Unit 4: Principles of Design

Standard 3: Students will identify and explain the basic principles of design.


Student grades will be determined by the accumulation of points in the following categories:

Notes/Assignments: As new concepts are presented in class, students will be expected to complete notes and review activities. Students will complete assignments throughout each unit of study to demonstrate understanding of the concepts learned.

Tests: A unit test may be given at the end of each unit of study and there will be a State Competency Test given at the end of the semester. Students will be able to retake unit tests if scoring below 80%. End of unit tests are given in class and MAKE UP TESTS ARE GIVEN DURING MONDAY CONSULTATION.

Grades will be updated weekly on the SIS District website according to the following scale:

100–94% = A76-73%= C

93-90% = A-72-70%= C-

89-87% = B+79-77%= C+

86 – 83% =B66-63%= D

82-80%= B-62-60%= D-

69-67%= D+

59- 0% = F

Attendance: Attendance is vital for this class. Each class period is important to the development and practice of concepts for this course and students who do not attend or are often late can quickly fall behind. Students acquire points for each class period. If you are absent – you must make up the work for each class period missed. Class work and assignments are posted on my webpage and must be turned in one week after the student. All late MUST be accompanied with a “lifesaver” to receive full credit. Any late assignment NOT accompanied with a “lifesaver” will only be worth half credit.

The Wasatch High School attendance policy will be administered and enforced in this class. Key points of this policy include the following items:

  • Students with more than five absences/tardies per term will receive a UA (Unsatisfactory Attendance) citizenship grade credit for that term.
  • Unsatisfactory Attendance Citizenship Credit can be earned by making up each absence or tardy beyond five through attendance school.

All students must earn 28 terms of citizenship credits in order to graduate from Wasatch High School

Citizenship Grading Scale

H = Honor (Exemplarily Citizenship)N = Needs Improvement

S = Satisfactory CitizenshipU = Unsatisfactory (No credit earned)

UA = Unsatisfactory Attendance (No Credit Earned)

“LIFESAVERS”: At the beginning of each term, students will receive 3 “lifesaver” passes. These passes allow students to (1) use the hall pass (10 min. limit) (2) turn in assignments that were due when the student was absent without a point deduction (lifesaver must be stapled to assignment when turned in – NOT AFTER IT HAS BEEN GRADED) (3) extra credit (redeemed at the end of each term).


Please review the school/district policies concerning the following issues:

-Student Dress-Grooming/Appearance


-Safe Schools

These polices will be enforced and are found in the student planner (copies were sent home prior to the beginning of school, or can be obtained in the front office).


-You must remain in class until the bell rings. Leaving class without permission will be reported to the attendance office and will treated as a sluff for the entire class period.

-Demonstrate care and respect for class property.

-No threatening, coercing, intimidating, harassing or annoying any other student or personal.

-Be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings with your materials ready.

-Hall pass use is with permission only

-Food and Drink is not allowed in the classroom

-Students are NOT to be in the kitchens except on lab days

-Lab rules must be followed. Rules are found in the lab notebook

-All electronic devices should be left in your locker or backpack. Cell phones, iPods, headphones, etc. will be collected. These will be turned over to an administrator and must be picked up by a parent or guardian.

Interior Design

Disclosure Statement


“Expect to Excel”

Instructor: Phyllis

Welcome to Interior Design I! This course will give students a foundation in designing interior spaces. The course will focus on understanding the elements and principles of design as they relate to housing and home interiors. Students will apply their understanding of design to various projects that enable them to explore their creativity. The content of this course will be developed into four units of study and cover the 4 standards outlined by the Utah State Office of Education.

Course Content:

Unit 1: Floor Plans

Standard 1: Students will identify and demonstrate professional presentation techniques.

Standard 4: Students will explain the design and function of interior space

Unit 2: Elements of Design

Standard 2: Students will identify and explain the basic elements of design.

Unit 3: Color

Standard 2: Students will identify and explain the use of color