Exams Integrity WeekNov 14 - 19 2016
Monday Brief: Integrity
Definitions of Integrity: (dictionary.com)
1. Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
2. The state of being whole, entire, or undiminished.
3. A sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition.
Often, Integrity is when One seeks to Do the Right Thing, When No one Else is Watching.
What is Academic Integrity?
Academic Integrity refers a set of moral and ethical values shared by an Educational Community (students, staff, and administrators). In is the Total Environment that promotes accuracy, fairness, humanity, duty, transparency, and collegiality. It is one of the core values of St. Paul’s University (SPU), particularly through fairness and openness. / GoogleImage
Exam Integrity vs. Misconduct
Exam Integrityis the nature and conduct of all the players of the SPU Community and how they interact (before, during, and after) exams. This refers to the conscious decision by All to adhere to exams regulations and practices. Including: Arriving in the Room at least 30 minutes to the start of Exam, Starting exams on time, Zero Incidents of cheating, All students Signing In and Out, Leaving at the Set time, and No Student consulting unauthorized materials. Thus each of us is called to hold each other accountable; Speak up and out, should the policies not be upheld.
Exam Misconductrefers to those actions that do not give each player a fair and equitable opportunity to be assessed. These actions or “exam irregularities,” include:
- Entering into the exam room after one hour and still doing the exam
- Sitting for the exam without any documentation (Student ID Card/Exam Card)
- Using other people or notes/technology to cheat
- Writing on the Exam Question Paper
- Not submitting and completing course work during the term
- Missing more than 25% of class attendance
- Not signing In and Not signing Out
- Leaving the exam room before two hours
- Leaving with the Exam Answer Booklet
- Leaving the exam room (Invigilator/Student)
Remember:Each person has a choice: engage in exam integrity or irregularity. Both have consequences, long and short term. Consciously endeavor to do the right thing.
“To give real Service you must Add something which cannot be bought or measured with money; that is Sincerity and Integrity.”Douglas Adams