.9.4.Questions posed three days prior to the Pre-Bid Meeting, May 27, 2010 may be addressed at the Pre-Bid Meeting. questions and responses will be made public to all bidders. source of the question (Bidder) will be excluded.

2.9.5.Specific questions regarding this IFBprior to Pre-Bid Meeting should be submitted in writing and addressed to the ConstructionCoordinator and IFB Coordinator. A list of “Commonly Asked Questions” may be provided in the Pre-Bid Meeting.

2.10.IFB Contact Information:

Construction Coordinator:Murrie Alcorn


Telephone:(213) 229-8906 ext 36

Fax:(213) 229-8857

Mail:M/A Design Group

880 East First Street, Studio A, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Attn: MurrieAlcorn– IFB10201

IFBCoordinator:Shauna Sumatzkuku, Buyer


Telephone:(760) 397-0300 extension: 1142


Mail:TMDCI - Procurement Department

P.O. Box 969, Thermal, CA 92274

Attn: Shauna Sumatzkuku– IFB10201

Contract Coordinator:Connie Jenkins, Contracts Coordinator


Telephone:(760) 397-0300 extension: 1159

Mail:TMDCI - Procurement Department

P.O. 969, Thermal, CA 92274

Attn: Connie Jenkins – IFB10201

  1. Technical Specifications
  2. Scope of Work
  3. Office Space Alterations
  4. Remodel and expansion of existing tenant lease space of 14,511(“New Premises”) rentable square feet.
  5. Per attached MA Design Group drawing sheets 1 through 12
  6. Contractor shall consult Construction Coordinator with question regarding all construction documents and permits.
  7. Provide construction build out of detailed architectural plans of proposed renovated space.
  8. Provide all labor, material, equipment and subcontractors needed to complete intended construction.
  9. Obtain all permits and licenses.
  10. All work to be performed per the Building Owner’s Standard Specifications and Building Manual (latest edition).
  11. Demolition
  12. Demolition of existing construction and finishes per attached demolition plan drawing A2.1
  13. All demolition work shall comply with ANSI A10.6 “safety requirements for demolition published by the American National Standards Institute.
  14. Rooms
  15. Construction of new non-bearing partitions per attached Construction Plan A3.1
  16. Work to be performed per attached Construction Detail A9.1 and A9.2
  17. Break Room
  18. Millwork cabinetry
  19. Reception
  20. Millwork cabinetry
  21. Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing
  22. Electrical work shall be accomplished by separate permit.
  23. All outlets to be ADA compliant.
  24. All outlets in Break Room must be GFI.
  25. Plumbing alterations to accommodate the break room.
  26. Plumbing work to be performed per attached sheet A0.3
  27. Mechanical work shall be accomplished by separate permit.
  28. HVAC alterations to accommodate the office and work area layouts.
  29. Lighting fixtures and signs.
  30. Lighting to comply with CCR Title 24.
  31. Information Technology
  32. IT connections and runs shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
  33. IT set up shall be performed by TMTANF IT department.
  34. Walls, Ceiling and Floor Alterations
  35. Per attached wall and floor finish plan A6.1
  36. Per attached reflected ceiling plan A5.1
  37. Acoustical ceiling work and above ceiling support for electrical, lighting, life safety devices, conduits, conductors, boxes and terminations.
  38. Stone tile (color to be selected by interior designer)
  39. Finishes inclusive of flat and semi gloss enamel paint (color to be selected by interior designer)
  40. Fire Life Safety work shall be accomplished by separate permit.
  41. Fire suppression alterations
  42. Window, Doors and Hardware
  43. All doors and windows openings are to be ADA compliant.
  44. Window, Doors and Hardware
  45. Doors to be install per attached door schedule in drawing A0.2
  46. Windows and Hardware to be installed per specification in attached sheet A0.3
  47. Project Management
  48. M/A Design Group will be responsible for monitoring the project to ensure it is keeping within agreed costs and scope of work.
  49. The Project Coordinator:
  50. Contact information is found under line item 2.9.
  51. Extension of Work
  52. Contractor must complete all work by October 4, 2010.
  53. Extension
  54. Extension Request – All extensionrequests beyond the October 4, 2010 delivery date must be submitted in writing 30 days prior to deadline to theIFB Coordinator, Procurement Manager and Construction Coordinator.
  55. A full detailed report regarding the need for and/or cause for an extension must be included with request.
  56. Contractor must provide evidence that all effort was made to stay on schedule.
  57. Extension Approval – Any extension of time beyond October 4, 2010, may only be authorized in writing by the Tribal Chairperson or Tribal Administrator.
  58. Build-out Plan and Scheduling
  59. Contractor shall furnish to TMDCI a comprehensive “Build-out and Schedule Plan” (BSP) of all works to be preformed prior to start of project.
  60. Contractor shall be required to submit a production GANT chart as part of the BSP.
  61. Any correction, modification, or delays to BSP must be reported in the weekly progress report to the IFB Coordinator, Construction Coordinator and Procurement Manager.
  62. Weekly Progress Reports
  63. Contractor shall provide the Tribe with a written progress report of its progress and activities on a weekly basis.
  64. Weekly Progress Reports, for the prior week’s work, must be submitted to both the IFB Coordinator and Construction Coordinator every Tuesday by 3:00 PM.
  65. Should the Tribe request a more detailed report, Contractor shall have 2 days to respond to this request. Upon the termination of this Agreement, Contractor shall, upon the request of Tribe, prepare a final report of Contractor’s activities.
  66. Sub-Contractor List
  67. Contractor shall furnish to TMDCI a sub-contractor listing prior to start of project.
  68. Contractors licenses for each subcontractor performing work.
  69. Class B, C10, C16, C20, C36
  70. Materials and Equipment
  71. All materials and equipment requiredto complete IFB10201 shall be the responsibility of the contractor and/or sub-contractor.
  72. A copy of all receipts for materials shall be furnished to TMDCI on monthly basis no later than five (5) working days after each month.
  73. Progress payments may be withheld due to non-compliance or violation of required deliverables.
  74. Time Sheets
  75. A copy of all time sheets (including sub-contractors) shall be furnished to TMDCI on monthly basis no later than five (5) working days after each month.
  76. Progress payments may be withheld due to non-compliance or violation of other required deliverables.
  77. A safety meeting and a progress report to be turned in on weekly basis, any delays or emergencies to be reported ASAP. All contact information will be issued at the preconstruction meeting.
  78. Project Close Out Package consisting of:
  79. Stamped permitted drawings
  80. Sign off permit cards
  81. Product maintenance and operations manual, contractor warranties and contact information.
  82. Copies of all unconditional lien releases
  83. Document – License, Insurances
  84. The Applicant is required to furnish the following documents:
  85. A copy of California State Contractors license.
  86. Certificate of insurances.
  87. Resumes
  88. Upon award of this project, the Contractor shall provide resumes for each individual or staff member responsible for implementation and project management, or other positions identified in the requirements of this IFB. Resumes shall include education, experience, current licenses and current certifications of each individual.
  89. W-9 – Form may be down loaded and printed from the IRS web site:
  90. Contractor Information Sheet
  91. Contractor Information Sheet – See Attachment A
  92. Permits Required
  93. Construction Permit - Contractor is required to pay for all fees and obtain a “Construction Permit” before start of construction.
  94. A copy of “Construction Permit” must be posted and/or made ready for viewing at the construction site at all times.
  95. Inspections
  96. Inspection Requirements
  97. Contractor is required to have the following phases of the construction:
  98. Framing
  99. Plumbing
  100. Electrical
  101. Insulation
  102. Windows and Door Installation
  103. Drywall
  104. Stucco
  105. Flooring
  106. Painting
  107. Inspection Specifications – The TMDCI holds the right to add to or remove inspection requirements after review of the building plans.
  108. A finalized inspection schedule shall be provided, in writing, after building plans have been reviewed.
  109. Right of Refusal – The TMDCIreserves the right to reject any and all inspected work.
  110. Work that fails inspection must be repair or rebuilt to pass inspection at the contractors expense.
  111. Independent Contractor
  112. Contractor is an independent contractor and is not an employee, partner, or co-venture of, or in any other service relationship with, the Tribe. The manner in which Contractor’s services are rendered shall be within Contractor’s sole control and discretion. Contractor is not authorized to speak for, represent, or obligate the Tribe in any manner without the prior express written authorization from the Tribal Chairperson.
  113. Taxes
  114. Contractor shall be responsible for all taxes arising from compensation and other amounts paid under this Agreement, and shall be responsible for all payroll taxes and fringe benefits of Contractor’s employees. Neither federal, nor state, nor local income tax, nor payroll tax of any kind, shall be withheld or paid by the Tribe on behalf of Contractor or its employees. Contractor understands that it is responsible to pay, according to law, Contractor’s taxes and Contractor shall, when requested by the Tribe, properly document to the Tribe that any and all federal and state taxes have been paid.
  115. Benefits
  116. Contractor and Contractor’s employees will not be eligible for, and shall not participate in, any employee pension, health, welfare, or other fringe benefit plan, of the Tribe. No workers' compensation insurance shall be obtained by Tribe covering Contractor or Contractor’s employees.
  117. Survival
  118. The provisions of Articles 4 of this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement and remain in full force and effect thereafter.
  119. Confidential Information
  120. Obligation of Confidentiality
  121. In performing consulting services under this Agreement, Contractor may be exposed to and will be required to use certain “Confidential Information” (as hereinafter defined) of the Tribe. Contractor agrees that Contractor will not and Contractor’s employees, agents or representatives will not, use, directly or indirectly, such Confidential Information for the benefit of any person, entity or organization other than the Tribe, or disclose such Confidential Information, except to the extent necessary to perform the services, without the written authorization Tribal Chairperson Tribe, either during or after the term of this Agreement, for as long as such information retains the characteristics of Confidential Information.
  122. Definition of “Confidential Information"
  123. “Confidential Information” shall include information not generally known, and proprietary to the Tribe or to a third party for whom the Tribe is performing work, including, without limitation, information concerning any patents or trade secrets, confidential or secret designs, processes, formulae, source codes, plans, devices or material, research and development, proprietary software, analysis, techniques, materials or designs (whether or not patented or patentable), directly or indirectly useful in any aspect of the business of the Tribe, any vendor names, customer and supplier lists, databases, management systems and sales and marketing plans of the Tribe, any confidential secret development or research work of the Tribe, or any other confidential information or proprietary aspects of the business of the Tribe. All information which Contractor acquires or becomes acquainted with during the period of this Agreement, whether developed by Contractor or by others, which Contractor has a reasonable basis to believe to be Confidential Information, or which is treated by the Tribe as being Confidential Information, shall be presumed to be Confidential Information.
  124. Property of the Tribe
  125. Contractor agrees that all plans, manuals and specific materials developed by the Contractor on behalf of the Tribe in connection with services rendered under this Agreement, are and shall remain the exclusive property of the Tribe. Promptly upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement, or upon the request of the Tribe, Contractor shall return to the Tribe all documents and tangible items, including samples, provided to Contractor or created by Contractor for use in connection with services to be rendered hereunder, including without limitation all Confidential Information, together with all copies and abstracts thereof.
  126. Method of Payment
  127. Purchase Order Issuance
  128. Upon award of this IFB, Vendor shall be issued a Purchase Order Number (PO) for the purpose of billing in regards to this IFB.
  129. Progress Payments
  130. Tenant Improvement Allowance– Construction costs will be charge to TI allowance and be paid by landlord.
  131. Terms
  132. Mobilization Fee – Contractor may invoice for a mobilization fee prior to the start of work.
  133. This fee may not exceed 10% of the total cost of the bid.
  134. Contractor shall submit application for progress payment for payment of work performed.
  135. Application for progress payment shall be review and approved by Construction Coordinator and Procurement Manager prior to payment.
  136. Contractor shall be paid within 30 days (Net 30) of receipt of application of progress payment.
  137. Retention of 10% will be retained and payable upon substantial completion of work.
  138. Remit to Address:

TMTTANF–Finance Department