SPEC 6000

Differentiated Instruction Weekly Plan week#3

Teacher: Kim Crocker (Date) week of: October 10-14, 2011

7th grade Social Studies

This week, the students learned about the about culture, government, and economic systems in Africa. During the course of the week the students had to locate selected features of Africa, examine certain environmental issues, and explain the effect that the location, climate, and the physical characteristics have in relation to natural resources in Africa and how the people/population are effected by where they live. Unlike the unit we covered prior to this one, much of the vocabulary was directly related to Africa; Examples: Great Zimbabwe, Cape of Good Hope, Afrikaners, Boers, apartheid, township, sanctions, Cape Town, enclave which meant that there were no vocabulary terms that they were familiar with (land, and climate,

The students took a pre-test before the lesson was introduced. The pre-test consisted of 20 vocabulary terms. Ten of the questions were multiple choice questions, and the other 10 questions were fill in the blank sentences (the vocabulary words were provided at the bottom of the page). The results of the pre-test helped me identify the students who were struggling with prior knowledge and vocabulary terms. Although, we covered geography in prior lessons, (The Middle East) test scores showed that the students were unable to draw from any prior knowledge in reference to key vocabulary terms that we were going to use in this lesson.

On the pre-test, the students scored well when defining words like climate, land form, and culture (they were familiar with the words from the prior unit). However, they struggled on other key vocabulary terms directly related to Africa. The content of the lesson was introduced in a whole group setting. The lesson format targeted the students who have difficulty comprehending new and unusual vocabulary terms. The students were provided with vocabulary cluster worksheets and allowed to create their own graphic organizers as a way of encouraging them to use the tools that they are comfortable with to write the new vocabulary terms.

Instructional Objective(s):

Students will begin learning about the geography of Africa.

·  They will locate select features of Africa.

·  Examine environmental issues across the continent of Africa.

·  Explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources and population in Africa.


1.  pre-test (Africa-South Africa)

2.  Whole class setting- I read from the Teachers Edition of the Social Studies textbook while the students followed along, writing down vocabulary terms.

3.  Power Point on South Africa (select features, climate, physical features)

4.  Media Center- students went to the media center to research certain key terms about Africa.

5.  Assessment: Map Assessment

6.  Assessment: Unit assessment

7.  Work Session: Complete: Atlas Activity - Africa Rainfall & Vegetation.

8.  Post-test-students were given a unit test of 10 multiple choice questions, 9 fill-in the blanks, and a 5pt essay question.

Student Assessment on the geography of Africa (South Africa)

Student ID / Pre-test
Assessment Measure #,1
(Vocabulary/prior-knowledge) / Assessment Measure #2,
(vocabulary terms, subject content, essay question/summary) / Post-test Assessment Measure #3,
Unit test (vocabulary terms, comprehension of content, and summary)
D. Virgo / 5/20 / 4/15 2 pts on essay / 10/20
M. Wilson / 3/20 / 3/15 1 pt on essay / 5/20
L. Likely / 7/20 / 1715 4.5 pts on essay / 17/20
T. Nash / 3/20 / 14/15 3.5 pts on essay / 11/20

D. Virgo: Although, D. Virgo performed better on this pre-test than he did on any of the previous pre-tests, there are still certain areas where D. Virgo needs to improve. His behavior has improved slightly, (he hasn’t been laughing and giggling and distracting the class as much) and he has been bringing in his homework assignments. However, he remains off task in the classroom and does not begin his class assignments in a timely manner. His parents were contacted about his behavior. His pre-test scores were low, showing weaknesses in vocabulary recognition. However, his post-test scores improved in vocabulary recognition and his understanding of the content of the lesson.

M. Wilson: M. Wilson is not making any improvement in this academic content. He has expressed that he doesn’t understand why he can’t leave his seat and walk around when he wants to, he doesn’t understand why he can’t talk in class, and he has stated that he doesn’t understand why he has to do any work. I have tried to be encouraging to this student. I have tried to explain the importance of following school rules, and completing his assignments. I have provided positive reinforcements by praising him when he has produced work, I give him treats when he begins his work in a timely manner, and I send notes home letting his mother know when he has had a good day. None of these reinforcements have worked for this student. M. Wilson did not perform well on the pre-test in the area of reading comprehension and vocabulary recognition. Assessment #2 did not show any improvement in his scores. He did score slightly higher on the post-test in the area of vocabulary recognition (I believe M. Wilson scored slightly better on vocabulary, because some of the vocabulary terms had been introduced in the prior lesson). The setting was quiet for everyone, and he was a little more focused than he usually is.

N. Likely: Since pairing this student with a peer and an elbow partner she has done very well, academically. Her comprehension of the content of the lessons being introduced has increased, and she completes all of her assignments. N. Likely, still shows weaknesses in work completion and she still pouts when she doesn’t get her way. She enters the classroom speaking very loudly. She then puts her head on the desk once she has been redirected. Over all, this student has shown improvement in this academic subject. Her pre-test scores were high in the area of reading comprehension and vocabulary recognition. She scored a passing score in vocabulary recognition on the post-test. On assessment#2, she scored well in the area of written expression, and lesson content.

T. Nash: This student has shown improvement in this subject. I have assigned homework for him that includes writing the new vocabulary terms and each definition three times, every night. On Monday, I provided a list of all of the vocabulary terms that we were going to use for this unit (giving the students more time to review and commit the vocabulary terms to memory). It appears that repetition of the words and definitions has helped this student be successful in the area of vocabulary recognition. This student did not perform well on the pre-test in the area of vocabulary recognition. However, he performed well on the post-test in the areas of vocabulary recognition, and he demonstrated a clear understanding of the subject content. There was a 5pt essay on assessment #2. This student made many spelling and grammatical errors, but he understood the time line of events and was able to convey that in his summary.

Next Week’s Instructional Objectives:10/10-10/14:

Students will begin learning about culture, government, and economic systems in Africa.

·  Students will be able to identify types of governments systems in Africa.

·  Students identify the role of the Government Africa.

·  Students will understand the role of the citizen in choosing the leader of Africa.

Assessment of the culture, government, and economic systems in Africa.

·  Teacher observation.

·  Teacher observation, Vocabulary Builder/Review, Quiz

·  Unit quiz on Africa

Instructional activities for the week of 10/10-10/14:

Day / Instructional Activities / Specific new differentiated instructional activities for targeted students
Monday / (School Closed/Furlough Day) / (School Closed/Furlough Day)
The four students that are listed in the differentiated instruction area of each lesson plan will sit in a small group setting (two in each group) to review vocabulary on a tic tac toe worksheet. The students will also work on a vocabulary cluster worksheet to reinforce their understanding of the vocabulary terms.
The targeted students will receive a vocabulary word cluster worksheet in order to correctly identify the new and unusual vocabulary words and the synonyms and antonyms associated with the word/words.
The targeted students will receive the lesson in a whole group setting. The students will then work in a small group of 4 with the teacher. The teacher will read from a reading comprehension worksheet while the students read along. The students when then independently answer the questions that follow the reading selection. This assignment is to reinforce what they have learned during the whole group lesson.
The select targeted students will review this week’s lesson in a whole group setting. They will then take their weekly assessment with the class. However, instructions and the questions will be read to these students (as per their individual IEP’s).
Tuesday / Africa (South Africa)
Content Objective:
*Locate selected features of Africa.
*Examine environmental issues across the continent of Africa.
*Explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources, and population distribution in Africa.
Language Objective: Students will identify the characteristics of culture, government, and economic systems of South Africa.
Essential Question: Why do government styles and economic systems vary in each culture?
Vocabulary: Great Zimbabwe, Cape of Good Hope, Afrikaners, Boers, apartheid, township, sanctions, Cape Town, enclave.
Activating Strategy: Students will read Chapter 18/2, 18/3 (South Africa's culture, government, economic systems).
Instructional Activity: Students will use cloze activity handout to answer questions related to apartheid.
(N, Likely, and T. Nash, struggle in the area of reading and comprehension. M. Wilson and D. Virgo struggle in the areas of reading, comprehension, vocabulary recognition, and they have behavior issues). Students will work in pairs to discuss/compare answers.
Extension: Students will research and cite examples of apartheid.
Summarizing Activity: Tic Tac Toe Summarizing activity.
Wednesday / Africa (South Africa)
Content Objective:
*Locate selected features of Africa.
*Examine environmental issues across the continent of Africa.
*Explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources, and population distribution in Africa.
Language Objective: Students will identify the characteristics of culture, government, and economic systems of South Africa.
Essential Question: What effect has apartheid had on citizens of South Africa?
Vocabulary: apartheid
Activating Strategy: students will view Brain-Pop mini-clips on Apartheid.
Instructional Activity: Students will use cloze activity handout to answer questions related to apartheid.
(N, Likely, and T. Nash, struggle in the area of reading and comprehension. M. Wilson and D. Virgo struggle in the areas of reading, comprehension, and they have behavior issues). Students will work in pairs to discuss/compare answers.
Extension: Students will research and cite examples of apartheid from history.
Summarizing Activity: Tic Tac Toe Summarizing activity.
Thursday / Unit: Africa
AKS: 31,32,33,38,39
Language Objective: Students will be able to identify ethnic groups in various regions of Africa.
Vocabulary: ethnic groups
Essential Question: What characteristics stand out in ethnic groups from the various regions of Africa?
Activating Strategy: what factors have influenced the cultures of the various ethnic groups in Africa?
Instructional Activity: Students will use a graphic organizer chart to compare/contrast the ethnic groups found in Africa.
(N, Likely, and T. Nash, struggle in the area of reading and comprehension. M. Wilson and D. Virgo struggle in the areas of reading, comprehension, and they have behavior issues). Students may work in pairs to complete the graphic organizer.
Extension: Students will research each ethnic group in South Africa.
Summarizing Activity: Completed graphic organizer.
Assessment: Quiz
/ Unit: Africa (South Africa)
AKS: 31,32,33,38,39
Language Objective: Students will be able to identify ethnic groups in various regions of Africa
Vocabulary: ethnic groups
Essential Question: What characteristics stand out in ethnic groups from the various regions of Africa?
Activating Strategy: what factors have influenced the cultures of the various ethnic groups in Africa?
Instructional Activity: Students will use a graphic organizer chart to compare/contrast the ethnic groups found in Africa.
(N, Likely, and T. Nash, struggle in the area of reading and comprehension. M. Wilson and D. Virgo struggle in the areas of reading, comprehension, and they have behavior issues).
Students select 3 terms from our reading that they need defined. Personalized vocabulary awareness.