Genetic Disorders
Power point Project
Purpose: To learn about a variety of genetic disorders.
To create and utilize Power Point programs for presentations.
In this project, you will research a genetic disorder and create a Power Point program that must include all of the following points. Each point could be a slide. No more than 6 slides total.
- Description of the type of inheritance: autosomal or sex linked, dominant or recessive gene, chromosomal or allele.
- Symptoms of the disorder.
- Describe the type of test used to diagnose the disorder.
- Prognosis (what will happen to an individual who has this disorder)
- Treatment – is there any treatment currently? What might happen in the future?
The following must be included in addition to the information above.
- All references cited on the page that you used the information.
- Reference list on the last slide. Must include one text or magazine and at least 3 internet references. For directions on the correct form to use, see librarian or you English teacher.
- Use a theme to unify your slides.
- One form of animation/slide.
- Presentation should be around 2-3 minutes long. Make sure you write information in a way that your class mates can take notes on the disorder you are researching.
Possible topics include:
achrondroplasia / Gaucher disease / OTC deficiencyadenosine deaminase deficiency / Hemophilia A and B / phenylketonuria
Alzheimer disease (AAP gene) / hermaphrodism / Retinitis pigmentosa
beta thalassemia / Huntington disease / retinoblastoma
Cri du Chat / Kleinfelter’s syndrome / Rett’s syndrome
cystic fibrosis / Lesch-Nyan syndrome / sickle cell disease
Down’s syndrome / Marfans Syndrome / spinal muscular atrophy
epidermolysis bullosa / muscular dystrophy (Duchenne and Becker) / Super male
Fanconi anemia / myotonic dystrophy / Tay Sachs disease
fragile X syndrome / neurofibromatosis type 1 / Turner’s syndrome
Research due: ______
Project presented: ______
Name ______Period ______Date ______
Grades will be determined by using the following rubric:
A. / Points possible / Points Earned1. / Description of the type of inheritance / 5
2. / Symptoms / 5
3. / Diagnostic test / 5
4. / Prognosis / 5
5. / Treatment / 5
1 / References listed on last slide / 3
2 / Use of theme / 2
3. / Animation / 3
4. / Time (2-3 minutes) / 2
Total / 35
Period ______
Signup sheet for Powerpoint Project
Name Name
achrondroplasiaadenosine deaminase deficiency
Alzheimer disease (AAP gene)
beta thalassemia
Cri du Chat
cystic fibrosis
Down’s syndrome
epidermolysis bullosa
Fanconi anemia
fragile X syndrome
Gaucher disease
Hemophilia A and B
Huntington disease
Kleinfelter’s syndrome
Lesch-Nyan syndrome
Marfan’s Syndrome
muscular dystrophy (Duchenne and Becker)
myotonic dystrophy
neurofibromatosis type 1
OTC deficiency
Retinitis pigmentosa
Rett’s syndrome
sickle cell disease
spinal muscular atrophy
Super male
Tay Sachs disease
Turner’s syndrome