Meeting Minutes for 11. SEPT. 2008
I.Call to Order
SUFACChairTania Galligan called the meeting to order at 5:22 p.m.
- Roll Call
- Members Present: Andy Locke, Sheila Schroeder, Lynsy Beckett, Brianna Markowski, Chris McDermott, Ron Ronnenberg, Ricky Staley, Kervin Blanke
- Recognition of Guests
- Sara Pratt-Accounting Students Association, Ben Kvalo- WGBX “The Phoenix,” Chris Hady- WGBX “The Phoenix.”Yue Yang, Cheng Thao, John Lee, Lindsay Acterberg, Joe Tyrrell.
- Approval of Agenda- Approved
- Approval of Minutes- No minutes to approve.
- Reports
- OFO: The current balance of the small org start up fund is $1500.00
- Senate:No Report
- SGA Exec: Ricky Staley the President of the Student Government Association welcomed all students. He said he was looking forward to a very eventful and cooperative year.
- Chair:We had several requests come in over the summer. All of those requests are outlined in the Organization Finance Office’s finance report. We ended up passing a Ancient Medieval request. They requested $100.00 for orgsmorg. Fourth Estate requested $250.00 for coloring and copying of their first issue. The Psychology and Human Development Club requested $4120.91for a trip to Rhode Island to attend a conference. They were allocated $3389.91. Psi Chi requested $2120.00 for a conference in Boston, Massachusetts and was allocated $1270.88.
- Secretary: No Report.
- New Business
- At Large Applicants- Lindsay Acterberg said she was a senior this year. She stated she wanted to join SUFAC this year because she wants to be involved with the student’s money and see how it is being spent. Yue Yang said that he was a junior this year. He stated he returned back to SUFAC this year because he had a great year last year. Cheng Thao stated he looked forward to working with all of you again. He is majoring this year in International Business and planned on transferring next year. John Lee stated that he was interested in joining and getting involved with SUFAC. Matt made a motion to enter committee of the whole. Chris seconded it. Andy called the question. Entered committee of the whole at 5:31 pm. Matt pointed out that early on the discussion of Parli Pro was not brought up. It was in turn discussed because there were many new faces; many members returned but may be rusty; many experts. Chris explained committee of the whole. Matt asked what you have to bring to SUFAC. Lindsay stated that she had a relevant major. Yue explained that he learned a lot last year and wanted to continue to contribute to the group. John stated that he wanted to be a voice for others. Sheila asked when you get more involved in other activities how would you handle conflict of interest. Yue stated that he would abstain. Cheng stated the same. Tania entertained a motion to exit committee of the whole. Lynsy made the motion. Sheila seconded it. Chris called the question. Exited committee of the whole at 5:35 pm. Tania entertained motion to package approvals. Ricky motioned. Sheila seconded. Andy called the question. Majority approved. Tania entertained motion to approve. Chris entertained. Brianna seconded. Sheila called the question. Motion carried 5-0-0.
- ORGs-
- ORG-
- ORGs-
- Discussion Items
- ORG-
- Action Items
- ORG-
- ORG-
- ORG-
- Announcements
- Adjournment
Respectfully Submitted by,
Amanda Hart
SUFAC Administrative Assistant