Summary: Host a reception for the recipient of the UNMC’s Student Senate Distinguished Mentor and Teaching Awards as well as UNMC’s Student Senate Distinguished Student Award


·  Provide an event honoring the distinguished mentor, teacher, and student of the year

·  Provide for socialization and networking with among Senators, faculty, and students

Stakeholders: UNMC Student Senate, recipient of Student Senate Distinguished Mentor Award, Teaching Award, and Student Award

Detailed Proposal: The proposed date for the reception is pending per availability of the recipients. The event will be held in the Private Dining Rooms of University Tower. The reception will be held over the lunch hour. The recipient of the awards, the nominators, guests of the recipient’s choosing , Chancellor Gold, Vice Chancellors, the Dean of the College from which the recipient holds their faculty position, Dr. Carver, administrators, and all Senators will be invited. All attendees will be asked to RSVP to the event through Eventbrite to better gauge the number of guests attending. The expected number of attendees will be approximately 60-75. Hors D’Ouevres will be served starting 15 minutes prior to the event up until 5 minutes into the event. At 12:05pm attendees will take their seats and a full service lunch will commence. Dessert will be served at 12:40pm. Award presentation will begin at approximately 12:15pm. Comments will be made about the recipients from various people to be determined at a later date, with the presentation of the award following. Food (fruit and veggie Hors d’ouevres, salad, chicken/fish/vegetarian entrée, potato, vegetable, dessert) and drink will be catered by Sodexo Catering.


Food / 3,000.00
Tables / Included
Linen / Included
Drinks / Included
Service / Included
TOTAL / 3,000.00

Proposed Benefits

·  An event honoring the recipient of the Distinguished Mentor and Teaching Awards/Student Award

·  Encouraged socialization between Senators, administration, and faculty, and students.

Anticipated Issues/Risks/Complaints

The date chosen may not work for the recipients of the awards.

The date chosen may not work for all senators to attend, leading to poor attendance.

Senators will not be reminded of event and therefore will not attend.

Rebuttal to Issues/Risks/Complaints

-The date will be chosen in a timely manner, allowing those invited to plan accordingly in hopes to arrange schedules so they may attend the reception.

-The date will be determined between the dates mentioned above and there is a high likelihood that one of those dates will work for the recipient.

-The event will also fall over the lunch period of most of those on Senate, 12:00-1:00pm, thereby allowing the majority of Senate to be in attendance.

-An invitation will be sent out through Eventbrite which will confirm who is coming and what they will be eating. Student Senate will then have a list of attendees and, through the website, will be able to send out reminder emails a week before and one day before.

Date Approved by Activities Committee: 20170111

Date Approved by Executive Committee:

Date Approved/Denied by Senate at-large: