School City Assessment
Grade 11, Quarter 1, 3-5 Weeks
Gabi, A Girl in Pieces: an Authentic Exploration of Contemporary Latina Identity
1. What time does the poem, “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe take place?
A. Midnight
B. Noon
C. Dawn
D. Morning
2. The man is reading late at night…
A. To help him forget an old girlfriend
B. To help him remember an old girlfriend
C. Because he misses his girlfriend
D. To help him forget his problems
3. An example of alliteration is
A. “silence was unbroken”
B. “all my soul within me burning”
C. “no living human being”
D. “nodding, nearly napping”
4. In the poem “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou, “I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide/Welling and swelling I bear in the tide” is an example of _________.
A. Hyperbole
B. Metaphor
C. Simile
D. Personification
5. To whom is the poem “Still I Rise” directed?
A. The oppressed
B. The authors of history books
C. Past Slaves
D. The oppressors
6. What is the rhyme scheme for the following stanza?
When I possess you, you’ll steal and you’ll lie
You do what you have to – just to get high
The crimes you’ll commit for my narcotic charms
Will be worth the pleasure you’ll feel in your arms
D. No rhyme scheme
7. Frida Kahlo (Choose all that apply.)
A. Contracted polio when she was six, causing her to limp when she walked
B. Fractured her spine and pelvis in an accident
C. Had a tumultuous marriage with an older man
D. Represented her country, Brazil, through her colorful artwork
8. What type of subject matter was Frida Kahlo best known for?
A. Landscapes
B. Colorful Fruit Baskets
C. Self-Portraits
D. Live-Action
9. The following is “Arbol de la Esperanza (Tree of Hope)”, 1946, in “Unbound: Contemporary Art after Frida Kahlo” at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.
Short Answer. How does Frida Kahlo depict elements of her culture and history into her artwork? Write a well-crafted short response using details from the painting to support your response.
10. In Gabi, A Girl in Pieces, Gabi experiences all of the following in her senior year EXCEPT
A. The death of her father
B. Expulsion from school
C. Being cheated on
D. Losing her virginity
11. Themes that Isabel Quintero conveyed in this novel are: (Choose all that apply)
A. Gender Roles
B. The power of writing
C. Addiction
D. Rape
E. Body Image
12. How does Gabi respond when Cindy finally tells her that German raped her? Choose all that apply.
A. She writes a poem about it
B. She gets into a physical altercation with German
C. She tells Mrs. Abernand about it
D. She tells Cindy she should not have gotten drunk with him
13. Martin gives Gabi a card with a famous work re-written inside. The beginning is:
My mistress’ eyes are everything like the sun;
Coral is pale compared to how her lips are red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are snow;
If hairs be wires, upon her head soft brown filament.
Identify the title and author:
A. “Love is Like a Red Rose” by Robert Burns
B. “Sonnet 130” by William Shakespeare
C. “Lady Lazarus: by Sylvia Plath
D. “Tonight” by Pablo Neruda
14. Gabi creates a book of poetry about the female body. This type of book is called a
A. Underground Magazine
B. Hip Hopera
C. Designer Collection
D. Zine
15. How many syllables are in a haiku?
A. 7/9/7
B. 3/5/3
C. 5/7/5
D. 5/7/9
16. At the end of the novel, (choose all that apply)
A. Gabi’s family supports her decision to go away to college
B. Gabi loses twenty pounds from diet and exercise
C. Tia Berta wear pants and lipstick
D. Martin breaks up with Gabi after they have sex
17. Write a well-crafted short response. In what ways does Gabi stand up for what she believes in, think for herself, and resist pressure to conform to expectations she doesn’t agree with. Use details from the novel to support your response.
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