August 09, 2017

To whom it may concern,

Subject: Request for Qualifications, Construction Manager at Risk

Your group has been selected to offer qualifications for scoring to provide construction services for the partial renovation of the existing Fairbanks Community Mental Health Center at 3830 South Cushman Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701. The work will consist at minimum of the Base Bid Design included in the attached FNA Head Start Concept Design and includes a new water service, new entire building sprinkler system and the remodel of approximately 6400 square feet of existing first floor office space into four Head Start classrooms and will require:

  • Demolition of nonstructural and selective structural interior walls
  • Demolition of floor, wall, and ceiling finishes
  • Selective demolition at exterior walls
  • Selective electrical and mechanical demolition
  • Installation of a new sprinkler system for the entire building
  • Installation of a new water service
  • Construction of new walls
  • Installation of new electrical and mechanical components
  • Installation of new exterior doors and windows in existing walls
  • Installation of new floor, wall, and ceiling finishes

Work beyond the Base Bid Design as described in the Additive Alternates #1 Design andAdditive Alternates #2 Design in the attached FNA Head Start Concept Design may be included in the project at the Owner’s discretion and availability of construction funding.The building will not be occupied untilafter renovation work is completed.

The selected contractor is expected to actively support the owner and design team to complete the project from the current concept level. Construction Management services during the design phases include:

  • Provide a preliminary cost estimate and constructability review as soon as possible after being contracted
  • Provide ongoing input on opportunities for cost and schedule efficiencies
  • Provide a guaranteed maximum price at 95%

Final construction contract will be with:

Fairbanks Native Association

605 Hughes Avenue, Suite 100

Fairbanks, AK 99701

The project will be funded by multiple (?) grants. Subject to federal, environmental, procurement, equal opportunity, and wage and hiring laws. (Davis/Bacon with Certified Payroll)

Proposals shall address the following selection criteria:

1.Contractor Firm Qualifications (20 points)

  1. Describe the ownership, history, and experience of the firm. How long has the firm been in business? How long has the firm been established in Alaska? Where are the firm’s main and ancillary offices located?
  2. Describe the firm’s overall capacity and resources to perform the work within the timeframe identified in this RFQ. Identify any distinct and substantive qualifications for undertaking the proposed contract.
  3. Provide qualifications of key personnel to be involved in this project. (Superintendent, Project Manager). Provide (3) professional references for each person. Identify specifically who will be on-site full time during construction. Provide office location of project manager.

2.Past Performance / Relevant Project Experience (30 points)

  1. Demonstrate that the firm has the relevant experience to perform the services required of this project.
  2. Describe up to 5 similar and/or relevant projects that have been completed in the last 10 years in Alaska with a focus on the Fairbanks area
  3. Provide a physical description, project date, project team members involved, and total contract value.
  4. Discuss the similarities and relevance of listed projects. Describe unique challenges and opportunities your company addressed in the projects, and how those lessons can be applied to this project.
  5. Include an Owner and Designer reference for each project including a name and current telephone number.

3.Project Approach / Management Plan (30 points)

  1. Provide a work plan demonstrating your approach to this project. How will communications be handled with the Owner, the Owner’s Project Manager, and Design Project Manager? How will major subcontractors be selected? How much of the work is anticipated to be self-performed?
  2. Provide a description of your company’s approach to quality control.
  3. Discuss what you see to be the primary challenges of this project and your approach to meeting those challenges.
  4. Describe the firm’s ability to minimize change orders, assess and minimize risks, minimize costs associated with the distance between the project and major metropolitan areas of the State.
  5. How will your firm approach the owners goal of beginning the building project this construction season what are the key elements to focus on for meeting this goal?
  6. For this project, list your profit margin and administrative overhead cost as a percentage of the total construction cost.
  7. For this project, list your proposed markup on subcontracted work.

4.Safety Record (10 points)

  1. Briefly describe your firm’s approach to safety.
  2. Provide your current Workman’s Compensation Insurance Multiplier
  3. The Workman’s Compensation Insurance Multiplier must be provided in a letter from the proposer’s insurance company. The letter will not count against the maximum page limit.

5.References (20 points)

References listed in Criteria No. 2 above will be contacted to confirm your company’s record of conforming to contract requirements, schedules, cost control, change orders, quality of workmanship, and reasonable behavior and commitment to client satisfaction.


Selection Criterion / Maximum Points
1. / Contractor Firm Qualifications / 20
2. / Past Performance/Relevant Project Experience / 30
4. / Project Approach/Management Plan / 30
5. / Safety Record / 10
6. / References / 20
Total possible points / 110

If interested please provide a response to this request by 5pm August 21, 2017. Place documents into a sealed envelope and deliver to main office front desk at 605 Hughes Avenue, Ste 100 Fairbanks, Alaska 99701.

Please call or email with any questions to (907)452-1648 ext 6248


Steve Ginnis

Executive Director

605 Hughes Avenue, Suite 100 Fairbanks, AK 99701

* Phone 907-452-1648* Fax 907-456-4148 *