Present: Alison Smith – Chair (EB), Helen Birkinshaw (Brackenhill Primary), Helen Foakes (Brackenhill Primary), Lisa Knight (Sandy Lane Primary), Sue Lawrence (Sandy Lane Primary), Christine Thompson (Knowleswood Primary), Catherine Wellington (Knowleswood Primary), Karen Roper (Behaviour Support Service), Asrar Qayum (Lapage Primary), Sannah Malik (Lapage Primary), Jill O’Donnell (Lidget Green Primary), Sherrie Lake (Lidget Green Primary), Chantelle Mavor (Westbourne Primary), Anna Robinson (SEBD Team – Children’s Services), Hilary Gornall (Eastburn J and I), Elspeth Barfoot (Eastburn J and I), Gillian Dyson (Oxenhope CE Primary), Angie Crossley (St Joseph’s Primary, Keighley) Jenny McGuinness (St Joseph’s Primary, Keighley), Dawn George (Lower Fields Primary), Carli George (Lower Fields Primary), Angela Jacques (Home Farm Primary), Amy Dent (Lister Primary), David Neen (Holybrook Primary), Karen Goldthorpe (Holybrook Primary), Anwen Thompson (Thornton Primary), Nicola Stephenson (Thornton Primary), Deborah Traynor (Thornton Primary), Suhaib Khan (Whetley Academy), Tom Nowakowski (Whetley Academy), Danielle Ainsworth (Whetley Academy), Graham Thorpe (Hanson Academy), Guddy Ara (Hanson Academy), Janice Hiley (Hollingwood Primary)

Apologies: Kelly Booth (Oakbank School), Gillian Pedley (Riddlesden St Mary’s Primary), Dawn Peacock (Parkland Primary), Elizabeth Midgley (Ingrow Primary).

Apologies from secondary provision – secondary beginning to express interest in developing Nurture (Samuel Lister, Hanson, Laisterdyke)

Item / Notes
1 / Introductions and Welcomes
2 / Linking EYFS Assessment with Boxall
Lapage – Nurture Quality Mark and working with SEBD to develop a nurturing school.
3 / Linking with Colleagues at Fearnville – how are things going?
·  starting re-integration with 5 pupils – down to 4 as one has left
·  pupils self-refer just to check in but are back in days
·  thinking about giving a slot where pupils can come to check in
Continuation of link important.
What are you providing that is addition and different? Key points.
4 / Re-integration to Class: Karen Roper
·  links with short and long term provision
·  re-integration scale – breaks down like Boxall
·  using one child from each Centre for study to see how tool works
·  use at point of re-integration when Nurture Group practitioners fell the child is ready
·  tool was used in study by Centre Managers on children who they thought were ready
·  if there is a wide variety at point of re-integration – look at it
·  a dialogue with the child and then perspective on questions is necessary – it’s pupil voice which informs practice
·  can’t isolate tool as it’s part of everything else
·  other important factors
–  pupil motivation to return
–  systems in place
–  individual timetable
–  where they’re going to has to have changed
·  expecting children to just drop back into school after being ‘fixed’
·  expectations around re-integration have to be clear and matched
·  process of re-integration is important
·  pupil voice is key aspect of feeding into process
·  moving on – document
·  using a re-integration plan and having that meeting is really crucial
·  finally got them in, then you have to track it. Use tool to assess moving on
·  tracking back after a year – looking at the reasons for initial referral and have things changed? More positive/negative/no change
·  check out recent Ofsted – can you tell the story of the child? Can you map all the areas?
·  joining up pupil – Nurture Group, Class Teacher in terms of re-integration
·  important for the child to understand what skills they need to develop and how they progress
·  scores of settings can be so different. Why?
·  Pupil voice – key to process
·  negative image of themselves as a learner and person
·  initial baseline assessment important. Gives teachers a clearer perspective through tool of where they are at with the child
·  this tool is useful practice to provide a plan approach to re-integration
·  St Joseph’s (Keighley) Ofsted
–  Written evidence of impact once fully re-integrated into school
–  Teacher Bocall
–  3 months down the road – evidence
–  Boxall data and impact
·  compare initial data with re-integration data shows progress and impact
·  tell the story of the developmental journey
·  one problem – different teacher in September – different view. How do you keep it consistent and fair?
·  self-evaluation using tool to inform development of Nurture Group
·  these children are owned by the class – teachers should teach all children
·  platinum transition model for June/July – September/October. Extra support to ensure successful transition back in
·  predominantly top heavy with boys in Nurture Group of schools present
·  Ofsted demonstrate the provision. Why have you done what you have done? Tell the story alongside data, case studies – clear files
·  Ideally files should go to secondary
·  There is a secondary Boxall aged 14 upwards
·  Training for completing Boxall is essential and two people to complete
·  Caroline Hal? Learning difficulties assessment – come to tell Nurture Group Network meeting
·  Assessment to identify working memory for example
5 / Update from Yorkshire Network
17/07/14 – conference at Ossett Holiday Inn
·  national speakers and workshops
·  want a small group to represent at these Yorkshire meetings. This is to ensure a representative from Bradford is always there.
6 / Questions/News?
7 / Proposed dates of future meetings
Date / Time / Place
Friday 21 March 2014 / 09.30 – 11.00 am / Parkland Primary School
Friday 16 May 2014 / 09.30 – 11.00 am / Ingrow Primary School
Friday 27 June 2014 / 09.30 – 11.00 am / Whetley Primary School
There was the usual opportunity to stay on after the end of the meeting to network with colleagues/ask questions/consider assignments, etc.

Bradford Nurture Group Contact: Alison Smith - Mobile 07718025014

- E-mail

- Admin: Linda Whittingham (01274 385616)