(Tender Call Notice –No-1191 of 2015-16)
Forest and Environment Department, Government of Odissa
Bhubaneswar 751 015
TENDER CALL NOTICE-No-1191 / 2015-16
The Chief Executive, Regional Plant Resource Center, Bhubaneswar, Odisha invites sealed tenders from the valid registered contractors of State PHD/ PWD or equivalent class of CPWD/Railways/MES,/for following works prescribed in conformity with the detail tender call notice as noted below:
Sl No. / Name of work / Value of work( in Rs.)
(Approx) / EMD / Cost of tender paper / Last date of sale of tender paper / Last date of receipt of tender paper / Date of opening of tender paper / Class of contractor / Time of completion
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
1. / Construction of Lotus pool in Jagannath Vaticaat RPRC , Bhubaneswar / 3,97,577/- / 4000/- / Rs2000/-
(+) 5 % VAT / 20.04.15
up to 3 pm / 20.04.15
(up to 5 PM) / 21.04.15
(at 4.00P.M / C&D / 45 days
The tender documents for the above works may be obtained from the office of the Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar on payment of cost of tender paper as noted above (Non- refundable) by cash or crossed bank draft drawn on any nationalized bank in favor of the Chief Executive, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar .Non eligible firms/ contractors may participate in the tender at their own risk. The tender schedules can also be downloaded from RPRC website () and submitted along with a bank draft equivalent to the cost of the tender paper. No application for procurement/ obtaining tender paper after schedule date and time will be considered. The tender is liable for rejection unless accompanied with Xerox copies of valid registered license, VAT clearance in (form 612), PAN card, & original money receipt towards purchase of tender paper. Besides the tenderer shall have to furnish the list of works/ work orders/completion certificates and agreements of similar nature for specific work implemented and completed successfully during the last three years. EMD amount as indicated above in shape of POSB/NSC/POTD/KVP/B.D from any schedule bank duly pledged in favor of undersigned shall be furnished along with tender, failing which, the tender will be rejected. The detailed tender specifications and other terms and conditions shall be available at RPRC website () .Contractors can see the detail drawing and design of the proposed work from J.E ,RPRC during office hours up to 20.04.15The tender papers will be received up to 5p.m. on 20.04.15.and opened on dated 21.04.15 at 4.00P.Min the office Chamber of Chairman of Tender committee,RPRC, Bhubaneswar in presence of the contractors or their authorized representatives. If the office happens to be closed due to subsequent declaration as holiday on the last date of receipt of application, last date of sale of tender paper/ date of receipt of tender as stipulated above, then the application will be received, tender paper will be sold/ the tenders will be received and opened on the immediate next working day at same specified time & venue respectively. RPRC does not take the responsibility for any postal delay on any reason.
1Additional performance security shall be deposited by the successful bidder when the bid amount is seriously unbalanced i.e. less than the estimated cost by more than 10%. In such event the successful bidder will deposit the additional performance security to the extent of the differential cost of bid amount and 90% of the estimated cost in shape of POSB/NSC/POTD/KVP deposit receipt of schedule bank duly pledged in favor of the Chief Executive, RegionalPlantResourceCenter, Bhubaneswar at the time of signing agreement.
2The tenderer are requested to go through the conditions of tender and on fulfillment of the conditions, they may apply for tender paper. Non eligible contractors may participate in the tender at their own risk.
3The original document shall be verified by the tender committee, if required after opening of the tender.
4The Engineer contractors (Degree or Diploma holder) desirous to avail the facility of exemption of EMD is required to submit an affidavit to the effect that he/she has not yet participated as such in 3 (three ) works during the current financial year.(2013-14)& produce the original license at the time of opening for necessary entry without which the tender will be considered “Non responsive". Besides that the name of work for which & the authority to which the tender is being submitted must be mentioned in the affidavit failing which the tender will be rejected.
5Adjustment of E.M.D is not admissible for other works at this center.
6The sealed envelope containing the tender papers should be super-scribed with name of the work and reference to Tender call Notice for the above item of the work
7The tender should reach this office on or before the due date by registered/speed post only and can also be put to ‘‘Tender Box’’ available in the office of the C.E RPRC. Telegraphic tenders or tender received through fax/ e-mail / courier will not be entertained. Incomplete documents and documents received after due date shall not be entertained.
8The authority reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason there of.
(Administrative Officer)
Memo No ……….. /RPRC, Bhubaneswar,Dt………………
Copy to Chairman Tender committee for information & necessary action .
(Administrative Officer)
Memo No ……….. /RPRC, Bhubaneswar,Dt………………
Copy to office notice board/ Web site of RPRC for information of all concerned
(Administrative Officer)
Name of the work:-Construction of Lotus Pool in Jagannath Vatica at RPRC , Bhubaneswar
Estimated cost (APP.):-Rs3,97,577.00 E M D Required :1% (i.e. Rs4000 )
Cost of tender paper :- Rs 2000 + VAT @ 5 % i.e. Rs2100/-
Validity of tender:- 90 days Time for completion :- 45days
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1 / Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches in all kinds of soil including moorum,stoney earth and earth mixed with boulders except sheet rocks & boulders including dressing of sides and leveling the bed up to the required depth and depositing the excavated materials away from the work site with all initial lead & lift including shoring, shuttering and dewatering with cost of all labour, hire and running charges of working pumps, sundries & T&P etc. required for the work complete as directed by the Engineer- in – charge / 129.62
cum / 1
Unit Rate in figures :-
Unit Rate in words :-
2 / Supplying &filling in foundation trenches and plinth with course river sand well watered and rammed in layers not exceeding 23 cm in depth with all leads and lifts including cost, conveyance, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, sundries ,T&P required for the work etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer in charge. ( Measurement will be taken on finished compacted section only / 78.65
cum / 1
Unit Rate in figures :-
Unit Rate in words :-
3 / Cement concrete of prop ( 1:3:6) in foundation and floors using 2.5 CM size black hard ( Crusher broken ) granite metal of approved quality from approved quarry including lowering , laying concrete, watering and curing etc. complete to required level laid in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick including cost, conveyance, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, side shuttering , cost of dewatering if necessary etc required for the work complete as directed by the Engineer in charge / 32.14 cum / 1
Unit Rate in figures :-
Unit Rate in words :-
4 / Fly ash brick masonry in cement mortar (1:6) in foundation & plinth using Fly ash bricks of 10” x 5” x 3” size having a crushing strength of not less than 75 kg./sqcm with dimensional tolerance ± 8% including splays cutting circular moulding chamfering and corbelling and similar such type of works with all necessary projections watering and curing after immersing the bricks in water at least for six hours before use including cost, conveyance, royalties and taxes of all materials with all labour,labour cess and T & P required for the work complete in / 16.00
cum / 1
Unit Rate in figures :-
Unit Rate in words :-
5 / Fly ash brick masonry in cement mortar (1:4) in foundation & plinth using Fly ash bricks of 10” x 5” x 3” size having a crushing strength of not less than 75 kg./sqcm with dimensional tolerance ± 8% including splays cutting circular moulding chamfering and corbelling and similar such type of works with all necessary projections watering and curing after immersing the bricks in water at least for six hours before use including cost, conveyance, royalties and taxes of all materials with all labour,labour cess and T & P required for the work complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. / 0.59
cum / 1
Unit Rate in figures :-
Unit Rate in words :-
6 / Cement concrete of prop.(1:2:4) in all floors at all heights using 12mm to 20mm size black hard (crusher broken) granite chips (20mm size not to exceed 25%) of approved quality from approved quarry including laying & compacting concrete, watering and curing including cost, conveyance, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labour, sundries and T&P. etc. required for the work complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer in charge. / 17.23
cum / 1
Unit Rate in figures :-
Unit Rate in words :-
7 / Cutting, Straightening coiled or bent up M.S. rods or Tor steel welding or jointing if necessary, bending, binding, tying the grills and laying in position as required for R.C.C. works and hoisting, lowering and placing in position in all floors according to approved designs and drawings including cost, conveyance, taxes of M.S. rods or Tor steel and binding wires of 18 to 20 gauge required for the work and cost of all labour, sundries, T&P etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer in charge (payment will be made according to the actual weight of M.S. rod / Tor steel consumed in the work and no separate payment will be made towards weight of binding wires which is to be borne by the contractor at his own cost) / 4.70
qtl / 1
Unit Rate in figures :-
Unit Rate in words :-
8 / 40mm. (av) thick grading concrete of prop.(1:2:4) with chicken mesh reinforcement on sloping portion of pond at all heights by using 12mm and down graded size black hard (crusher broken) granite chips (12mm size 50% and 6mm size 50%) of approved quality from approved quarry including laying & compacting concrete, watering and curing including cost, conveyance, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labour, sundries and T&P. etc. required for the work complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer in charge. / 80.83
Sq-mt / 1
Unit Rate in figures :-
Unit Rate in words :-
9 / 12mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar (1:4) with neat cement punning in all floors at all heights finished smooth to brick walls in dados & skirting after raking out the joints including watering and curing complete with cost, conveyance, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labour, sundries and T&P. etc. required for the work complete as directed by the Engineer in charge.. / 110.56
Sq-mt / 1
Unit Rate in figures :-
Unit Rate in words :-
10 / 16mm. thick cement plaster in cement mortar (1:6) in all floors at all height finishing smooth to rough surface of brick walls after raking out the joints including watering and curing, rounding of corners with cost, conveyance, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labour, scaffolding, sundries and T&P. etc. required for the work etc. complete as directed by the Engineer in charge. / 63.18
Sq-mt / 1
Unit Rate in figures :-
Unit Rate in words :-
Total No of Correction…………………...……( In item No ______)
Total No of Over writing………………………( In item No ______)
Total No of Interpolation………………...……( In item No ______)
Signature of Contractor
Forest and Environment Department, Government of Orissa
Bhubaneswar - 751 015
Name of the work tendered for:-Construction of Lotus pool in Jagannath Vatica at
RPRC , Bhubaneswar
Approx. Estimated amount: Rs. 3,97,577.00
Last date of issue of tender : Dt -(20.04.15up to 03.00 PM)
Last date of receipt of tender: Dt-(20.04.15up to 5.00P.M)
Opening of tender : Dt - (21.04.15 at 4.00P.M)
Issued to the tenderer:…………………………………………………………..
Vide Money Receipt No………………………………. Date ………………….
(Administrative Officer)
1. Sealed tenders on prescribed form to be eventually drawn up in P.W.D. form No. F-2 will be received up to Dt 20.04.15 up to (5P.M)by the Chief Executive, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar for the construction of work:- “Construction of Lotus Pool in Jagannath Vatica at RPRC , Bhubaneswar ” from C/ D class contractors and will be opened by the Chief Executive, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar in the presence of the tenderers or their authorized agents onDt 21.04.15(at 4.00P.M). The amount of the estimate is approximately Rs3,97,577.00(Rupees three lakhs ninety seven thousandfive hundred seventy-sevenonly). In case of all lump-sum contracts and item-rate contracts exceeding Rs. 20.00 lakhs each tenderer who intend to furnish "Special conditions" if any, should furnish their tenders in two separate sealed envelopes . one containing "Special conditions" (super-scribed on the cover as technical bid and conditions) & the other "Rates for different items of work" in the prescribed schedule supplied by the Department being super-scribed on the cover as 'Rate bid'. The envelope containing "Special conditions" will be opened first in the presence of tenderers or their authorized agents and will be evaluated after obtaining clarification if any, from the concerned tenderers. In case any of the "Special conditions" is not acceptable to the tender accepting authority, wholly or partly, the sealed envelopes containing "Rate” of the concerned tenderers will not be opened. All sealed envelope containing "Rates" will be closed in a separate cover and sealed by the officer opening tenders in the presence of tenderers or their authorized agents. After evaluation of the special conditions the date, time & place for opening the sealed envelopes containing the "Rates" will be notified to the tenderers. The sealed envelopes will be opened in the presence of tenderers or their authorized agents. The "Rates" quoted by each tenderer will be read/out in additions to the amount evaluated for each tender on account of "Special conditions" attached to the respective tenders.
2. The tenderers should please note that the work will have to be completed within one calendar months commencing from the date of issue of work order. Tenderers are required to submit detail programme of work along with the tenders, which they consider necessary keeping in view of the cluase-2 of the P.W.D. Form-F-2. Without these programmes of works, the tender will be considered defective. Authority for acceptance of tenders would rest over the Chief Executive, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar.
3. Earnest Money Deposit:
Tenderers are required to pay Earnest Money for Rs.4000/- either in shape of National Savings Certificate / Kissan Vikash Patra / Postal Office Time Deposit Account / Post Office Savings Pass Book, Deposits Receipt of Schedule Bank duly pledged in favour'of the Chief Executive, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar otherwise their tenders will not be considered. The earnest money will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderers on application and the same will be retained in case of successful tenderers and will not carry any interest.
4. (a) The Plan and Specification for the work can be seen at the Office of the Chief Executive, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar during working hours anddays. Complaints at a future date that the plan and specifications have not been seen cannot be entertained. The contractor may obtain a set of tender documents for the work from the Office of the Chief Executive, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar on payment of
Rs2000/-+ 5% Vat (Rupees two thousand and VAT eighty) (non-refundable) for the tender paper in cash or through remittance by postal money orders. It should, however, be noted that the RPRC will not be responsible if there is any delay in receipt of tender documents by the intending contractor through speed post/ registered post. Their offers will not be considered on any account even if tender documents were dispatched by the tenders before the due date. The cost of registration fees to and for will be borne by the intending tenderer.
4. (b) All other information can be obtained on application to the Chief Executive, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar.
5. The Chief Executive, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar reserves the right to reject any or all tenders received without assigning any reason thereof.
6. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) & Initial Security Deposit (ISD):
The tenderers whose tender is selected for acceptance shall within a period of seven days upon written intimation being given to him of acceptance of his tender make an initial security deposit 01 % (one Percent) of the tendered amount as shown in clause (3) above so that the earnest money and initial security deposit will be 2% of the tendered amount and sign the agreement in the P.W.D. form F-2 (schedule XLV No. 61) for the fulfillment of the contract in the Office of the Chief Executive, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar.
The security deposit, together with the earnest money and the amount withheld according to the provisions of F-2 agreement shall be retained as security deposit for the due fulfillment of this contract. Failure to enter into the required agreement and to make the security deposit as above shall entail forfeiture of the Earnest Money. No tender shall be finally accepted until the required amount of security deposit (money) is deposited. The written agreement to be entered into between the contractor and the RPRC shall be the foundation of the right of both the parties and the contract shall deem to be incomplete until the agreement has first been signed by the contractor and then by the proper officer authorized to enter into the contract on behalf of the RPRC. The Department will accept the security deposit in form of National Savings Certificate I Kissan Vikash Patra I Postal Office Time Deposit Account I Post Office Savings Pass Book, Deposits Receipt of Schedule Bank duly pledged in favor of the Chief Executive, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar and in no other form.
7. Rate in Words & Figures: