Carters Road
Lake Munmorah NSW 2259
Principal: Graham Holmes
Phone 4358 1171
Classroom Connector Program 2017- Expression of Interest
This year our school is conducting an exciting new program called the ‘Classroom Connector’ program. The program is designed to increase the opportunities for families to communicate and be involved in school activities, particularly at the classroom level.
The program relies on each classroom from Kindergarten to Year 6, including our special education classes, having one volunteer parent who will assist the class teacher with communication and promotion of both class and school activities. The Classroom Connector will act as a ‘go between’, liaising with the teacher and the families. This will be an interesting role and one where you will be provided training and ongoing support from our Community Connector – Mrs Cathy DeVries. While it will only require a small amount of time from the volunteer each week this is an excellent opportunity to develop your personal and professional skills in a supportive environment.
Expressions of Interest are being called for one person from each class to undertake this exciting role.
If you are interested, please complete the detail slip below and return it to the classroom teacher.
No specific experience is necessary to undertake the role, however, we are looking for people who can:
· Speak comfortably with the classroom teacher and the families of the class.
· Happily work as part of a team.
· Communicate important class information to the families of the class.
· Support the values and beliefs of the school and the nature of the school community.
If you would like to express interest in volunteering to be your child’s class connector parent for 2017, please complete the below form and bring it back to your teacher next week.
I would like to express my interest in training to be a volunteer class connector for 2017.
I understand that training for the role will be offered.
My name……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
My child’s name and class………………………………………………………………………………………………….
My best contact number……………………………………………………………………………………………………