Genetic Disorders

Power point Project

Purpose: To learn about a variety of genetic disorders.

To create and utilize Power Point programs for presentations.

In this project, you will research a genetic disorder and create a Power Point program that must include all of the following points. Each point could be a slide. No more than 6 slides total.

  1. Description of the type of inheritance: autosomal or sex linked, dominant or recessive gene, chromosomal or allele.
  2. Symptoms of the disorder.
  3. Describe the type of test used to diagnose the disorder.
  4. Prognosis (what will happen to an individual who has this disorder)
  5. Treatment – is there any treatment currently? What might happen in the future?

The following must be included in addition to the information above.

  1. All references cited on the page that you used the information.
  2. Reference list on the last slide. Must include one text or magazine and at least 3 internet references. For directions on the correct form to use, see librarian or you English teacher.
  3. Use a theme to unify your slides.
  4. One form of animation/slide.
  5. Presentation should be around 2-3 minutes long. Make sure you write information in a way that your class mates can take notes on the disorder you are researching.

Possible topics include:

achrondroplasia / Gaucher disease / OTC deficiency
adenosine deaminase deficiency / Hemophilia A and B / phenylketonuria
Alzheimer disease (AAP gene) / hermaphrodism / Retinitis pigmentosa
beta thalassemia / Huntington disease / retinoblastoma
Cri du Chat / Kleinfelter’s syndrome / Rett’s syndrome
cystic fibrosis / Lesch-Nyan syndrome / sickle cell disease
Down’s syndrome / Marfans Syndrome / spinal muscular atrophy
epidermolysis bullosa / muscular dystrophy (Duchenne and Becker) / Super male
Fanconi anemia / myotonic dystrophy / Tay Sachs disease
fragile X syndrome / neurofibromatosis type 1 / Turner’s syndrome

Research due: ______

Project presented: ______

Name ______Period ______Date ______

Grades will be determined by using the following rubric:

A. / Points possible / Points Earned
1. / Description of the type of inheritance / 5
2. / Symptoms / 5
3. / Diagnostic test / 5
4. / Prognosis / 5
5. / Treatment / 5
1 / References listed on last slide / 3
2 / Use of theme / 2
3. / Animation / 3
4. / Time (2-3 minutes) / 2
Total / 35

Period ______

Signup sheet for Powerpoint Project

Name Name

adenosine deaminase deficiency
Alzheimer disease (AAP gene)
beta thalassemia
Cri du Chat
cystic fibrosis
Down’s syndrome
epidermolysis bullosa
Fanconi anemia
fragile X syndrome
Gaucher disease
Hemophilia A and B
Huntington disease
Kleinfelter’s syndrome
Lesch-Nyan syndrome
Marfan’s Syndrome
muscular dystrophy (Duchenne and Becker)
myotonic dystrophy
neurofibromatosis type 1
OTC deficiency
Retinitis pigmentosa
Rett’s syndrome
sickle cell disease
spinal muscular atrophy
Super male
Tay Sachs disease
Turner’s syndrome