Dear North Stars Seminar Attendees,

CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU FOR ATTENDING MARY KAY SEMINAR 2015! If this is your first year at Seminar—you are in for an experience of a lifetime! There is nothing you have ever been to that can compare to this. I applaud you for investing in yourself and in your Mary Kay business! You are choosing to take your Mary Kay career seriously and attend one of the most educational and motivational experiences of your life! This is a detailed schedule to help you. Also, be sure to read through all the information for Seminar at, --go to “Events,” then “Special Events,” then “Seminar 2015”.

You belong to one of the most highly respected Mary Kay units in the Mary Kay world, a 20-time Circle of Achievement and Cadillac Unit! You will be wearing ribbons that identify you as such. People will be asking you questions, talking to and about you. They will be watching how you treat others, how courteous you are, how professional you look, and how you handle any negative type of situation. Your behavior and words will affect and be a reflection on our entire Unit and our future M.U.S.I.C. MAKERS National Area.

If this is your first year at Seminar, I encourage you to have a running buddy…someone who has been before. Also, select your friends carefully. Attitude is a choice. You have paid good money to attend. Get your money out of the experience. It will change your career forever.

Be aware of 2 pitfalls if this is your first seminar. #1 It is critical that you arrive on Sunday (by noon) and that you do not leave before 12:00pm on Wednesday, otherwise you miss a significant portion of Seminar. #2 Do not try to combine this with your family vacation. If your family would like to arrive after Seminar or you all come early and your family leaves by Sunday, that would be fine. To attempt to room with your children and entertain them is simply too much and you lose much of the benefit of Seminar.

I am so proud that you have made a choice to attend. I can promise you it will be one of the best choices you will ever make in your career.



Are you excited?! Even after 36 seminars I still get butterflies. I can hardly wait! Here is a checklist of things to do before leaving & a schedule of events.

Sunday, July 19 Day 0

YOU leave for Dallas for Seminar! You can arrange carpools (see attendee's list).

Dress code: Professional (no slacks) but comfortable—a summer dress or flowing skirt and nice blouse with hose or without hose and low heels is appropriate to pick up your packet.

9:00am-noon Arrive in Dallas! Arrive before noon in order to do all the fun things you want to do & not be rushed. Lunch is on your own—there should be food at the Convention Center.

10:00am-5:00pm Convention Center, Hall D — Registration/Class Schedule, Packet Pickup, Headset, Contest Booths, Mary Kay Expo, MK Connections, Information Booth. Take your confirmation packet and picture ID such as a drivers license to pick-up your registration packet. Prize Party for All-Stars, Class of 2015, & Paint the Town Red (must qualify to attend). Congrats to our All-Stars (4 Quarter Stars) who qualified to attend the All-Stars Prize Party!: Sara McCall, Tish Baggett, Wendy Barbosa, Nancy & Steve!

10:00-5:00pm Optional Classes throughout the day. See Class schedule.

10:00am–3:00pm Check in to your hotel— We should be able to check into our hotel by 3:00pm. We will be staying at the Embassy Suites Market Center, 2727 N Stemmons FwyDallas, TX, 75207 (214) 630-5332 You can check in your luggage at the hotel even before you check in at 3pm. When you check in, your luggage will be brought up to your room.

11:00am–3:00pm Tours-Lower C Lobby, Convention Center — Mary Kay Inc. Facility Tour
You can take the optional company tours of the Corporate Headquarters, Mary Kay Museum, or the manufacturing facility. These are fabulous tours! I highly recommend that you go on one or all of them. This is a must for your 1st time trip. All tours are free. The first tour bus leaves at 11:00am from the Convention Center. (Continuous bus service from Lower C lobby only, every 30 minutes.) You can also park at the Convention Center. ($10.00 per day) If you take a tour, please watch the time to be back at the Embassy Suites for our unit kickoff.

3:00pm Meet at Nancy’s hotel room for Surprises! (Sarah—be dressed for the Reception before coming to Nancy’s room. You won’t have time to change before we leave for the Reception)

3:30pm Nancy, Steve, and Sarah leave for the Emerald Go-Give Area Reception. Congratulations to Sarah Williams! You are in the Emerald Go-Give Area Princess Court for the 2nd time!!! WOOHOO!

4:00pm–5:00pm Emerald Go-Give Awards Reception (invitation only) -- Congratulations to Sarah Williams, and Nancy & Steve who qualified to attend! You will receive dinner at the reception. Ballroom A Lobby.

4:00pm-5:00pm Everyone else, dinner on your own if not attending Go-Give Awards Reception.

5:30pm–8pm Emerald Go-Give Area Celebration—Hall A. We will all sit together.

Dress: After-5 attire. Meet there by 5:15pm and look for Nancy, Steve, & Sarah at the front of Hall A door.

Monday, July 20 Day 1

Dress Code: All Consultants who are not Red Jackets—you will want to wear a black suit with a white blouse, black hose (hose is optional IF you have cute legs!), black professional pumps or heeled sandals. Red Jackets & above will wear black skirt, white blouse, black hose, black pumps/sandals & of course your Red Jacket & appropriate jewelry. DIQs wear a Black Blouse and Company Scarf. Also, wear your Mary Kay pin, your Unit North Star pin, Star Consultant Ladder of Success pin, and Team Building pin enhancer.

6:30am—7:30am Breakfast—enjoy your Free full breakfast at the hotel. Breakfast will also be served at the Convention Center if you choose to eat there. This is included in your registration fee already.

8:30am–11:30am Seminar 2015 begins! BE ON TIME! You want to be there for the Opening! We have assigned seating; look on your name badge for your seat location. Hall F.

11:00am-2:00pm Mary Kay Expo & ALL-STAR Prize Party—Hall D.

12:00pm–1:15pm Pink Cadillac Units Luncheon—As a Cadillac Unit, Hall C is designated as the exclusive Cadillac Dining area for us to have our lunch! You get special privileges as a Cadillac Unit!! Be sure to have your Cadillac ribbon on to be admitted to this dining area.

12:00pm–1:15pm “All-Star” Luncheon (invitation only), Congratulations to Nancy & Steve who have earned this exclusive Luncheon! Ballroom A.

1:45pm–4:00pm General Session Hall F

4:15pm-5:00pm Director’s Meeting Hall F

7:30pm–10:30pm Our Unit Awards Night! This is YOUR TIME to shine—your accomplishments for ALL YEAR will be CELEBRATED! Embassy Suites Hotel Magnolia I Ballroom.

Tuesday, July 21 Day 2

Dress Code: Same as Thursday

6:30am—7:30am Breakfast—enjoy your Free full breakfast at the hotel or at the Convention Center.

8:00am-noon MK Connections, Mary Kay Expo Hall D

8:30am–11:30am Career Development Classes See Class Schedule

11:00am-1:15pm Box Lunch Handout Hall TBD

1:45pm-2:45pm Royalty Reception (invitation only) Ballroom C Nancy & Steve will be here.

2:45pm—North Stars Group Pictures in Arena Lobby. BE ON TIME!

3:00pm-7:30pm Awards Show Hall F

BE ON TIME for Awards Night! Whatever you do, don’t miss the opening—be in your seat no later than 2:55pm!! IT’S SPECTACULAR! After-5 Attire. Dress dressy - but comfortable - You may wear evening gown attire if you wish, however it is not required. TRULY A NIGHT THAT DREAMS ARE BORN! You cannot over dress!

8:00pm – 9pm—NORTH STARS UNIT AFTER-PARTY PIZZA PARTY! In Nancy & Steve’s Suite. All North Stars!!

Wednesday, July 26 Day 3

Dress Code: Same as Thursday

Free Breakfast at the hotel

9:30am – noon Closing General Session Hall F

11:30am – 2pm – MK Connections open

12:00pm – 2pm — Head home. Psyche yourself up to meet the real world. Write goals, study notes on the way home. Lunch on your own.

Day 0—Sunday, July 19 :

The Mary Kay Building and Manufacturing Tours

Don’t miss your chance to visit the beautiful international headquarters of Mary Kay Inc. Tour the magnificent, historical Mary Kay® Museum and the beautiful lobby that reflects the elegance and success of this great Company. The Mary Kay Restaurant at the Mary Kay® World Headquarters building will be open on Day 0 from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. serving a limited menu.

Tour the state-of-the-art Manufacturing and Research and Development facilities. See how products are made and packaged with the most up-to-date technology in the business. If you plan to tour the Manufacturing facility, please keep safety in mind. Since shoes worn in this facility must protect the entire foot and heel, open-toed or open-heeled shoes, including sandals and mules, are not permitted. For your comfort, we suggest you wear shoes that are comfortable for walking.

Your family is welcome to tour both facilities. Name badges are not required. No parking is available at either location. Continuous shuttle service will be provided from the Lower C Lobby of the Dallas Convention Center on Day 0 from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. The last bus will depart the Mary Kay Building at 3.

Photographs are allowed at both locations, so be sure to bring your camera.

Due to the high volumes of expected visitors, there will be no shuttles running between the two facilities. You will have to return to the Convention Center to before taking a second tour. They do not take reservations this year and there may not be time for both tours.

The Mary Kay Tour line - (972) 687-5720. For questions regarding tours, contact Ann Burt, Museum Assistant, at (972) 687-4024


____ Are you registered for Seminar? Information is on your MK Intouch Web site. Print off all pertinent information and take it with you. All you need to pick up your registration packet at the convention center is your driver’s license or your consultant ID card that has your consultant number. You must have this or some form of identification (i.e. driver’s license) to be able to pick up your registration packet at the conference. A director or anyone else is not allowed to pick up a consultant’s packet. There is alot of information at Click on the Seminar icon and print off. Read carefully before you go. DO NOT LOSE your registration packet or Name Badge - it will cost you $50 to $175 to get another one.

_____Money for:

____hotel room

____gas & parking at hotel (divided equally to reimburse the driver – please offer this for your driver as a courtesy; don’t wait for them to ask!)

____tips—recommended tips: Luggage: $1 per bag, $2 minimum

____Sunday breakfast, lunch, and dinner

____Monday Dinner—Our North Star Unit Awards & Banquet - $38.00.

Please invite your Spouse, Significant Other, friends, customers to join us on Monday night, July 20th. I must have your headcount and CHECK IN HAND or deposited into my Propay Account, by Wednesday, July 15th at the latest!! Make $38.00 check payable to: Nancy North. Please mail right away to:

Nancy North

6804 Vallecito Drive

Austin, TX 78759

____Tuesday dinner

____Wednesday lunch

(Your registration fee includes lunch in Convention Center for Monday & Tuesday)


_____Camera or Phone camera

_____Red Jacket uniform (if you are a Red Jacket and above) - red jacket, white blouse, black skirt, black hose, black pumps.

_____DIQ uniform – red jacket, black blouse, company scarf, black skirt, black hose, black pumps.

_____Everyone else “Professional business” attire—black suit, or black skirt & white blouse, with hose (optional), shoes (i.e. professional pumps). Let’s all look and act like the $Million Dollar Unit that we are by wearing our Black Suits! Please remember that SEMINAR is an official Mary Kay function. Slacks, culottes, pantsuits, flip-flops, tennis shoes, are inappropriate.

_____Your awards!- North Star Unit pin, Mary Kay pin, Ladder of Success pin, Pin Enhancer, etc.

Do I owe you anything?? (I’ll have Unit pins there.)

_____Comfortable shoes (must be professional. Open & close-toed are fine as long as they are professional. A low heel is fine; just no casual sandals or tennis shoes!!). (If you plan to tour the manufacturing plant, closed-toe & closed-heeled FLAT shoes required!)

_____Notebook & pen

_____Tote bag

_____Recorder (optional)

_____Mints but NOT GUM!

_____Credit cards

_____Healthy snacks

_____Cash for tipping

_____Kleenex tissue

_____Rest before you go. You don’t get much sleep, and you’re too excited to rest when you get there.


_____Read all enclosed literature carefully, including the Seminar Information online.

_____Please remember you have paid good money for this experience. In order to maximize your return, remain positive and only hang around excited, positive people. Yes, you will get tired, you will get hot, and your feet will hurt. Prepare to expect situations to occur and think through how you will handle them before they do occur.

Estimated expenses for Seminar:


Registration by July 1st: / $195-$225
Hotel: / Embassy Suites 3 Nights
Based on 3/room=$206
Based on 4/room=$154.50
(Includes Tax) / $154.50-
Tipping: / Hotel bellman or airport skycap – Luggage: $1 per bag, $2 minimum.
Hotel doorman – Securing cab, $1. Luggage on arrival and departure, 50 cents per bag. Big Suitcase $1.
Hotel maid – A gracious gesture to your maid at the end of your stay should be a $2-per-day gratuity shared by the Beauty Consultants in the room.
Cab driver – 15 percent of fare.
Waiter/waitress – Fair service: 10 percent of total check. Good service: 15 percent of total check. Excellent service: 20 percent of total check. / $20
Meals: / All Breakfasts –FREE at the Embassy Suites!
Breakfast lunch provided on Thursday and Friday at the Convention Center.
You will need money for all meals for Wednesday, our Unit Awards Banquet ticket for Monday night, dinner on Friday, lunch on Saturday. / $100
Travel: / A group of consultants will be driving to Dallas from Austin on Sunday morning. You can share gas expenses (approx. $25 per person) or you can fly to Dallas. / $25
Parking: / FREE at the Embassy Suites!
Any souveniers, sales aids, are extra.
(NOT including the $195 registration fee, which you have already paid, it’s $334) / $299.50-$351.00